Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1670: : Fukuyama Youkai

Seeing that the threat was useless, the mouse beast was completely angry that day, really toasting and not eating the fine wine, if it weren't for the few spirit fruits, would you let them move around? Since these people don’t know if they have to come to die, don’t blame him for being rude. These people are also good food for him, no worse than the few spirit fruits on the side of his lair. If you eat it personally, and add those spirit fruits, you might be able to advance again.

Although Warcraft is not very intelligent, many things are clear. It can judge the strength gap between the two sides. Although these people combined can pose a certain threat to themselves, their individual strength is far worse than their own. It is not to defeat them. Difficult. Moreover, the energy contained in each person is much stronger than the spiritual fruit he is guarding. Although it is more difficult to digest, once he digests all these people, he may evolve to the thirteenth level. Once the advancement is successful , His own strength will be greatly improved, it is no problem to dominate this area, thinking of this, the anxiety in the rat beast's heart that day disappeared, and even hoped that these people would come forward.

Seeing that the rat beast was unkind that day, Qingyang and the others knew that everyone was about to face a fierce battle, but if you want to get the benefits, you must pay the corresponding price. This is inevitable and you can only do your best. Be prepared so as not to lose out in the upcoming battle.

On that day, the rat beast was also prepared while waiting. Seeing that several people were less than a thousand feet away from him, the rat beast suddenly disappeared from the place that day. At the same time, the Fushan Demon King and the Fengling Demon King who were walking in the front Feeling a powerful and almost desperate energy hitting them, the two dared not neglect, and they quickly used the means of pressing the bottom of the box to resist.

The speed of the rat beast was so fast that day, many people did not see how he disappeared from the place and how quickly he approached everyone. They could only feel the danger approaching, that is, the Fukuyama Demon King and others. Knowing that this battle is not easy to fight, I have made sufficient preparations before I come, so that I will not be caught off guard in the face of this situation.

As soon as the Fukuyama Demon King and the Phoenix Spirit Demon King had dealt with it, the Rat Beast’s attack had already arrived that day, and two huge afterimages of claws appeared out of thin air and attacked them respectively.

They also did not expect that the sky mouse beast is so big, seeing these people are too weak in their own strength, they are actually planning to attack two at the same time, but because of this, the sky mouse beast's attacks are a little scattered, making the Fukuyama Demon King or Feng The Spirit Demon King does not need to face this first wave of attacks alone.

But even so, the attack energy contained in each huge paw shadow cannot be underestimated, and it is no less powerful than a normal Nascent Soul Seventh or Eighth layer monk. Seeing that the huge paw shadow is about to fall on the head, then Fushan The Demon King's figure flickered, revealing his own body.

The body of the Fukuyama Demon King is a giant bear, with a body like a mountain, standing on the ground a full dozen feet high, extremely mighty, but his body is huge and round, his black and white hair is well-defined, plus round eyes, round The round ears seem to have a touch of cuteness.

Although Fukuyama Demon King is a demon cultivator, he also knows how to use treasures. He doesn't intend to use his body to resist. He doesn't know when he has a magic weapon made of a purple spirit bamboo that is nearly ten feet long. He swept towards the huge afterimage of the claw, and then heard a loud boom, the afterimage of the claw collapsed, and the Fukuyama Demon King was so shaken that he stepped back several steps in a row, and finally got his heels steady, but The blood in the body was tumbling endlessly, and it was obviously at a disadvantage in the response just now.

On the other side, the Phoenix Spirit Demon King has already revealed its body. It is a phoenix spirit bird with a body length of more than ten feet. Its feather feathers are extremely gorgeous. The phoenix spirit bird is not a true spirit phoenix, but there is a phoenix in its body. The bloodline is the family with the most Phoenix True Spirit bloodline in the entire demon spirit realm.

This Phoenix Spirit Demon King was able to pass the pre-selection of the All Souls Society, naturally it is not easy to be born with. Seeing that huge claws are about to come, her wings shook, and she let out a clear cry, suddenly a cloud of colorful glow appeared in the sky. On her body, it looks even more beautiful.

At this time, the huge claws had also caught the Phoenix Spirit Demon King's body, and the colorful glow continued to flicker, forcing the huge claws to slow down. After all, the colorful glow could not withstand the claw's attack, and it dissipated after struggling. Then the paw caught the Feng Ling Demon King.

However, the energy of the claws was almost consumed. The Phoenix Spirit Demon King's body defense power was amazing. Although the claws caught her body, it did not hurt her body. He just received a heavy blow. The body went down and almost got out of the air. It fell to the ground, and the huge claw disappeared.

Judging from the first wave of attacks, the rat beast actually had the upper hand when it was one enemy and two. Both the Fushan Demon King and the Fengling Demon King were almost injured. It seems that this battle is really not easy to fight.

Seeing that his attack was missed, the Rat Beast seemed to be dissatisfied with the result that day. He was equivalent to the existence of the ninth level of the Nascent Infant. Against two opponents who were several levels lower than himself, the final result was unexpectedly even. None of it hurts, which is indeed a bit unacceptable.

At this time, the sky mouse beasts have shown their stature not far away~www.readwn.com~ The wings spread out more than ten feet, and they look a bit like bats, but in some respects they are not the same. They have a pair of fleshy wings. , With long hair, sharp mouth and fangs, cold eyes, and looks more terrifying.

One missed a hit, the Rat Beast did not stop that day, and attacked everyone again. Perhaps it was because he felt that the last attack was a loss of face. After the second lesson, a huge afterimage of claws was released to grab the Phoenix Spirit Demon King, and his body rushed directly to the Fushan Demon King. The speed was staggering.

The afterimage of the claws is only the method used by the sky mouse beast, and the main body is his most powerful attack. Before he rushed to the front, the Fukuyama Demon King felt a huge threat. If you want to throw it here, Fukuyama Demon King has no choice but to use means to deal with it, while shouting: "This king is not an opponent, all fellow daoists hurry up and help."

Just as the Demon King Fukuyama yelled, the Rat Beast rushed to him that day. First, it flew his purple bamboo magic weapon with a single wing, and then broke several defenses with its claws. The Demon King Fukuyama's body defense is very powerful. Compared with whom, in the face of the sky mouse beast with more outstanding attacking power, if the opponent catches it on the body, even the Fukuyama Demon King will only have to be smashed.

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