Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1756: : Steal a lazy

After doing all of this, Qingyang ended her retreat, removed the outside formation restrictions, and moved toward Tianfeng. The appearance of the ghost king Fuliu was still relatively young, and Qingyang deliberately used Yin and Yang profound arts to transform his true essence. Cheng Mingyuan, from a distance, is a cool ghost with profound strength.

On the eighth peak of Yuan Ying, there is not much in the entire Ten Thousand Spirits Secret Realm. The remaining low-level cultivators looked at the sudden appearance of Qing Yang with shocked expressions. Unexpectedly, there was a master behind who was too late to arrive. With such a face, I don't know which super sect of the spirit world is the proud son of heaven. Whether it is in terms of strength or the background behind him, they can't provoke them.

The others hurriedly gave way and saw Qing Yang stepping into the range of the Tiantian Peak. Just like other monks, just after entering, a huge pressure was placed on him. This pressure was everywhere and powerful. It was so pressured that Qing Yang was almost out of breath.

Although Qing Yang's overall strength is comparable to that of Yuan Ying's ninth-tier cultivator, his real cultivation base is only Yuan Ying's fifth-layer, so it is more difficult to face this pressure than others, but his adjusted cultivation base is Yuan Ying. At the top of the eighth floor of Infant, you must also pretend to be able to deal with it easily, so as not to be seen by others. The difficulty can be imagined. If Qingyang had not had a Lingbao-level defensive spirit armor, it would have shared part of the pressure for him. , Qingyang really may not be able to cope with it.

Every step Qingyang took was extremely difficult, and the higher he went up, the greater the pressure. He didn't know how much work it would take to climb this ten-thousand-meter mountain. Qing Yang was really worried that he would give up halfway. However, looking up at the mountain, everyone else was struggling to climb towards the top of the mountain. The fastest had reached a height of hundreds of meters. Qing Yang did not dare to delay any more time, gritted his teeth and continued to climb towards the mountain.

Qing Yang raised his feet hard to climb up, one step, two steps, three steps...

The tremendous pressure made him breathe continuously, one zhang, two zhang, three zhang...

The big beads of sweat run down his neck, ten feet, twenty feet, thirty feet...

The mist on the head is steaming, and the blood in the body is churning, one hundred meters, two hundred sheets, three hundred meters...

Qing Yang clenched his teeth and persisted. Gradually, he reached a height of one thousand meters. During this period, he never dared to raise his head because he was worried that he would feel desperate when he looked up and saw the unreachable peak. If you lose it, you may really have to give up.

Qianzhang height is a threshold, because not all cultivators have this strength, not all cultivators can withstand this huge pressure, and not all cultivators have the perseverance to persevere, some with insufficient cultivation and insufficient preparation, or Without perseverance, he was gradually left behind. Some people even turned their heads and walked down the mountain. Qingyang was originally the last few to climb the Tianfeng Peak. Now it has been ranked more than 400, at least More than 300 people were left behind by him, that is to say, nearly half of the monks were eliminated in this short distance.

After a height of a thousand meters, the pressure exerted by Tianfeng was even greater. Qing Yang couldn't bear it, and his waist sank suddenly, and his whole body almost fell on the ground, but he persisted and stood gritted teeth. Straighten up, step by step, stubbornly walked towards the top of the mountain.

Qingyang may not be able to do other things, but it is definitely not inferior to any monk in terms of perseverance and endurance. This is also the helplessness of the small world monks. Because of the lack of resources, the small world monks are more difficult to practice, and they need more excellent qualifications and more powerful. Compared with the spiritual monks, they may not have many treasures and methods, and their overall strength is almost inferior, but they are definitely not bad in other aspects.

Qing Yang was able to cultivate this step not only by the mysterious drunken gourd and heaven-defying luck, but also because of his excellent other aspects, such as excellent alchemy talent, excellent Nine Spirit Root aptitude, perseverance, etc. , Therefore, as strong as the pressure on Mount Tianfeng, some spiritual cultivators may have been unable to withstand difficulties and retreat, but Qing Yang will definitely not be intimidated.

It will be more difficult to climb after more than a thousand feet. Every step Qingyang takes requires a lot of preparation, and it takes a lot of time to walk every one feet. It is good to be able to walk four or five hundred feet in an hour, but Qingyang does not. Intimidated by this difficulty, he adjusted his mentality, planned his pace, and calculated the use of true elements. He did not seek quickness, but only sought stability, and walked extremely calmly at every step.

Soon one day passed. Qingyang had reached the height of 5,000 feet to meet Tianfeng. At this time, the monks who were still in front of him had only about 200 people left. In other words, at the distance of 4,000 feet , And half of them were eliminated or left behind Qing Yang.

Among the two hundred people, the two or three Yuan Ying Nine-Floor Xiaocheng monks were walking in the front, followed by twenty or so Yuan Ying eight-story peak monks, and the one hundred Yuan Ying Eight-floor Dacheng monks at the back. Monks, there are already very few Yuan Ying eighth-floor Xiaocheng monks who can walk in front of Qing Yang.

As for Yuyangzi, he was ranked about forty at this time. It seemed that he still had some real ability, but the two people he brought with him did not have this ability. At this time, they had already retreated to the foot of the mountain.

After persisting until now, Qingyang has almost reached its limit, and there is not much true essence left in the body~www.readwn.com~ The muscles and bones all over the body are so sore, as if they were crushed by an inch, it is extremely difficult to move, Qingyang is really I couldn't hold on anymore, I was going to be lazy. Seeing that everyone was focusing on climbing the mountain, I took advantage of others not paying attention, and my body flashed into the drunk fairy gourd space.

At this time, everyone is too busy to take care of themselves. Who will release their spiritual thoughts to observe others? In addition to the strong strength of the top cultivators, there is more power to pay attention to other cultivators occasionally. The cultivators in the back are struggling to fight against the pressure of Tianfeng.

After entering the drunk fairy gourd, all the pressure disappeared. Qing Yang fell to the ground as soon as he weakened. He didn't want to get up for a long time, but he knew that time was pressing, so he could only sit on the ground with strength, and then took out a few to supplement his physical strength and Zhen. After taking Yuan's pill, he began to meditate and recover. In order to speed up, he also took out a high-grade spirit stone and pinched it in his hand, hoping to speed up the recovery.

After an hour, Qingyang Zhenyuan recovered 70% to 80%, and the soreness on his body disappeared, so he released his mind to observe the situation outside, found the right time to flash out of the drunk fairy gourd, and the huge pressure was reapplied. On Qing Yang, but at this time, he had just taken a break, and his situation was much better than the others. It was not difficult to resist these pressures, so he took a step towards the top of the peak. During this period, no one noticed Qing Yang. The exception.

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