Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1765: : Qingyang's Comprehension

Qing Yang carefully took out a drop of Lingming Jade Dew and sent it into his mouth. A sweet breath flowed from his mouth into his belly, and then dispersed into the limbs. A rush of heat evaporated all over his body. Suddenly, Qing Yang felt his own mind. When I am clear, all the memories are extremely clear at this moment, all the secret techniques of the exercises are extremely simple at this moment, and all the barriers and bottlenecks are extremely thin at this moment, and it seems that it can be mastered with a little effort. .

Not only that, even the speed of meditation practice seems to be faster than usual. Of course, Qingyang will not waste Lingming Jade Dew on this, but will converge his mind and memorize what he saw on the stone wall before. , I hope to learn something useful from it.

With the help of Lingming Yulu, Qingyang seems to have a deeper comprehension of the pictures he sees every day. It’s a pity that what you see in the Guanxian Cave is chance. It does not mean that you will be able to comprehend something useful when you have a high level of comprehension, so ten A few days later, Qing Yang still found nothing.

But he was not discouraged, the remaining time was still long, and his Lingming Jade Dew was still left, so after ten days later, after the effect of the previous drop of Lingming Jade gradually disappeared, Qing Yang took out the jade bottle again. , And take another drop of Lingming Jade Dew, carefully study the gains.

Youdao is worthy of effort. A few months later, seeing that there are only four or five drops of Lingming Jade Dew in the jade bottle, and the Guanxian Cave has only been opened for less than half a year, Qingyang suddenly stood on the stone wall. In the screen, a cultivator in the fairy world is seen to perform a rare time-type secret technique. Although the opponent’s casting time is very short, the effect is not very obvious. If you don’t pay attention, you will easily ignore the past, but Qingyang still I noticed it, and I saw it clearly, not because of anything else, but because he now also has a rare root of time.

I don’t know which point in his heart was touched. Qing Yang couldn’t help but think of the ghost king of long eyebrows in the Nether Territory, thinking of his long eyebrows that can increase life span of a hundred years out of thin air, and thinking of what he saw when he had just got the root of time. The vicissitudes of life have changed, and I even thought of all the changes I have experienced from birth to the present, bit by bit that I have experienced over the years.

Everyone is closely related to time, but it is the least understood thing. Everyone is controlled by time and will never be able to get rid of it. This shackle can only increase its one-hundred-year lifespan when it reaches the foundation-building period. The Yuan Ying monk is already a terrestrial god, with a life span of up to a thousand years. It is the most difficult kind of heaven to understand and master, and the spiritual root of time is also the most mysterious kind of spiritual root.

For ordinary people, time seems to be fair forever, always passing at a certain speed, not fast, not slow, not stopping, and not going back. The same is true for low-level monks. Gufeng Continent is so big, I have never heard of anyone who is out of the control of time. Even the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows has only ten extra longevity eyebrows that can increase longevity.

What if it is a more powerful monk? Qing Yang hasn't reached that point yet. I don't know if a higher cultivator can control the time, but from the side analysis, it should be possible, but the difficulty is relatively high. For example, the most basic gold, wood, water, fire, and earth can be easily mastered by monks, even without the spiritual roots in this area, but it is more difficult than the monks with the spiritual roots, and ice wind thunder attributes are rarer, but it is not difficult. Where to go, the more difficult thing is space. Space treasures cannot be refined by ordinary cultivators. Not only do they need to have a certain understanding of the attributes of space, but they also need to be cultivated accordingly. Otherwise, no matter how superb refining techniques are used, it will be useless. .

The spiritual roots of time are rarer, and the laws of time are more illusory, and of course it is more difficult to master, but this also shows that if a cultivator has a certain understanding of the attributes of time, and at the same time, his cultivation level is high to a certain level, he can master this time. The law is also possible. As for what can be done after mastering the time law, it is not yet understandable by Qingyang's realm.

Decades ago, after Qing Yang obtained the Wan Linghua, he refined the Wan Ling Tian Bu Tian Pill. Because the number was large enough, Qing Yang took three of them at once, making up for the rare time spiritual root, and the potential of this time spiritual root The points are still very high. Now in Guanxiandong, I have observed the cultivators of the fairy world using rare time-type secret techniques. Qingyang originally had a high level of comprehension, but now he has taken Lingming Jade Dew many times in a row. Naturally, he is aware of this time secret. The technique has some different insights.

I remember that when he just had the time spirit root, Qing Yang took out a tiny seed, which could cause the seed to germinate, grow, wilt, and complete his life in a moment. The reason for this is that Qing Yang just had the instinct attached to the time spirit root. The second is that the kind of child is very low-level and can be easily controlled, and Qing Yang will try again later, it will be much more difficult, and it is difficult to be as proficient as the first time. But today, Qing Yang is more and more familiar with his time spiritual roots, and he has a deeper and deeper understanding of the laws of time. Now let alone an inconspicuous seed, even a tree or even a person, Qing Yang feels that he can control it, so that time speeds up or slows down on the opponent~www.readwn.com~ This is actually a magical power, and it is a very clever magical power, but Qingyang at this time Still immersed in it, I didn't know that I had entered a state of epiphany.

Qing Yang didn’t know, the other monks in Guanxian Cave knew that the effect of the sagegrass was time-limited. Qingyang began to use it when it was in Youfeng Lake. At this time, one year has passed, and all the people present are Yuan Yuan. Brother Ying, the distance between each other is so close, how could Qingyang's breath-gathering technique be hidden from everyone? So other people have long seen through that Qingyang only has the fifth-level cultivation base of Yuan Ying.

After Qing Yang's true cultivation base was exposed, he shocked all the cultivators present. Even Bianji, Yuanshengzi, and Qingmingzi were no exception. A cultivator on the fifth floor of Yuanying could actually climb the Mount Tianfeng and enter the Guanxian Cave. It's really outrageous. You know, Tianfeng has eliminated hundreds of eighth-tier cultivators of the Nascent Soul. How could this kid, He De, surpass so many people?

However, it also explains some problems from the side. Qingyang's ability to ascend the Heavenly Peak shows that he has the strength of the 9th-tier cultivator of Yuanying from the outside, and that he can enter this cave, which shows that he is capable of organizing the hunting of Yuanying to complete the beasts. The low cultivation base shows that he possesses extremely strong ability to challenge higher ranks. Such a person is definitely not an ordinary person, and his identity background is definitely not ordinary.

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