Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1693: : Siege of Demon Corpses

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Seeing this situation, even Qing Yang, who had always been relatively calm, was worried. It seemed that everyone was about to usher in a fierce battle. If they really couldn’t fight, they would find a way to escape. I hope this dwarf demon’s There would be some flaws in Yumoxiao. After the devil's corpse was controlled, it would not be able to display its original strength. If this were the case, they would fight each other with their lives, and there might be a way out.

Seeing the critical situation, the red ghost king couldn’t help but rejoice in suffering, saying: "Lei Yu Demon King and Daoist Qingyang, we had some misunderstandings with each other before, but it was our two gangs who needed to fight side by side in the end, and our lives were at stake. Close, please don’t care about the previous things."

Lei Yu Demon King said: "Don’t worry about the red ghost king. The dwarf demon wants to unload the grievances and kill the donkey. We can't let him succeed. It is certain to fight side by side, but you have seen the situation in front of you. Adding a few dwarfs, we are definitely not opponents. When our lives are not guaranteed, everyone can only ask for their own blessings, and whether they can escape or not depends on their ability."

"We understand this truth." The red ghost king nodded and said.

Now the situation is not critical. They can still protect the injured Master Cyan Corpse and True Lord Zhumo. If it is true that when they can't even protect themselves, they must protect their lives first, don't say anything then. The injured Master Qing corpse, his relatives and friends may not take care of it.

Tens of thousands of demon corpses were surrounded at the same time. There were overwhelmingly overwhelming water. It was impossible to escape the water surrounding them. The only way to survive is to kill a **** road, just look at the dense corpses outside. , No one has this self-confidence.

Among them, there are thousands of golden armored devil corpses that are equivalent to the golden core cultivators. The Nascent Soul is not afraid of the golden core cultivators, but this golden armored devil corpse has sharp attacks and strong defenses, even if the Nascent Soul wants to defeat the capital. Not easy, let alone so many? When the number of golden armored corpses reaches a certain level, even the Nascent Soul cultivator can only escape. But now they are surrounded by the corpses. There is no chance to escape. There is only one way to go. .

The red ghost king looked at Qing Yang next to him, and his heart floated for a long time. He thought that he was a hindrance. How could he know that his strength is the highest among the people? This is a good thing for them, only The stronger one's strength, the greater the chance of escaping his life in the end.

Afterwards, the red ghost king looked at each other with Lei Yu Demon King, Fukuyama Demon King and others, and said in a low voice: "This battle is very important. After the battle begins, several of us who are strong are looking for one direction and using powerful means to move forward. Chong, after the others are responsible for breaking, try to rush out of a **** way."

Lei Yu Demon King said: "Everyone must work together during the action. When we have not notified that we can escape, no one should act without authorization, so as not to undermine the overall plan."

At this time, the more united, the easier it is to survive. A disc of loose sand can only be broken by each individual. Those present are all veteran monks who have practiced for hundreds of years. Of course, they understand this principle, so they all expressed their willingness to obey the instructions of the Thunder Feather Demon King and the Red Ghost King. , And will never act without authorization.

At this time, Ruan Zhenjun’s whistling sound became more and more urgent. The devil corpses outside were infected, and there was no need for high-level devil corpses to drive them. They attacked the monks, even the few Yuan Ying surrounding Ruan Zhenjun. The demon corpse was also ready to move, and wanted to come over and kill it.

Countless golden armored devil corpses rushed towards the center, forming a copper wall and iron wall outside, and it was a life-threatening copper wall and iron wall. If the demon corpses were to continue to shrink the encirclement, everyone would be squeezed together, and there was no room for movement. At that time there was only a dead end.

Of course, the cultivators would not allow this to happen, and there was no need for someone to give orders. The first few people used good methods at the same time and launched an attack in one direction. The Red Ghost King did not use any magic weapons, but used a very special natal magic power. He grinned at the front and let out a grinning laugh. Then he saw dozens of demon corpses in front of him were all stunned. , As if being used to hold the body method, and the few closest to him, somehow, the body collapsed and rotted at the speed of naked eyes, and finally turned into a pile of rotten corpses.

This is the first time many people have seen such a weird method of killing. The ghost king in red just made a burst of laughter to make the enemy die without resistance, which is really eye-opening.

The Demon King Thunder Feather did not use magic weapons. For Demon Xiu, their monster bodies were their magic weapons, and they were also their most powerful means. Of course, they wouldn’t hide their clumsiness at this critical time. The Demon King Thunder Feather’s figure changed immediately. He became a thunder eagle over twenty feet in size, with two wings and one flap, making the sound of thunder and lightning. His body instantly disappeared in place. When he appeared again, he was already in front of the group of demons. In the face of those low-level demon corpses, Leiyu Demon King is like entering no man’s realm, waving his wings and claws. There were no more than twenty low-level corpses under his wings and claws.

But at this time ~www.readwn.com~ other corpses also reacted, all rushing towards the Thunder Feather Demon King. The Thunder Feather Demon King was worried that he would be completely besieged, so he could only use the technique of thunder escape and flew back from the gap again. , And it is impossible for those low-level demon corpses to want to keep him, they can only watch him leave. After that, the Thunder Feather Demon King took a sigh of relief, and began to look for opportunities to use the technique of thunder escape to attack again.

The Fukuyama Demon King on the other side was not too much, his chubby body was like an unshakable mountain of meat, his arms swung a magic weapon made of nearly ten feet of purple spirit bamboo to kill the devil's corpse. The demon corpse is indeed strong in defense, but under the outbreak of the Fukuyama Demon King, it can’t hold on. The golden armored devil’s corpse will be hammered at most three or five times, and the low-level demon corpses will be emptied one by one. In the open space in front of him, all the demon corpses that stood in front of him almost turned into corpses.

And what Qing Yang used was the five-element sword formation he was good at. As soon as the sword formation appeared, the sky and the earth changed, and sword shadows appeared everywhere in the air. This was comparable to the attack of a cultivator in the later stage of the Yuan Ying. As soon as the sword formation passed by, there was a scream from nowhere, and dozens of demon corpses all flew into ashes and annihilated.

There were four of them, including ghost cultivation, demon cultivation, and human monks. The ghost cultivation methods were weird and brutal. As a human monk, Qing Yang's methods were also extremely powerful. The four of them killed nearly a hundred in just one wave of attacks. Only the devil corpse makes the attack of the devil corpse stagnate, but the number of devil corpses is really too much, hundreds of thousands of times the number of them killed, but it is not so easy to win.

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