Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1668: : Lingying Fruit

Lei Yu Demon King said: "There is a way to find wealth and wealth and danger. If you don’t take risks, you will not gain much. I also agree with the idea of ​​the Phoenix Spirit Demon King. It’s just that this monster is powerful, and we are afraid that it is not an opponent. Prepare in advance so that you don’t steal the chicken and lose your rice."

The purple cicada demon king said: "What the two demon kings said is that we need to inquire about the situation before we go, so as not to be caught off guard. In other skills, only this escape technique is quite accomplished. I'll leave the matter to me, so please be patient."

After speaking, the figure of the Purple Cicada Demon King disappeared in a flash. No one of the other five Yuan Ying cultivators could see clearly, what method was used by the Purple Cicada Demon King, and how it disappeared under everyone's eyes. Yes, just as the Purple Cicada Demon King said, his secret technique of concealing flying is a must. It can be seen that there is no one who can pass the pre-selection of the All Souls Association.

I have been working together for nearly a year. Everyone knows a little bit about the escape technique of the Purple Cicada Demon King, but no one was surprised by it. If the Purple Cicada Demon King went to inquire about the news, this matter was much safer. The people found a hidden place nearby waiting for news.

Half an hour later, a purple shadow flashed, and the Purple Cicada Demon King reappeared in front of everyone, but he looked a little embarrassed at this time, but it can also be thought that the fourth floor of the Nascent Infant wants to be on the ninth level of the Nascent Infant. It's not easy to retreat all over the body, even if the technique of concealment is superb.

Although the state of the Purple Cicada Demon King was a little embarrassed, there was a trace of flushing on his face. It seemed that he had found useful news this time. When the Demon King Fukuyama saw it, he couldn't wait to ask: "The Demon King Purple Cicada, you What news did you inquire over there?"

The Purple Cicada Demon King took a sigh of relief, and said, "Everyone is not bad. There is indeed a Tier 12 monster in front of you. According to my observation, it should be a celestial mouse equivalent to the 9th floor of Nascent Soul. It not only perceives Powerful and extremely good at flying, my concealment technique can even be concealed by the Yuan Ying Consummation monk under normal circumstances, but this time he was discovered just within a thousand feet of him, and initiated it to me at the first time. If it weren’t for the attack, if I didn’t react fast enough, the Rat Beast didn’t intend to chase it back that day, maybe I’ll explain it there this time.”

We have been together for nearly a year. Everyone has a certain understanding of the secret technique and escape technique of the Purple Cicada Demon King. Even the Purple Cicada Demon King was almost unable to return. It can be seen that the demon king is powerful and they also listened to it. I have said that the name of the sky mouse beast is indeed amazing, and its flying ability is beyond ordinary. Among the several demon kings present, except for the purple cicada demon king, the other thunder feather demon king and the phoenix spirit demon king, they are all good at flying. No one dares to pat his chest and say that he can compare to the other in terms of speed.

When encountering such a strong sky mouse beast, everyone is a little careless, it is the end of the group, no matter how good the treasure is, it must be fate. If the treasure is not obtained, it will die in the hands of the mouse beast that day , But the gain is not worth the loss, and everyone's expectations are much lower for a while.

Fukuyama Demon King was not so pessimistic, saying, "Didn’t the Thunder Feather Demon King also say it before? Wealth and wealth are in danger. The greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. The Purple Cicada Demon King has touched his lair. That Beast refused to leave. Doesn't it prove that there are things he valued very much?"

The Phoenix Spirit Demon King said: "It is true. There is no shortage of good things in this Myriad Souls Secret Realm. Things that can be highly valued by the ninth-layer Sky Rats of the Nascent Soul are also worth our risk."

The purple cicada demon king said: "Everyone is right. Although I was nearly a thousand feet away from the rat beast's lair that day, I saw the treasure he was protecting. What do you know?"

"What the **** is it? Don't stop our appetite." Zhenjun Zhumo couldn't help but say.

The Purple Cicada Demon King smiled slightly and said, "The Rat Beast guarded a spiritual baby tree that day."

"Spirit baby tree? Did you actually find the spirit baby tree?" Lei Yu Demon King asked in shock.

The Purple Cicada Demon King said faintly: "Yes, I have carefully identified it. It is indeed the legendary spiritual baby tree with four fruits on it, two of which are close to maturity. The rat beast was guarding it that day. Those two fruits that were about to ripen did not come out to chase me."

There is actually a spiritual baby fruit tree here, and it also bears four fruits, and two of them are close to maturity. After hearing this news, everyone has been mentally prepared, and the shortness of breath and heartbeat speeded up. Unexpectedly, the legendary The thing was actually caught up by them.

This Lingying fruit is similar in name to Mingying fairy fruit, and the degree of rareness is similar, but they are two completely different things. Mingying fairy fruit is something that Jindan cultivators break through, and its rarity is not much worse than that of the pregnant fruit. Yang didn’t use Mingying’s fairy fruit because he had eight spiritual roots, and there were few bottlenecks after Yuanying. But for the vast majority of Jindan cultivators in the world of cultivation, the bottleneck between Jindan and Yuanying is rare, so Ming Baby fairy fruit is what they dream of.

When Qingyang was still on the mainland of Kyushu, the Seven Great Immortals launched a powerful force to fight the Yinfeng Gorge Monster Beast for a vain Mingying Fairy Fruit. As a result, they suffered both defeats and were ultimately profited and harmed by the Blood Demon Cult fisherman. Qingyang fled Qingfeng Temple and walked away from the Middle Sand Region and Ancient Wind Continent, which shows how high the status of Mingying Fairy Fruit is among the monks.

The Lingying Fruit is used to improve cultivation ~www.readwn.com~ The reason why he can be compared with Mingying Fairy Fruit is because Lingying Fruit has a great effect on the cultivation of Yuanying monks. It is said that Lingying Fruit is completely It was born for the Nascent Soul monk to improve his cultivation level. A Spirit Infant fruit can be used to cultivate the Nascent Soul for a hundred years without any side effects. Not to mention the others present, even if they just used the Pregnancy Divine Fruit to forcibly improve their cultivation. Qing Yang, there is no big problem in taking that Ling Ying Guo directly.

You must know that even if a monk Yuan Ying does not rely on foreign objects, it will take three to four hundred years to improve one level of cultivation, and the fruit of the spirit infant can last for a hundred years of hard cultivation. Aside from the divine fruit of pregnancy, it can increase the monk of the element infant by 10%. The effect of the breakthrough probability is not mentioned. In terms of the energy contained in it alone, although the effect of a spiritual baby fruit is not as good as the pregnant fruit, it is equivalent to a half of the pregnant fruit, not to mention the spiritual baby fruit has no side effects. , The attraction to the Yuan Ying monks is not much less than the pregnant **** fruit.

Legend has it that the Lingying fruit tree can only bloom for thousands of years, and the flowering may be sequential, but a plant only has nine flowers in total, and each bears only one fruit, which means that a Lingying fruit tree can grow into nine fruits. Nine fruits are the limit of this spirit infant fruit tree.

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