Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1688: : Only the skeleton is left

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! This is a good thing, because in this way, the strength of the cultivator's side will be greatly increased, and the battle will be rapidly tilted in the direction of everyone's advantage. It is estimated that in less than two quarters, Qingyang and others will be able to clean up the devil's corpse in the early stage of Yuan Ying. At that time, these people can be divided into two groups, one part can support the Ruan Zhenjun and others against the demon corpse, and the other part can continue to pick spirit grass.

As for completely slaying the demon corpse here, and then slowly picking the spirit grass around the spiritual eye, they also thought about it, but the price is too high, and the possibility of realization is not high. With their strength, they can drag the demon corpse of the late Yuan Ying. It can be done. It is really difficult to defeat. Once all the corpses here are gone, they must pay a huge price to launch a siege of all the corpses, so they did not dare to expect to kill all the corpses. Occupy this underground magic cave.

Others didn’t want to say what they were thinking about. The demon corpse on the opposite side was shocked by the great power of the sword formation when he saw Qingyang's five-element sword formation. His defense is extremely strong, maybe he can block the sword formation.

Of course, the demon corpse wouldn’t do nothing. Seeing Qingyang’s five-element sword formation, he was about to kill. He roared, suddenly his figure soared a bit, his skin changed several colors continuously, and finally A layer of something like a golden armor formed on the outside of the body, which looked extremely powerful, and there were no loopholes in his body, and even the injuries he had suffered before seemed healed.

The demon corpse had just made preparations, the Five Elements Sword Array was already under the hood, and then heard a piercing sound of Jin Ge fighting, the sword array instantly drowned the Nascent Soul Demon Corpse.

Not long after Qing Yang broke through the third floor of the Nascent Soul, this five-element sword formation was used for the first time, and its power was increased. I don’t know how much power it increased. He was extremely powerful and used his ultimate defensive natal magic power. This time, the two sides met with a sharp spear and a good shield.

A series of explosions sounded in the center area, and the energy of the Five Elements Sword Array quickly ran out. The five-handed giant sword flew back behind Qing Yang, and the Yuan Ying demon corpse staggered back a dozen steps, and then sat down on the ground. When I looked at him again, the golden armor-like things formed on the outside of his body had long since disappeared, and there was no more good flesh on his body, and there were wounds cut by sword formations everywhere.

The demon corpse sat on the ground and didn’t get up for a long time. The gaze looking at Qing Yang was full of fear. The demon corpse’s defensive power was indeed strong, but compared with the Five Elements Sword Formation, it was still a lot worse. Having thoroughly learned the power of Qingyang Five Elements Sword Formation, knowing that he is not the opponent of the person in front of him, if he does this one more time, his life will be guaranteed.

But now he knows it’s too late. The devil’s corpse was previously injured by the red ghost king and others, and now it was severely injured by Qingyang. Not only did his strength decline severely, his ability to move was greatly affected, and it was difficult to escape. After Qing Yang's kill, Qing Yang would not give him this opportunity.

Sure enough, Qing Yang only paused for a while, and then he sacrificed the magic weapon and re-formed the Five Elements Sword Formation, ready to kill the demon corpse in a blast. When the demon corpse saw the Five Elements Sword Formation again, he was terrified in his heart. The heart of resistance, he got up directly from the ground and ran away from the ground, but his speed was affected by the serious injury, and his panic in his heart couldn't even tell the direction. How could he escape Qingyang's Five Elements Sword Formation, and he was submerged in a blink of an eye. In the sword formation.

A faint scream came, but it quickly disappeared into the formation. When the sword formation was exhausted and withdrawn, the demon corpse had disappeared, leaving only a black skeleton on the ground. It looks a bit like Madame Bone in the distance.

The reason why such a skeleton is left is that the bone strength of the devil's corpse is higher than that of the body. After Qingyang's five-element sword array breaks the devil's body, the remaining energy is not enough to damage the skeleton, so it will remain so intact. , Although the skeleton of the demon corpse is preserved, the demon corpse itself must be dead. This is completely different from Mrs. Bone. Moreover, this skeleton is very useful. It can be regarded as a good material for refining. Used to refine monks' magic weapons.

Two moves were used to kill the demon corpse equivalent to the sixth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying. Qing Yang's strength greatly exceeded the expectations of everyone present. The red ghost king and others did not adapt for a long time. When they first met Qing Yang and others, The three of them were very dissatisfied with Qingyang's strength, and even ridiculed them, thinking that Qingyang was purely here to take advantage. If it weren't for Wu Zhenjun to make peace and at the same time say the identity of Qingyang Danhuang, they might not really be. Agree to cooperate with Qingyang and others.

Unexpectedly, Qing Yang, who is silent, is so strong. It is not inferior to the strongest red ghost king among the three. Fortunately, Qing Yang does not care about these, otherwise they should consider it. After offending such a powerful enemy, what should I do in the future?

Ruan Zhenjun and the others were also full of shocked expressions. They couldn't imagine that Qingyang was so strong, such a young Pill Emperor, so strong, such a young talent, even in their dwarf world. Few, are they from the spiritual world?

But looking at the methods they used ~www.readwn.com~, the items on their bodies, and the style of behavior, it seems that they are not the same. Which monk from the spiritual world is not the rich and arrogant person? After entering the Myriad Souls Secret Realm, it must be the first time to go to the center. Who will always wander around this periphery?

Not only was the other two groups shocked, but even Leiyu Demon King and others who had a certain understanding of Qingyang's cultivation were also surprised. They always thought that Qingyang's strength was at most similar to that of the Phoenix Spirit Demon King or the Purple Cicada Demon King. , Definitely can’t compare to Fushan Demon King and Thunder Feather Demon King. It seems that Qingyang is not only better than Fushan Demon King and Thunder Feather Demon King, but also more than a little bit more powerful. After a long time, this low-key Qingyang is one of their entire team. The most powerful person in the world.

Let’s leave aside what others thought. After killing the demon corpse, Qing Yang casually put away the skeleton of the demon corpse on the ground and a few nails and fangs. This thing is not very useful to Qing Yang, but it can be sold. If you make refining materials for others, you can still sell some spirit stones.

For the devil’s corpse, the monk is a good food, which can be used to improve the cultivation. For the monk, the devil’s corpse is also very useful. The devil’s heart can improve the cultivation of the devil and the ghost. The corpse beads can be used to refine pills. The nails, fangs, and skeletons of the corpse can also be used as refining materials, but Qingyang’s five-element sword formation is too powerful. The heart and corpse beads are all destroyed, leaving only the nails. , Fangs, skeletons, these refining materials.

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