Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1701: : Another 20 years

After taking the pill, the master and servant talked briefly and sent them away. At this time, Qing Yang finally turned his attention to the outside of Drunk Xianhu. He has been sitting here for nine years. I don't know what's going on outside, if those demon corpses are still guarding nearby.

Knowing that there was a half-step transformation of the corpse of the gods, Qing Yang did not dare to go out directly, but first separated a trace of the gods to the outside of Zuixian Gourd, observing the nearby situation, the outside of Zui Xian Gourd was quiet, and there was no movement at all. , Let alone the half-step transformation of the gods and demon corpses, there is no other low-level demon corpse.

But think about it, nine years have passed, the demon corpses will never stay nearby. This is a forbidden place for the devil corpses. Those low-level demon corpses must have been sent away. In such a large space, the shadow of the devil corpses cannot be seen. It's normal too, maybe they are hiding in a corner.

There is no demon corpse around, and Qing Yang has a lot of courage. He completely releases his spiritual thoughts and expands the scope to search. The Yuan Ying monk's spiritual thoughts can be extended to two to three thousand meters, and the surrounding situation can be described as a panoramic view. It was already very wide, but to Qing Yang's surprise, there was still no movement in the surroundings quietly, and the devil's corpse seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

Qing Yang couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Could it be that the devil's corpse here has changed place to live? Or was it being served by another monk? Otherwise, how could there be no movement at all?

Qing Yang couldn't think of the reason, so he didn't want to think about it, and he walked out of the drunk fairy gourd. Qing Yang felt it carefully. The ghost energy in the underground magic cave was much thinner than before. Looking at the ground, there was still a lot of it remaining. The traces of the fight, Qingyang and the others were fighting with the devil’s corpses in a few places, but the current traces are obviously much larger than before. Could it be that Qingyang guessed that the demons in this underground demon cave The corpse was picked up by another monk?

Thinking about it, it is still possible. Before Qingyang escaped into the drunk fairy gourd, the Thunder Feather Demon King escaped. There may be some people who can escape later. If these people are unwilling to escape after dying, they will definitely look for it. When the helper comes back, whether it is the dwarf demon’s Yumoxiao, the all-lings flower harvested here, or the storage bags of Zhenjun Zhumo and Zhenjun Ruan who were killed by the devil’s corpse, they are all valuable. The good things are still very attractive to other monks.

Thinking of this, Qingyang had a lot of courage, and he quickly walked to the center of the underground magic cave, where the spiritual eye used to pick the elixir. The original rich aura has disappeared, and the spiritual pool in the middle has also been exhausted. The spiritual eyes were dug out, and there was no trace of spiritual energy coming out. If it weren't for the faint spiritual energy around, Qing Yang really thought he had gone in the wrong place.

It seemed that Qing Yang had a good guess. A monk did come to kill him. Not only did he clean up the corpse here, but he also poke out his spiritual eyes, leaving nothing good. Originally, Qing Yang thought, if Lingtan was still there, he would cultivate here for a while, and the time of the All Souls Meeting was still very long, so there was no need to leave in a hurry. I didn’t expect these people to do it thoroughly, and nothing was left. , But this is fine, without the half-step transformation of the gods and devil corpses, there is no need to worry about any danger.

Qing Yang searched in the underground caves, but found nothing, and occasionally encountered a few low-level demon corpses. It should be the fish that slipped through the net that the monks hid while cleaning the underground caves. These demon corpses did not pose a threat to him at all, and could deal with it at will, but Qing Yang didn't bother to waste time pursuing them, and after finding that there was nothing unusual, he left the underground magic cave.

Back on the ground, Qing Yang couldn't help feeling full of emotions. At first, 13 of them came down, but when they left, only one of them was left. This trip to the underground magic cave really suffered heavy losses. In the end, several people Qing Yang survived. I don’t know, but there are at least five people who can confirm that they are dead.

Many people have said before participating in the All Souls Society that there are many dangers in the All Souls Secret Realm. The most important thing to pay attention to is the spiritual monks. As a result, they have not met the spiritual monks, and the loss has been so heavy. I really don’t know what I will encounter in the future. What will happen to the monks in the spiritual world?

After sighing, Qing Yang retracted his thoughts, and then looked for a direction to move forward. It is good to be alone. Although he lacks the care of others and encounters more dangerous things, he has freedom of action and does whatever he wants without thinking. The feelings and thoughts of others.

In the days that followed, Qingyang had been acting alone, searching for materials, searching for treasures, inquiring about beasts, picking spirit grasses, stopping and stopping along the way, looking at the search, the speed of the journey was not very fast, only a month. Can walk twenty to thirty thousand miles, when tired, find a hidden place to hide in the drunk fairy gourd to repair for a few days, completely relax the tense spirit.

The benefit of acting alone is much higher than that of teamwork. You don’t have to share something with others if you find something, but it’s very difficult to find something that is too valuable, because there is only one person in Qingyang, and all risks need to be borne by yourself. Everything needs to be done by himself, no one shares with him, so things of the level like Lingying Fruit and Wan Linghua are definitely not available to Qing Yang alone.

Nevertheless, after Qingyang acted alone, he could harvest various materials and treasures worth more than two hundred thousand spiritual stones every year. In a blink of an eye, twenty years later, Qingyang’s net worth increased by five million. The harvest of five million spirit stones in 20 years ~www.readwn.com~ It can scare people to death. At the beginning, Qingyang led people to destroy the spirit talisman, but only more than three million spirit stones were divided into this mysterious world. The gains in the 20 years are far beyond, and in the future, even if you just do this, you will be able to make a lot of money. No wonder every monk who can live out of the Myriad Souls Secret Realm will have an unlimited future in the end.

These young Qing Yang also encountered other monks, but they were very wary of each other. Many people even had no good intentions. In order to avoid trouble, Qing Yang avoided them from a distance. There really was someone who hit him head-on, Qing Yang. He also left at the touch of a touch and never fell in love with the battle, but nothing happened.

Of course, these young Qing Yang's cultivation bases have not fallen. The speed of cultivation in the Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm is already fast, not to mention that Qing Yang is not short of pill, and after taking the Wan Ling Tian Butian Pill, he became the Nine Spirit Root. Monk, the speed of cultivation was even faster. In just 20 years, Qing Yang's cultivation reached the top level of the third floor of the Nascent Soul, only one step away from the fourth floor of the Nascent Soul, and Qing Yang was not in a hurry. To break through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, it does not mean that he has encountered a bottleneck. It is difficult for the Nine Linggen monks to meet the bottleneck even at a large realm, let alone just a small realm like the early stage of the Nascent Soul to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul? It's just that Qing Yang feels that his cultivation is still lacking and needs to accumulate.

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