Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1699: : Gray light

If Qing Yang only had one or two Wanling Heavenly Replenishing Pills on his body, he would definitely not try such a precious pill. Now he has refined a whole ten Wanling Heavenly Replenishing Pills, and it seems like wasting a few. It's not a big deal, with Qingyang's net worth, how can it be extravagant?

After making the decision, Qing Yang didn't hesitate anymore, and directly took out three Wan Ling Tian Mian Pills, looked at it for a while, then gritted his teeth and threw it into his mouth, then converged his mind and began to refine the pill.

The pill melts in the mouth, and the three warm currents flow from the throat and stomach into the body meridians, and then disperse into the limbs and limbs. After walking around the whole body, they gradually merge into the dantian. The huge vitality fills the whole body. Qing Yang feels like he is young. Ten years old, full of strength.

Of course, there is also a little bit of pain. Qingyang has taken the three-color tonifying pill. Although the three-color tonifying pill contains huge energy, it is very peaceful after taking it, and there is no pain. Dan, the energy was slightly violent, and formed a certain impact on Qingyang's meridians. This should be the difference between Wanlinghua and other spiritual roots. However, Qing Yang has cultivated for so many years, and he has experienced such things many times, and the slight pain can still be tolerated.

The energy contained in the Wanling Heavenly Replenishing Pill is massive. It can not only replenish the spiritual root, but also slightly improve the cultivation base. After such a short time, Qing Yang feels that the cultivation base of the third level of the Nascent Infant is much more stable. The foundation was unstable when I first broke through.

Having had the experience of taking the three-color nourishing pill, Qing Yang had enough patience. He waited until the cultivation level was over and when his dantian dimmed, Qing Yang sensed that there was something in his body suddenly. As for the specifics, Qing Yang couldn't tell, if there was nothing, it seemed true and illusion, but he knew that the extra should be the spiritual root born from the Wan Ling Tian Bu Tian Pill.

It’s a pity that there is only one spiritual root from this new birth. Even if Qing Yang took three pills of the Heaven-Replenishing Pill, it only replenishes one spiritual root in the end. It seems that the previous experience is still correct. It is true that each person can only take one pill, too much is pure waste.

However, Qing Yang also felt a slight difference. Although there was only one more spiritual root, this spiritual root grew and grew much faster. It was completely different from the last time he took the three-color tonifying pill, just like a single one. The full seeds germinate and grow in the fertile soil, and grow leaves and branches. Finally, the newly born spiritual roots are obviously much stronger than the last three-color patch of heaven, and they are completely different from the acquired spiritual roots. It is almost the same as his innate Five Elements Spiritual Root.

Qingyang finally understood that this all-spirit supplementing pill can indeed only be used once, and it can only make up one spiritual root, but if you take more, it will not be wasted. It can make this spiritual root stronger and more powerful. Like Xiantian Spiritual Root, it can be regarded as an indirect increase in the potential of the monk.

However, most people don't have the opportunity to use this method. For them, it is a blessing for them to get a Heaven-Replenishing Pill. How can they be extravagant to take more than one at a time? That is to say, Qingyang has a wealth of wealth and a lot of magical flowers by chance to dare to try.

After a long time, Qing Yang took out a spiritual test disk from Qiankun Gourd and input the real yuan drive. The five rays of gold, green, blue, red and brown soon appeared on the spiritual test disk. This is the spiritual root of the five elements that Qing Yang has innate. There were three weaker rays of blue, red and blue. This is the acquired ice wind Lei Ling root from the last three-color patch of heaven. After a pause, a misty gray suddenly appeared on the plate. , Judging by the intensity of the light, the potential point can reach more than 20 points, which is comparable to the wood spirit root with the highest potential before Qingyang. The last time the ice wind thunder was supplemented was only ten to thirteen points. This should be three at a time. The credit of the All Souls Replenishing Heaven Pill.

After replenishing this spiritual root, Qing Yang felt that his Nasal Infant seemed to be more perfect, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy to refine the pill was greatly improved, and the road of cultivation seemed to be smooth all the way, and he was no longer afraid of encountering anything. The bottleneck was blocked. With any luck, the surrounding spiritual energy surged towards him, and even alarmed the iron-armed monkeys and the alcoholic queen bee who were retreating in the cave. They came to check the reason. Qing Yang did not expect that he was so. He soon became a rare Jiulinggen monk.

Multilingen monks are rare among the low-level monks, because the purer the spiritual roots, the faster the cultivation speed, especially for some small schools. The most favorite is the heavenly spiritual roots with great potential, but the high-level monks are just the opposite, the spiritual roots. The more you practice, the faster you practice, and the easier it is to break through the bottleneck. Therefore, high-level cultivators will try their best to make up for their spiritual roots. Because of resources, Qingyang knows that those higher-level cultivators will have access to more resources. It can replenish more spiritual roots, but you can have nine spiritual roots when you are in the Nascent Soul Realm, and there is no second one in the world.

But Qing Yang didn't understand, what spiritual root does this gray light represent? He has cultivated immortals for so many years, and he has never heard of any monk possessing gray spiritual roots. He knows what the spiritual roots are, so that he can practice exercises and secret techniques in a targeted manner to be effective in battle. If it is even spiritual roots Without knowing the attributes, wouldn't such a good resource be wasted in vain?

Now that Qing Yang has the cultivation base of Yuan Ying, there are still some stupid ways to find out the attributes of the spiritual root. He sat there quietly, immersing his whole mind in the body, looking around for the new born person. The existence of Linggen, I don't know how long I have been searching for, and finally found a cloud of gray material in a corner ~www.readwn.com~ before escaping, inject a trace of spirituality into it.

Amidst this gray mass, Qingyang saw a seed taking root and germinating, saw him sprouting branches and leaves, saw his flowers blooming and leaves falling, saw his fruit ripening, and saw him withering and rotting, and finally blending into it. In the earth; then Qingyang saw a baby conceived and born, saw the baby grow into a teenager, saw the teenager become a youth, saw the youth become middle-aged, saw middle-aged become old, and saw the end of old age Died, and eventually disappeared from the earth buried in the ground.

Qingyang sees the non-stop rotation of day and night, spring goes to winter throughout the year, sees the impermanence of life, the vicissitudes of life, and the vicissitudes of life. Here, Qingyang seems to be able to see the passage of all time, just for a while. Kung Fu, Qing Yang felt that he had a deeper understanding of life, and his mood seemed to have been experienced at this moment, and he was more fulfilled than before.

Qing Yang suddenly enlightened, and he understood that what he was reborn was actually a rare time spiritual root in the world, a time spiritual root comparable to the ghost king of the Nether realm with long eyebrows.

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