Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1669: : Discussing the treasure

However, although the Lingying fruit tree is good, it requires extremely high growth conditions. Special planting is not alive. It has been extinct in the world of immortality for many years. Qingyang and others have only heard of it, but have never seen a real Lingying fruit. , But I didn't expect to see it in this Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm this time.

Before, everyone was envious of Qingyang's deep background, and he could actually prepare in advance the treasures of heaven and earth that can quickly improve his cultivation level, specifically to deal with the pre-selection of the Wan Linghui, wouldn't he also encounter it now? If these spirit infant fruits are given to one person, wouldn't they also be able to improve most of their cultivation base?

This kind of good thing, you can't miss anything, Lei Yu Demon King said: "It is the good fortune of a few of us to be able to meet the legendary thing like Lingyingguo here. God will not take the blame, I am going to take the blame. What do you think of that twelfth-tier sky rat beast for a while?"

Fukuyama Demon King said: "When I wait for the monks to fight for fate with the heavens, the chance and the future are all won by myself. If you have more time to cultivate to the Consummation of the Nasal Infant, you will have more chance of becoming a God, and a soul-infant fruit can save A hundred years of cultivation time is definitely worth our go for a try."

The Phoenix Spirit Demon King said: "I also agree to grab the spirit infant fruit, but there are two issues that need to be resolved before going. One is how can we beat the Tier 12 sky mouse beast and **** it from his mouth. The spirit infant fruit, the second is that the Purple Cicada Demon King just said that the spirit infant fruit tree only bears four fruits, only two are close to maturity, so many of us are not easy to divide."

The two mentioned by the Phoenix Spirit Demon King are very practical problems. Although their team is strong, they still have difficulty in defeating the twelfth-tier sky rat beast. They are trying to seize the treasure, not to die. , Definitely have to think of a good way in advance to make sure of everything. As for the second question, it is mainly because they have a large number of them, and there are only two fruits. It is a difficult problem to give to whom and not to give. Even if everyone is evenly divided, how can we be fair? How to ensure that the spiritual power is not lost during distribution?

Lei Yu Demon King pondered: "With the strength of the few of us, we might not be able to kill the Rat Beast on the day, but it is still possible to hold him for a while. This year, everyone has not encountered much danger. Some of the methods of pressing the bottom of the box have not been used. Now if you want to get the spirit infant fruit, you can no longer hide it. Everyone talks about what to do."

The Demon King Fukuyama smiled slightly and said: "I have no other skills, but I have a better attack and defense than everyone else. It seems that this task of facing the attack of the celestial rat is impossible."

Feng Ling Demon King said: "The Fushan Demon King is definitely not the opponent of the Rat Beast that day. Our Feng Ling clan's defensive power is also pretty good. You and I will join hands in this main attack."

Lei Yu Demon King looked at the Purple Cicada Demon King next to him, and said: "Our two defensive abilities are slightly worse than those, but the attack is sharper and the speed is fast. We will be responsible for containing the rat that day. Beast, so that he can't attack everyone with all his strength."

True Monarch of Zhumo: "Not only are Daoist Qingyang and I the lowest in strength, but also far less defensive than the demon cultivators. We can only assist by the side, but we also have good methods. I heard about the sound waves of the sky mouse beast. Attacks with the gods are very powerful. I have a few previously refined gadgets that can defend against sonic and gods attacks to a certain extent, and give you self-defense."

After speaking, Zhenjun Zhumo took out a few navy blue jade charms and gave them to the other five people. Although Qingyang was not very proficient in the art of refining, he could still see them. Although these jade charms were of different levels It's too high, but it's still a bit useful. It might save lives at critical moments.

When it was Qingyang's turn, he opened his mouth and said: "I don't have any good things, so let's give you some pills that I refine to supplement the true essence and heal injuries. I hope it can help you all."

Then Qing Yang also took out some pills and distributed them to the other five people. These pills were not worth anything to Qing Yang. As long as they had the materials, they could practice as many as they wanted, but for the other cultivators present, they were very good. It’s a rare good thing. The Demon King Lei Yu looked at the few pills in his hand and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “Friend of Daoist Qingyang is indeed a person who even worships the emperor of the wisteria alchemy. This alchemy is admirable. I am afraid that safety will fall on you."

Qing Yang said: "The pill matter is on my body, but I think this matter is still a bit weird. We were attracted by the roar of the sky rat beast. Why did the rat beast get angry that day? It's very possible. It was another group of people who angered him before, so when we deal with the beasts, we must also guard against people to avoid the cranes and the clams competing for the profit of the fisherman."

The purple cicada demon king said: "When I rushed to the sky mouse beast's lair, I didn't find any abnormality. Maybe it was just that he was irritated by a certain ignorant monster and roared unconsciously. Besides, not everyone has my concealment. Ability, even if there is another group of people, they must have been scared away by the sky mouse beast early, and it is impossible to find the spirit infant fruit if the distance is too far."

Lei Yu Demon King nodded and said: "What the Purple Cicada Demon King said is reasonable, but it is not wrong to be careful. In case someone snatches the spirit baby fruit while we are desperately fighting with the sky mouse beast, aren't we bamboo baskets? Fetching water for nothing? When fighting, I asked Zhumo and Qingyang to be more vigilant."

"No problem, this matter is left to the two of us." Zhumo Zhenjun said.

Everyone quickly discussed how to deal with the rat beast that day, but there is no discussion about how to distribute the spirit infant fruit~www.readwn.com~ The main reason is that they have not actually seen something. At this time, it is too early to say this, anyway. Everyone had an agreement before, and it would be a big deal for the six people to split evenly.

It is also the boldness of the art masters, and the six outstanding demon spirit domains will naturally not let go of an opportunity to quickly improve their cultivation level, even if they have to share evenly with the others present. After making a decision, the few people prepared for a while, and then led the way by the Purple Cicada Demon King, and carefully moved towards the front.

As the Purple Cicada Demon King said, not everyone has his concealment ability. Even though they and his party have been very careful, they were discovered just when the rat beast was more than three thousand feet away that day. The mouse beast seemed to feel that their group was not good. Both eyes stared in the direction of Qing Yang and the others. There were cold light in their eyes and angry roars in their mouths, seeming to threaten Qing Yang and others not to near.

However, since Qingyang and the others have decided to come to capture the Spirit Infant Fruit, they will certainly not be intimidated by the threat of the Sky Rat, let alone give up halfway. They are heartbroken, and suddenly speed up, facing the rat beast that day. The nest is close.

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