Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1676: : 60 years of cultivation

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! After a few people got along for a year, Zhenjun Zhumo knew that the Purple Cicada Demon King was outspoken, often speaking without thinking about it, not deliberately making things difficult for himself, so he waved his hand and stopped worrying.

At this time, Lei Yu Demon King said: "If the four spirit infant fruits can be directly refined into pill, it will not only maximize the effect of the treasure, but also save us the trouble of allocating spirit fruits, but Daoist Qingyang was previously The rat beast was injured that day, I'm afraid I won't be able to move the pill furnace in a short time, right?"

Qingyang’s Five Elements Sword Formation is powerful. Although it was dispersed by the Sky Rat, it also blocked most of the attacks. He was not injured very seriously at the time. When he escaped, he relied on the Thunder Feather Demon King. He had already taken healing pills. Medicine, the situation has improved a lot at this time, Qing Yang said with a smile: "This small injury still does not affect my alchemy. It's huge, you guys will wait a little bit, and you will be able to succeed in at most two hours."

What Qing Yang said was the truth. The pill that monks usually saw were made from hundreds or even thousands of materials. The changes and reactions in it were extremely complicated, so it was more troublesome to refine, and the success rate was low. High, and the effect of the refined medicine this time depends on the Lingying Guo. The other materials added only play a supporting role, so the difficulty is small and there is almost no possibility of failure.

The Demon King Lei Yu couldn't help but say: "Others say that the human cultivators are born innate, so they are more suitable for practicing immortal cultivation than the monsters. I always felt that this was a bit biased. Today is finally an eye-opener, Zhumo Fellow Daoist and Daoist Qingyang helped us a lot this time."

Fukuyama Demon King said: "Yes, my demon spirit domain refining art is not obvious, alchemy is scarce, because the number of human monks in the demon spirit domain is too small. It seems that everything has advantages and disadvantages. This time, Thunder Feather Demon King I found Zhenjun Zhumo and Daoist Qingyang to join the team, and I was very foresighted."

Feng Ling Demon King also said: "If Fellow Qingyang can directly refine the spirit infant fruit into six pills, we will each get one, which saves us the waste caused by our own distribution."

Although several demon kings didn’t talk about it before, they always felt that Zhenjun Zhumo and Qingyang’s cultivation base were a little lower, and they took a lot of advantage with them, but this time, the few people will no longer have this idea. If they were the only demon cultivators in the team, even if they grabbed the spirit infant fruit, they would only have to eat them all around. With Zhumo Zhenjun and Qingyang, not only would the spirit infant fruit be more effective, but their lives would be greatly increased. There are also guarantees, especially the pill for healing, detoxification, and restoration of true essence refined by Qingyang, allowing them to be more powerful in the battle and exert a stronger strength than usual. Now they are very fortunate that they pulled the two at the beginning. Into the team.

After that, Zhenjun Zhumo and several demon kings found a place to meditate nearby, while healed his injuries and recovered his true energy, while waiting for Qingyang to refine the pill, Qingyang also found a quiet place next to him as his temporary alchemy. So, take out the alchemy furnace and some auxiliary materials to prepare alchemy.

This kind of medicine is mainly based on Ling Ying fruit, with few auxiliary materials that need to be added, and the value is not very high. There is no difficulty in refining, and it does not even need to be refined one by one. After adjusting the state, Qing Yang threw the prepared materials into the pill furnace. After a dazzling operation, feeling that the fire was almost over, Qing Yang threw the Lingying fruit into the pill furnace. , And then another complicated and pleasing operation.

Less than two hours later, a scent of the pill came from the pill furnace. Qing Yang stopped his movements and took out six golden yellow pill from the pill furnace. The pill was not big. It is about the size of peanuts, but the energy contained in it is extremely vast. The aura on the pill is lingering, and it exudes a light fragrance. Just a light smell, it feels comfortable all over, it seems that the bottleneck of the cultivation base is a little loose. It is really a rare panacea.

At this time, the other people had stopped meditating long ago and gathered around Qingyang. Qingyang did not appetite everyone. He directly distributed one pill and said, "The effect of the pill is better than I expected. Each pill It can almost increase the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul for 60 years. This pill not only maximizes the effect of the Ling Ying Guo, but also slows down the release of the Ling Ying Guo’s spiritual power, which is more conducive to everyone's absorption..."

Before Qingyang finished speaking, the Purple Cicada Demon King couldn’t wait to throw the pill into his mouth. As a Tier 11 Demon King, although he didn’t know how to refine pill, he still had some vision, just rough. After a rough glance, he knew what Qing Yang said was true, and immediately took the pill.

Another reason why the Purple Cicada Demon King is so anxious is that his cultivation level has encountered a bottleneck. He has been stuck at the current level for many years. He has never found a chance for a breakthrough. Now he has finally waited for the opportunity for a breakthrough. Qingyang’s pill, not to mention the cultivation base catching up with the Fukuyama Demon King and Thunder Feather Demon King, can at least break through the current bottleneck, raise the cultivation base to the level equivalent to the fifth-tier cultivator of the Nascent Soul, and then break into this mysterious world. The security is even higher.

At the entrance of the medicine pill, the Purple Cicada Demon King felt a surging energy surging toward the limbs and a hundred skeletons. The energy was surging and powerful~www.readwn.com~ but the performance was very peaceful, like being surrounded by a dam. The rising river water is just normal, it can only flow in one direction, slowly converging towards the Dantian. The effect of the pill is so good, I am afraid Qingyang's pill technique has also made a lot of credit.

The Purple Cicada Demon King didn’t dare to neglect, so he quickly found a place to meditate, refine the medicinal power, and improve his cultivation. The remaining few people reacted similarly to the Purple Cicada Demon King. They swallowed the pill and found a place. After meditating and refining, there is not even time to do basic protection.

They live in the demon spirit realm all year round and are deeply troubled by the lack of pill. They have never encountered such a good thing, and have never encountered any shortcuts. Although they are the best in the demon spirit realm cultivator, but every The individual’s cultivation base is cultivated by one’s own efforts little by little. During this period, how much suffering and suffering I suffered, I really can’t tell. Now I finally came across something that can greatly improve my cultivation base. , Of course, I don't want to delay for a moment.

Only Qing Yang was not particularly concerned about this, because he had experienced many similar things before, otherwise, how could Qing Yang become the second-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying before he was two hundred years old? Not to mention other things, when Wan Linghui was pre-selected, he directly took a Pregnancy Divine Fruit, and raised his cultivation from the first-time Yuan Ying second floor to the top of the Yuan Ying second floor. The effect is much better than this pill. After seeing other people begin to refine the pill, Qing Yang could only observe the surrounding situation first, and after confirming the safety, and setting a ban on the surroundings, did he find a place to meditate.

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