Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1700: :The root of time

How rare the root of time spirit is, you can know from Qingyang’s experience that he has cultivated immortals for so many years, and he has only seen a ghost king with long eyebrows. The roots of longevity can increase the life span of a hundred years, and live a thousand years longer than others out of thin air. Qing Yang didn't expect that one day he could have this rare root of time.

With the root of time, you can practice time-related spells. This kind of spells are rare, but once they are completed, they are extremely powerful and can definitely play a role in setting the victory at the critical moment.

After thinking about it for a while, Qing Yang finally collected his thoughts, and then took out a tiny seed from the Qiankun pot. This kind of seed is very inconspicuous, and it is not a rare species, but a thing between the mundane and the spiritual. Even the cultivators of the open pulse realm might not be eye-catching.

Qingyang injected a trace of true essence into it, and the seed sprouted directly in Qingyang's hands. After that, the sprout grew higher and higher, until it grew to nearly a foot high, and the energy in the seed was exhausted, and then Qing The sprouts in Yang's hands began to wither, and eventually turned into withered grass.

There are countless spiritual creatures in the world of cultivating immortals, and there are also the seeds of high-level spiritual vines. No matter what kind of monks, they can quickly grow into a spiritual vine by injecting true essence. Elder Wusi found a few seeds, but this time, Qingyang used not spirit vine seeds, but just an extremely ordinary seed. The reason for this magical scene is that Qingyang now has the root of time spirit. Under his deliberate control, it can speed up the passage of time, allowing an ordinary seed to germinate and grow until it wilts.

Now that Qing Yang has just got the root of time spirit, he doesn’t know him too well, and he hasn’t had time to practice time-related secret techniques. He just relies on instinct to operate, so he can only do the simplest control, and he can’t. Fully grasp the rhythm of time changes. If he practiced time-type secret arts in the future, he can control higher-level things, or let other things change according to his own mind, and even control a person’s birth, old age, sickness and death. Down.

Each kind of spiritual root has many magical functions, the more rare the greater the usefulness. If a refiner possesses spatial spiritual roots, he can refine storage even without using materials with innate spatial attributes such as handbags. Bag, the stronger one can also refine higher-level storage magic weapons. If this person has the root of time, he can also make this storage magic weapon have the function of time passing. If the ability is strong, it can even make storage. The flow of time in the magic weapon is different from the outside. If all aspects of ability reach the extreme, even creating a world out of thin air will not be a problem.

Qingyang knows some of these things, but if it goes deeper, it’s not clear. Time spirit is scarce. Similar classics and records are very difficult to find. That is, Qingyang travels in a wide area and has many sutras. If you understand it, it depends on whether you can find a similar secret technique in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, Qing Yang retracted his mind and gradually recovered from the meditation, but at this time he suddenly discovered something unusual. In his memory, he just meditated for a while and observed his own. Time Linggen, at most a few days, but at this time there was a layer of dust on his body, as if he had been sitting here for many years.

Not far from Qingyang, guards guarding two drunkard bees, seeing Qing Yang open their eyes, there was a hint of surprise on their faces, and they quickly flew over to salute and said: "Well, see the master."

Thinking of the doubts in his heart, Qing Yang couldn't help asking: "How long have I been sitting here?"

The bee said: "The master has been sitting here for nine years. Nine years ago, there was a sudden surging of spiritual energy here. After being alarmed, the queen bee and the monkey king came to check the cause, but the master has been meditating. It was guarded here for a period of time. After a few months, the master didn't seem to have any plans to get up in a short period of time. They left and sent the two of us to guard here."

Nine years? How can it be so long? Qing Yang didn't understand, but after thinking about it, he probably guessed that it should be related to the spiritual root of time. Time is a very magical thing, and the spiritual root of time is also a very mysterious spiritual root. It is very difficult to control him. Easy, when Qing Yang was indulged in the spiritual roots of time, time passed unconsciously, and then he didn't notice it.

Unexpectedly, I was just indulging in the root of time for a while. After nine years outside, I wasted nine years in vain. If I didn’t get out in time, maybe decades outside had passed, in case I missed it. Isn't the time to leave the Secret Realm of All Souls bad? It seems that after this time Linggen, it is better to touch less, and you must not touch randomly if you don't find the secret technique of time.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang took his attention from the time spirit root, and said to the two bee generals: "Go and find the queen bee and the monkey king, I have something to order."

Qing Yang looked for the Alcoholic Queen Bee and the Iron-armed Monkey. There was nothing else to do, but he was going to give each of them an All-Spirit Replenishing Heaven Pill. The alcoholic queen bee and the iron-armed monkey have been with Qingyang for so many years, and they have gained a lot of benefits, and their aptitude has been greatly improved. It is precisely because of this that they can both advance and transform, but they are also better than ordinary Yuan Ying outside The monk is a little better, compared with the nine spirit roots of Qingyang, it can be said to be a world of difference, and it's not even as good as the monk who has entered the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm.

Now Qingyang has refined so many Wan Ling Tian Bu Tian Pills, UU Reading www. Uukanshu.com certainly can't treat its own people wrongly, so it plans to give them one to each to improve their qualifications again. Of course, one Iron-armed Monkey and Alcoholic Queen Bee is enough, certainly not the same treatment as Qingyang.

After receiving the news, the Iron-armed Monkey and the Alcoholic Queen Bee rushed over immediately and paid respect to the master Qingyang. They have not seen each other for many years. Their strength has improved a lot, but they are incomparable to Qingyang. Qing Yang relied on the Pregnancy Divine Fruit and the Lingying Fruit to ascend to the third level of the Nascent Infant in a short time, and the two of them are still at the second level of the Nascent Infant, even if they do not lack the elixir.

Everyone from Qingyang gave them an All-Spirit Pill, and the Alcoholic Bee Queen and the Iron-armed Monkey took it directly in this square. There are no outsiders in this drunk fairy gourd, and the owner is sitting next to him. What can you do? Not at ease? A few days later, after completing the refining of the All-Spirit Replenishing Pill, the Alcoholic Bee Queen and the Iron-armed Monkey both made up a spiritual root, but unfortunately, they made up only a very ordinary five-element spirit root. Compared with Qing Yang's time spiritual roots, this is actually related to their two own aptitudes and not many spiritual roots.

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