Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1689: : The corpse exploded

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! After killing the demon corpse, Qing Yang did not go directly to pick the spirit grass, but instead focused on other people. At present, the entire battlefield is still in a stalemate. It is not the time to pick the spirit grass. It may be possible to separate manpower to attack him, and if he can kill some more corpses, turning the entire field into a situation where monks besieging the corpses, they can concentrate on picking the spirit grass.

On the battlefield at this time, the cultivator was at a disadvantage in the three Yuanying late stage demon corpses, but the situation was not very critical. Qingyang would not change the situation in a short time if Qingyang joined the middle stage of the Yuanying demon corpse, the two sides were temporarily equal. If Qingyang joins, although it can change the situation on the battlefield, the effect will not be too obvious. Only with the demon corpse in the early Yuanying stage, the monks have the absolute upper hand. If Qingyang can help, the effect will be seen soon, so Qing Yang rushed to Zhenjun Zhumo without hesitation.

Although Zhenjun Zhumo is the weakest among the many people present, he is also a middle-aged cultivator. There is no difficulty in dealing with the two early-phase devil corpses. It will be a matter of time to win, and now there is Qingyang. Not to mention the addition of masters. Each person dealt with a demon corpse and solved their opponents in less than a cup of tea, and then went to help the Feng Ling Demon King together.

The Fengling Demon King is powerful. Although one person blocked the three Yuan Ying’s early demon corpses, he did not lose the wind in the battle. Instead, he kept beating the demon corpses and waited until Qingyang and Zhumo Zhenjun went to help. At that time, there were only two of the three demon corpses left, and it seemed that even without the help of Qing Yang and others, the Feng Ling Demon King would not take two quarters of an hour to solve these opponents.

Now, with the help of Qingyang and Zhumo Zhenjun, it is more efficient to deal with the devil corpses in the early Yuan Ying period. The three of them use their own methods, and even the work of a cup of tea is not used, and the remaining two are used. All the corpses were solved.

Things got better after that. The three of them were divided into two groups. Qingyang and Fengling Demon King went to help Mrs. White Bone, and True Monarch Zhumo went to help Master Qing Corpse, preparing to completely solve all the early Nascent Soul Demons in one effort. corpse.

Mrs. Bone’s strength on the fifth floor of the Nascent Soul, and a ghost monk who is very familiar with the devil’s corpses, there is no pressure to deal with the early demon corpses of the Nascent Soul. With the tacit understanding, she solved it a long time ago, and she didn’t need other people’s help at all. Now with the addition of Qingyang and Fengling Demon King, the coordination of the four demon corpses was suddenly broken. Fei Duo vigorously cleaned up the Demon Corpse of Yuan Ying in front of him.

As for the other side, the Master Green Corpse on the fifth floor of Yuanying and the True Lord Zhumo on the fourth floor of Yuanying jointly dealt with the three early Yuanying demon corpses, which also occupied an overwhelming advantage. It should have been a very simple battle. , It’s just that no one thought that there would be some accidents in the middle. The two quickly killed an early Yuan Ying demon corpse. The corpse actually chose to explode.

Master Green Corpse and True Monarch Zhumo are also veteran Yuan Ying monks. After discovering the anomaly, they didn’t care about the horror in their hearts. They immediately chose to evade backwards quickly, and used the method of pressing the bottom of the box to sacrifice layers of the body outside the body. Defense, but Yuanying-level self-detonation is so scary, how can it be avoided so easily? After hearing a bang, a huge glazed pit measuring tens of meters was blown out on the ground where the demon corpse exploded. The entire underground magic cave almost collapsed as a result. Not only was the Master Qing Zie and True Monarch Zhumo bear the brunt, but even Qing Yang etc. People have been affected by self-detonation.

Fortunately, Mrs. White Bone, the Phoenix Spirit Demon King, and Qing Yang were far apart, but they were hit by the blast of the devil’s corpse. As soon as they shook their bodies, they stood firm on their heels. They were not affected much, nor suffered any internal or external injuries. However, Master Qingshi and Zhenjun Zhumo, who faced the self-destruction of the Yuanying Demon Corpse, were not so lucky, and both suffered heavy losses in this powerful self-destruction.

Before the start of this battle, Master Cyan Corpse was injured, and his strength was affected a little. Because of this, he only dealt with the three first-stage demon corpses of the Yuan Ying with the strength of the fifth level of the Yuan Ying. The frontal impact of the self-detonation is even more serious. The Master Green Corpse was directly impacted and flew out dozens of meters away. Even if the zombie clan was strong in defense, he could not withstand such an impact. There was a big hole in his head, two broken limbs, and the whole person fell to the ground for a long time without seeing any movement.

The situation of Zhenjun Zhumo is not much better. He reacts a little faster than Master Cyan Corpse, and is a little farther away from the explosion center, so the impact he bears is not as great as Master Cyan Corpse, but as a human monk, he has a defensive power. It was much worse than the zombie, so the injury didn't seem to be light at all, and there was no movement when he fell not far from the person on the green corpse, and he didn't know whether it was life or death.

Monk Yuanying blew himself up~www.readwn.com~ Qingyang has seen it more than once. When he was in Shenying Valley, Linglong Ghost King was once controlled by Fuliu Ghost King and had to blew himself up. Now I see Yuanying’s early corpse again. Qing Yang was still shocked by the opponent's self-destructive power. This destructive power was too powerful. It was just equivalent to the self-destruction of the Demon Corpse on the Peak of Yuan Ying's third floor. The power was comparable to the fatal blow of Yuan Ying's late cultivator. Some, I'm afraid that the cultivators of the gods can be injured. Qingyang has a five-element sword formation in attack, but it will be worse in terms of defense. If this situation is encountered, the end of the game is estimated to be similar to Zhenjun Zhumo, unless He could hide in the drunk fairy gourd before he blew himself up, otherwise he would definitely end up miserably. It seems that he must be vigilant when fighting other monks in the future, and guard against others blew up at any time to avoid capsize in the gutter.

When the self-detonation was over, Qing Yang, Feng Ling Demon King, and Mrs. White Bone hurried over to check the injuries of Master Qing Corpse and True Lord Zhumo. Both of them were seriously injured. Fortunately, they have a high level of cultivation. As long as the treatment is effective, there should be no life worry, so Qing Yang took out two healing pills from the Qiankun gourd, fed them into their mouths, and dragged the people to safety. .

Although there were some accidents in this battle with the demon corpses in the early Yuanying stage, Master Qingshi and Zhumo Zhenjun were severely injured by blew, but the result was still relatively good. All the thirteen demon corpses in the early stage Yuanying stage were cut off. Kill, Qing Yang, Mrs. White Bone, and Feng Ling Demon King have temporarily vacated their hands. Now there are only nine demon corpses left, and there are as many as 11 monks who can fight on one side, at least in number. Occupy the advantage.

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