Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1755: : Changing appearance

For a period of time afterwards, Qing Yang sat in a temporary cave mansion to meditate and retreat, adjust his state, consolidate his cultivation base, and patiently waited for the opening of Tianfeng Peak and Guanxian Cave.

A few months passed in a blink of an eye, and more and more monks gathered around Jitian Peak. Excluding those hiding in the dark, there were hundreds of people waiting at the foot of the mountain. Most of them were on the eighth floor of Yuan Ying. There are only a few cultivators with the seventh level of the Nascent Infant and below, and the highest level of cultivation reached the peak of the eighth level of the Nascent Infant, which was much higher than Yuyangzi's.

Yuyangzi came to Jietianfeng more than a month ago, and Lan Jizi and Baiyunzi were walking with him. I don’t know what conditions Yuyangzi had before he moved the two of them and came with him. Picking up Tianfeng to find the monk who took away his inner alchemy of Beast, Wu Qizi did not follow.

They could not find the Youfeng Beast around Youfeng Lake, and then expanded the scope to search, but found nothing. In desperation, Yuyangzi promised to take Lanji and Baiyunzi to pick up Tianfeng to try his luck. Originally, Yuyang Zi felt that he would gain something, but only when he came to discover that he had no clue at all. Who would take the initiative to reveal to him what demon inner pill he had prepared?

It is impossible to force an investigation based on the background of the spirit world and Xianyou Pavilion. Most of the monks present are on the eighth floor of Yuan Ying. Even if the background is closer to him, no one will eat this set, so the three of them came. For many months, I didn’t find any clues. Yuyangzi was unwilling but had no choice but to try his luck slowly. As for Lan Jizi and Bai Yunzi, they didn’t care if they could find the inner alchemy of Warcraft. Anyway, someone will give you a favor, so you should come here to learn more.

Early in the morning of this day, there was finally a trace of movement on the Jietian Peak, which had been calm for many days. Suddenly, a few rays of glow appeared on the top of the mountain, which added a bit of mystery to the entire Jitian Peak, as if guiding everyone to ascend to the peak as soon as possible. Top, at this time the restriction on access to the foot of Tianfeng Mountain seems to have been lifted, but most of the cultivators are still in a wait-and-see state, and only a few have begun to make preparations.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally someone couldn’t help it. An eighth-layer Dacheng cultivator of Nascent Soul tried to walk forward. He quickly crossed the previous boundary, and suddenly a huge force struck him like his whole body. He was generally burdened with a huge burden, but fortunately, the pressure was within his bearing range, so he gritted his teeth, moved his body's true essence to resist the pressure, and walked forward cautiously.

Someone took the lead, and the others didn't delay anymore. They used their true essence to inspire magic weapons, used body protection methods, and went up to the Tianfeng Peak. Among them, there was even a Seventh-tiered Young Master Nasal Infant.

This person was originally just to watch the excitement and didn’t plan to go up to Tianfeng, but at this time, seeing so many people entering Tianfeng, it’s okay. He also wanted to try it, so he boldly followed. It doesn't matter, anyway, it's the excitement, the closer you see, the more real it is.

As soon as he stepped into the range of Tianfeng Peak, huge pressure enveloped him. Unprepared, the monk almost lay on the ground. Fortunately, he had made some preparations in advance and he could barely bear it, but he wanted to move forward. It's more difficult, because he can clearly feel that the higher the Tianfeng Peak, the greater the pressure, the foot of the mountain is like this, I don't know how strong it should be at the top.

The Xiaocheng cultivator on the seventh floor of the Yuan Ying tried to walk a few steps forward, but finally gave up, turned his head and withdrew from the Tianfeng range. It turned out that you need a certain strength if you want to watch the excitement up close, and your own strength can also be. Looking at the excitement at the foot of the mountain, I don't have the ability to reach the top of the mountain.

Seeing that the cultivators at the foot of the mountain stepped into the range of Jietian Peak one after another, the monks who were originally hidden on the periphery couldn't sit still, and they all opened the barriers of formation and prepared to climb the Jietian Peak. Although there is no quota limit to the Tianfeng Haoguanxian Cave, according to usual experience, the earlier you enter the Guanxiandong, the better the position you can occupy, and the higher the chance of comprehending the magical powers, you can't fall too far.

The quality of these monks is much higher than the previous batch. Yuan Ying’s eighth-floor Xiaocheng is considered to have a low level of cultivation. There are even two or three newly promoted Yuan Ying nine-level monks in this group. Every one of them is extremely good after they show up. Attention, presumably they are also a great existence in a place like the spiritual world.

Qing Yang roughly counts. Those who have already entered the range of Tianfeng Peak before, plus the outer batch, the total number of monks entering Tianfeng Range is almost 800, the eighth-layer monks of the Yuan Ying are over 90%, and the seventh-layer Yuan Ying is less than. Ten percent, and there are two or three others who have reached the 9th level of the Nascent Soul.

In Gufeng Continent, those who can cultivate to the eighth level of Nascent Soul are almost all overlord, and many of them are about to die. There are not many Shouyuan, but here, there are many cultivators on the 8th floor of Nascent Soul, and every one of them is very young. The Wanlinghui has an age limit. The birth of a baby cannot exceed three Jiazi. Even if you count the years spent in the Wanling Secret Realm, many people's life expectancy is only about 400 years old. There will be great years in the future, and the future is true. The is limitless.

Yuyangzi hesitated for a while, and followed everyone to meet Tianfeng. He felt that everyone was suspicious, but he didn't seem to resemble everyone. There was no other way but to climb to Tianfeng first. Besides, when you arrive outside the Guanxian Cave at the top of the Tianfeng Peak, you will be able to get to the bottom of it.

Seeing that all the other monks started to take action~www.readwn.com~ At the foot of the mountain, there were only a group of monks below the seventh floor of Yuan Ying who were watching the excitement. Qing Yang knew that he should also leave, but he did not leave the customs immediately, but turned around. The technique of disguising changes has become the appearance of the ghost king Fuliu killed by them in the Nether Territory.

After that, Qingyang stimulated the remaining ten thousand breath herbal power in the body, and adjusted his breath to be exactly the same as Fuliu Ghost King. When Qingyang and Fuliu Ghost King had close contact, they were very familiar with his breath. This little thing is easy. To be on the safe side, Qingyang also uses the ten thousand sage grass to use the breath-holding technique to adjust the cultivation base to the peak of the eighth level of the Yuan Ying. At this time, looking at Qingyang, regardless of the appearance and the realm of cultivation, it is like a support. Willow Ghost King, there is no more shadow of Qing Yang.

The main reason why Qing Yang did this was to avoid trouble. Yu Yangzi knew Qing Yang. If he saw Qing Yang and came to pick up Tianfeng, he would definitely suspect that he had obtained the Netherwind Beast Inner Pill, and he was not afraid to fight alone. The main reason is that there are too many cultivators in the spiritual realm of Tianfeng. Yuyangzi greeted him casually. The cultivators in the spiritual realm would definitely deal with Qingyang with the enemy, and Qingyang didn't have the ability to face the monks of the same realm.

Although the herb can only be used once, its effect can last for a year. There are still many months left. With this thing, Yuyangzi will definitely not be able to find Qingyang in a short time. When he is about to enter the Guanxian Cave, Even if Yuyangzi discovered the problem, it was too late to stop it.

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