Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1754: : Go to meet Tianfeng

Qinghezi saluted again towards Qingyang, saying: "I met fellow Daoist Qingyang Pingshui, but fellow Daoist was able to save me at all costs and blocked most of the attacks for me. Qinghezi is not grateful for this kindness. , Youfeng Beast definitely can't ask for it anymore, and please don't be polite to Daoist Qingyang."

Actually surrendered the entire Youfeng Beast to himself? This Qinghezi was really willing, and Qing Yang couldn't help asking: "Friend Qinghe, do you really want this ghost beast?"

Qinghezi is also very distressed when giving away one or two million worth of spiritual stones at one time, but compared to his own life, this one million spiritual stones seems to be nothing, and he has a bright future. , As long as you can safely leave the Myriad Spirits, there will be infinite possibilities in the future. There is no need to care about something. Thinking of this, Qing Hezi said: "I rely on Daoist Qingyang to take care of me on this road. You saved me just now. It’s not appropriate to divide things up for life."

Seeing that Qinghezi is so generous, Qingyang smiled and said: "Well, except for the inner alchemy of Youfeng Beast, I will see if there is anything that can be used and take some, and the rest will be left by Qinghe. Fellow Daoists dealt with it, no need to shy away, I am too lazy to deal with those low-value things."

Qing Yang said so, Qing Hezi refused to resign, nodded and agreed to the distribution plan, then Qing Yang stepped forward, first took out the inner pill of the Youfeng Beast and put it away, and then took the Youfeng Beast. The poison sac sprayed with black water jets flooded into the body, and then took the whole body essence and blood of the Youfeng Beast, and the rest was left to Qinghezi. Although the remaining things are not very valuable, they are better than others. The quantity is large, and one hundred thousand spiritual stones can be sold after packing, and the harvest is not small.

Qing Hezi actively wanted to let him go, but Qing Yang didn't take all of it, and deliberately separated some. On the one hand, it was because of the masculine character of Qing, on the other hand, it was also to let the other party share some responsibilities.

Originally, Qingyang didn’t plan to pick up the Tianfeng Guanxian Cave, so after leaving Yuyangzi, he planned to go directly to his residence in the town outside the mountain. However, he did not expect that luck would be so good. Mei Yuanying completes the inner pill of Demon, so of course the opportunity to be delivered to the door cannot be missed, so Qing Yang has changed his mind at this time and plans to pick up Tianfeng to try his luck.

There is a problem. Yuyangzi and the others are waiting for Tianfeng. How can they avoid Yuyangzi and the others. If they let the other party know that he worked hard to hunt and kill the Netherwind Beast, but the inner alchemy was killed. When Yang got it, he would definitely not give up. It wasn't that Qingyang was afraid of Yuyangzi, but was mainly worried about causing unnecessary trouble for himself and delaying the big event of ascending Tianfeng.

If Qinghezi has also benefited, he will definitely avoid Yuyangzi in the future, so there is no need to worry about the Youfeng Beast's affairs easily leaking out, but if the benefits are all obtained by Qingyang alone, there is nothing to be seen now, but it is hard to guarantee The other party will not file a complaint with Yuyangzi in the future and cause unnecessary trouble to Qingyang, so he will leave some less important things to Qinghezi.

When dealing with the corpse of the Underwind Beast, they also found the golden centipede's corpse in the lake, but it had been smashed by the Underwind Beast, losing most of its value, and all that could be used added up to only a few. Qingyang was too lazy to deal with the one hundred thousand spiritual stones, so he simply gave it to Qinghezi.

After dividing the harvest, and simply tidying up, Qing Yang got up and left the valley, while Qing Hezi stayed behind. He was attacked by the Youfeng Beast before. Qing Yang's condition was fine, but Qing Hezi suffered a lot. The injury, strength is not as good as before, and more importantly, his face is disfigured. There is no way to appear in front of others in this way, and the destinations of the two are also different now. They can only choose to be separated here. Heal the wound in the valley before deciding where to go in the future.

As for Qing Yang, he already has the key to enter the Guanxian Cave. The inner pill of the Yuan Ying perfecting Youfeng Beast is naturally going to the Tianfeng Peak to try his luck. If he can comprehend a magical power, he has a boundless future. Qing Yang knew that this matter could not be concealed from Qing Hezi, so he simply told the truth, and asked her about the approximate locations of Jietian Peak and Guanxian Cave, and then flew towards Jietian Peak.

The Tianfeng Peak is at the deepest part of Wanjie Mountain, and it is tens of thousands of miles away from that small valley. It only took a few days to arrive. Qingyang couldn't help but sigh secretly when he looked at the towering mountain peak not far ahead. This is called Jietian Peak. The height of this mountain is at least more than 10,000 feet. Standing below it, you can't see the top of the mountain. It seems that it really picks up the sky.

Many monks have gathered at the foot of Tianfeng Mountain. Most of them have reached the eighth level of Yuanying and above. They should have a certain degree of confidence in themselves and feel that they can break through Tianfeng. However, there are also a few Yuanying. The monks below the eighth floor are more likely to watch the excitement.

Everyone only dared to stand at the foot of Jietian Peak, separated from Jietian Peak by a distance of several tens of feet. No one dared to go one step further, as if there was some forbidden land there. When Qing Yang came, he heard Qing Hezi say that this Tianfeng was only opened in the last two years of the All Souls Association, and it was usually a forbidden place for monks.

One of the monks did not believe in evil and planned to give it a try. However, as a veteran Nascent Soul monk~www.readwn.com~, he still had some caution. He didn't go there in person, but forced one in Wanling. Caught in the secret world, the strength reached the range of the beast of the Yuan Ying's early days into the Tianfeng Peak.

The monster seemed to know how powerful the Tianfeng was, and struggled to get in, but he couldn't help it. In the end, he was forcibly sent into the range of Tianfeng by the monk. As a result, he just stepped out and fell on the ground. The ground was then immobile as if being pressed by an invisible mountain, and the whole body was getting flatter and flatter, and finally burst with a bang, turning into a piece of flesh and blood sticking to the ground. A scream.

At the beginning of Yuanying’s monsters, the body's endurance was about the same as that of the cultivators at the later stage of Yuanying, and they couldn’t even hold up a few breaths. I’m afraid the results of them would be similar when they entered. It seems that the previous experience is true. You must never enter before Tianfeng is officially opened.

In addition to these people at the foot of the mountain, Qing Yang can feel that there are some monks faintly hidden in the periphery. They should be some monks who are relatively low-key, don't like to appear prematurely, and don't want to reveal their cards in advance. At this time, the distance is met. It’s too early for the peak to open, and Qingyang didn’t want to show up too early to attract attention, so he simply found a hidden corner on the periphery. Just like everyone else, he opened up a cave in the backer, and placed a ban on the formation outside as a temporary place to live. .

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