Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1675: : Escape the animal's mouth

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Fortunately, the Thunder Feather Demon King was not alone in the fight. Just as the sky mouse beast spread its wings and flew out, there was a sharp and piercing scream. Just now, the Purple Cicada Demon King also resorted to his method of pressing the bottom of the box.

After all, the sky mouse beast is equivalent to the nine-layer existence of the Nascent Infant. The Zichan Demon King’s method of pressing the bottom of the box only caused the sky mouse beast to be stunned, and soon recovered to spread its wings and fly into the sky, but it was so slow, Lei Yu The Demon King had once again used the technique of thunder escape and escaped more than a dozen miles away.

The food in hand was rescued from under the eyelids, and the sky mouse beast was immediately furious, but the Thunder Feather Demon King had already walked away, and there was still the Purple Cicada Demon King restraining him. He was in a hurry and couldn't help it, so he looked away. Turned to the Purple Cicada Demon King, trying to find this guy who broke his plan, but didn’t want the Purple Cicada Demon King to be prepared for it. His figure disappeared from the place in a flash. There was nowhere in the surroundings that the other party was hiding.

In desperation, the sky mouse beast could only put its mind on the remaining two demon kings. At this time, they found that the remaining two demon kings had already fled far away, because they had acted early. It's not easy to catch up with the sky mouse beast's nest more than a dozen miles away.

It was just a blink of an eye. The four demon kings who had been fighting with him just now disappeared, disappeared, and escaped. They didn't even leave any of them. Obviously, they discussed it in advance. They ran away separately, leaving nothing for the sky mouse beast.

Of course, the sky mouse beast is not willing to give up, and resorted to various means to keep them, but the four demon kings have already discussed all plans, and even use their talents and supernatural powers at the expense of vitality. Of course, they will not give the sky mouse a chance. The sky mouse beast is not very intelligent, how can it be the opponent of the four demon kings? Sora has the ability, and in the end he can only watch the four demon kings disappear into the distance.

The four demon kings fought their lives and fled for a while, and they felt that the sky mouse beast did not continue to chase it, but they still did not dare to stop directly. Instead, they flew forward for more than a thousand miles until they were completely safe. They found a hiding place and stopped for a while to rest.

In the previous fierce battle with the sky mouse beast, the four demon kings were almost all injured. After that, they did not hesitate to lose their vitality and rescued Zhumo Zhenjun and Qingyang. Now they rushed all the way for nearly two thousand miles to get rid of the sky mouse beast, even if they were all Yuan Ying's cultivation base is now at the end of the battle.

The Demon King Fushan sat on the ground, breathing heavily, and didn’t want to move. When the Phoenix Spirit Demon King arrived, he almost slammed his head against the Shifeng nearby. The Thunder Feather Demon King just hit Zhenjun Zhumo and Qingyang. When he put it down, he couldn't control his figure and fell to the ground. The Purple Cicada Demon King landed steadily, but the situation was not much better looking at his footsteps.

The four demon kings are more embarrassed than the other, but thinking of the harvest this time, the hard work seems to be nothing. Two spirit infant fruits that are about to mature can be worth 200 years of hard work for the Yuan Ying monks, and the average There are thirty to forty years in the head of an individual, and it is worth taking a risk.

The Purple Cicada Demon King didn't care about the injuries on his body, and quickly came to Zhenjun Zhumo and Qingyang, and said, "Is the Lingying Fruit available? Show us quickly?"

After such a long time, Zhenjun Zhumo has completely woken up, but his injuries are more serious and appear to be weaker. He understands what everyone cares about, and said: "I got all four spiritual baby fruits. Not only that, I The Lingying Fruit was still ripened with the extremist formation method, and now these four fruits together can increase the cultivation base of the Yuan Ying monk for at least 300 years."

"Three hundred years of life? Increased by that much?" The Purple Cicada Demon King asked in surprise.

Zhenjun Zhumo took out the four spirit infant fruits from the storage bag and handed them to the Purple Cicada Demon King, and said proudly, "Isn't that true, the Purple Cicada Demon King can see for himself."

This spirit infant fruit was the first to be discovered by the Purple Cicada Demon King. He could tell at a glance. The maturity of these four fruits was obviously higher than when he first discovered them. Even if they all add up to less than three hundred years. It's almost the same. In this way, they can increase their cultivation base for an average of 50 years per person after taking it, and the effect has increased by almost one-third, which is too powerful.

Not only was the Purple Cicada Demon King, but the other three demon kings also had bright eyes. They have long known that the human monks have many methods. Today is finally an eye-opener. It's not in vain that they worked hard to rescue the two. The Purple Cicada said: "I said why it took so much time for you to pick a few fruits. It turned out that the fruits were ripened by the formation method. In this case, let's directly divide the four spirit infant fruits. Now taking them will not only increase the cultivation level, by the way. The vitality lost in the battle before refining can also be replenished."

The Purple Cicada Demon King stretched out his hand to take the Lingying Fruit, but Zhenjun Zhumo shook his head, took back the hand holding the four Lingying Fruits, turned and handed it to Qing Yang next to him, Qing Yang’s injuries. Much lighter than Zhumo Zhenjun, the situation at this time was even better than that of the Purple Cicada Demon King.

The purple cicada demon king suddenly changed his face~www.readwn.com~ and said: "What is Zhenjun Zhumo doing? Is it because I think that the fruit of picking the spirit infant is more credited than us, and I want more? You? What you did was a little too much. Although you used that dystopian formation to ripen the spirit infant fruit, we also risked our lives to buy you time. Later, the Thunder Feather Demon King did not hesitate to use the technique of thunder escape from the sky. The mouse beast's hands saved your lives. If it weren't for us, you and Daoist Qingyang would have died in the mouse beast's mouth that day. Not to mention the spirit infant fruit, even your lives might not be saved."

The words of the Purple Cicada Demon King gave the other three demon kings a glimmer of suspicion. Seeing that they were wrong, Zhenjun Zhumo quickly explained: "The Purple Cicada Demon King is safe, and I mean this spirit infant. The effect of the fruit has not been fully developed. Next, it will be handed over to Fellow Qingyang. After adding some materials, he will refine it to maximize the effect of the pill..."

After listening to Zhenjun Zhumo’s explanation, the Purple Cicada Demon King realized that he was saving the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, thinking things wrong, Zhenjun Zhumo and Qingyang, one is good at formation, the other is The senior pill emperor is best at using the formation method to refine the pill. After they have cleaned up the spirit infant fruit, the effect has greatly increased. Although the cultivation base of the two is slightly lower, the effect in the team is better than the others. Great, it was Leiyu Demon King who had the foresight and pulled them into the team at the beginning.

The Purple Cicada Demon King could afford to put it down, and quickly saluted: "Forgive me, two dao friends, I am also tired and confused, and treat my kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs. I am here to make up for you."

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