Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1692: : Yumoxiao

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The faint sound of the flute came, deep and infectious. Everyone just thought the sound was nice and didn’t notice anything unusual, but the demon corpse on the opposite side seemed to be attracted by something, involuntarily slowing down the attack speed. Look in the direction of Zizhuxiao.

With the playing of the purple bamboo flute, the movements of those demon corpses became slower and slower. Some of those who had a low cultivation base even gave up their opponents and walked slowly in the direction of Ruan Zhenjun, making everyone's pressure suddenly reduced. The devil's corpse can be led away by Ruan Zhenjun, and the rest of the matter will be easy to handle.

There are many kinds of control magic weapons in the world of cultivating immortals. Some can control spirit worms, some can control spirit beasts, and some can even control monks. Therefore, it is not uncommon for Zizhuxiao to attract the attention of demons. The purple bamboo flute has no special effect. It is merely a commemorative meaning, and it is not worth the dwarf demon like Ruan Zhenjun to spend so much energy searching for.

Sure enough, I listened to the introduction by Wu Zhenjun next to him: "Our sect is the largest sect in the dwarf world, and the highest strength can reach the Void Refining Realm. There is a treasure in the door called the Yumoxiao, which was the inheritance of the head of our sect for generations. Thousands of years ago, the only son of the former sect master came to the Secret Realm of All Souls to experience, and the sect master gave this imperial demon flute to the only son to protect him. Who knows that the young sect master was in that trial? Something went wrong, and no one knew where and how he died. The former sect master was naturally unwilling, and spent countless efforts without inquiring any news. Later, the former sect master passed away. Few people mention it again, but the Yumoxiao is a heritage of my sect after all, so there is always a reward in the door, that is, whoever can find the Yumoxiao can get a lot of rewards, even if it is a sect. Heirs are possible."

Speaking of this, Wu Zhenjun paused for a while and continued: "A few years ago, a few of us accidentally got some clues from a predecessor’s notebook. After much verification, we finally came to a conclusion that the young master is What happened in this underground magic cave, Yu Mo Xiao was also lost in this magic cave, so the four of us did not go anywhere after entering the Myriad Souls Secret Realm this time. We came directly to this underground magic cave to inquire about the news and wait for the opportunity. Looking for the Yumoxiao, it is really worthy of the heart, this Yumoxiao finally let us find it."

Wu Zhenjun’s words let everyone understand the ins and outs of the matter. It turns out that this Yumoxiao is a heritage of their sect, so it’s so strange that they don’t spend so much energy looking for it, but from Wu Zhenjun’s words, they also heard it. This dwarf demon world actually still exists in the Void Refining Realm, which is a higher realm than the power of the gods. Not to mention the strength, the life span can reach four or five thousand years. If any force can have a Void Refining monk, it is enough to guarantee the number. Thousand years of inheritance continue.

Lei Yu Demon King asked: "Since this Yumoxiao is the treasure of your dwarf demon's inheritance, and it is said to be valued by the cultivating monks, then the power of Yumoxiao shouldn't be too small, right?"

Wu Zhenjun said: "Of course, Yumoxiao's greatest ability is to control the beasts and corpses. For the beasts and corpses with lower intelligence, the ability of Yumoxiao will be stronger."

Wu Zhenjun didn’t elaborate, but everyone can see that this Yumoxiao is definitely not simple, at least it is also a spiritual treasure. After Ruan Zhenjun played it, all the nine demon corpses around were recruited. Not only did they challenge the ranks, they could also become bigger. The area group attack, and only Lingbao has such a great power.

While talking, the Yuan Ying demon corpses had already arrived in front of Ruan Zhenjun, neatly forming a circle outside him, as if worshipping the king, and soon, Ruan Zhenjun’s tone of playing the Yumoxiao gradually became agitated, and The emotions of the Yuan Ying Demon Corpse also began to agitate, and there was a trace of murderous in his eyes, and he looked at the Thunder Feather Demon King, the Red Demon King and others.

It seemed that it was about time. Wu Zhenjun and others suddenly gathered beside Ruan Zhenjun, then smiled mysteriously at everyone, and said quietly: "This Yumoxiao has far-reaching significance to us dwarf demon. Thank you all for helping us find the lost. For a long time Yumoxiao, in order to thank you, we will try our best to make fellow Taoists suffer less pain when we start to do it."

At this time, anyone could see that there was a problem. Lei Yu Demon King and others were not stupid, and it was impossible to have no defense against dwarf people, especially after Ruan Zhenjun and others got the Yumoxiao, they didn’t leave with everyone as soon as possible. Instead, you have to play in person to try the authenticity. This is too suspicious, but there is no evidence before, so it is not easy to turn around on the spot. Now that the dwarf takes the initiative to show off, then there is nothing to say. They have been practicing for hundreds of years. This is not the first time I have encountered this kind of veteran monk. At this time, running alone is putting myself to death. Only when everyone is united can it be possible to defeat the opponent. So everyone quickly gathered together, even on the seriously injured green corpse. Ren and Zhumo Zhenjun were also brought over by them, and one more person has more strength.

The Purple Cicada Demon King looked around and said, "Before so many people could not defeat the devil corpse, now the dwarf demon controls the devil corpse~www.readwn.com~ we are definitely not opponents, so let's run away separately."

Lei Yu Demon King said: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy. Since the dwarf demon dares to showdown at this time, it is estimated that he has sufficient confidence to take us. Maybe those low-level demon corpses have already besieged the outer dough group, and we only have a dead end at this time. , It’s better to look at the situation."

As if to verify Lei Yu Demon King’s statement, his words just fell, and the three Yuan Ying late demon corpses surrounding Ruan Zhenjun uttered a roar. Then they heard a bang. The demon corpses who had been preparing for a long time rushed from all directions. Came out and surrounded them all round.

This time there are more demon corpses than last time. With a glance, the number is only tens of thousands. The number of golden armor devil corpses alone exceeds a thousand, ten times more than the group of demon corpses they encountered outside. There are also nine Yuanying Demon Corpses staring at each other, and considering that the dwarf demon was in the same group with them before, they are now rivals, and under the circumstances, there is almost no life.

Before coming, they had also thought about whether the dwarf demon would set a trap here, but the all-spirit flower is too tempting. As long as there is a little hope, they are not willing to give up, so they will come here without hesitation. Now, everything went well before. Although there have been some accidents and some people have been injured, the overall development is still moving in a good direction. Who knows at the last moment, the dwarf still turned his face, it seems that there is nothing too easy in this world. Things.

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