Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1766: : Reincarnation

The three of Bianjizi couldn't help but look at Qingyang a few more times, wanting to find something from Qingyang, they even doubted whether Qingyang was the illegitimate son of a super boss in the spirit world, who had hidden his identity and came to Wan Ling to have mixed qualifications. Yes, but unfortunately, nothing was found in the end.

Although the three of them have superior status and status, they are more likely to be able to ascend this Mount Tianfeng by borrowing the influence of the sect behind them. It is also because their cultivation base has arrived, and they are not dependent on their identity background like Qingyang. The situation of entering the Guanxian Cave in the middle of the Yuan Ying is completely incomparable. If Qingyang's cultivation base reaches their level in the future, the achievement will definitely be countless times higher than theirs.

Because of this, the three of them had placed Qing Yang in the same position as them, and even wondered if they would go up and say hello when Guanxiandong was over.

It is also because of this that when Qing Yang entered the state of enlightenment, everyone was not too surprised. It seems that this is normal. It seems that only enlightenment can be worthy of such a stunning and stunning generation. If Qingyang understands everything. No, maybe it will arouse their suspicion.

Soon another few months passed, and three more monks entered the state of enlightenment. Counting Qingyang, twelve monks have entered the state of enlightenment. There are a total of twenty-six monks in Guanxian Cave. Almost half of the total number of people, but entering the state of enlightenment does not necessarily mean comprehending magical powers. It may also be a general secret technique. However, what you watch in Guanxiandong are some fragments and scenes of the fairy world, since it is related to the fairy world , Even if they only comprehend the general secret technique, it is also something that is so powerful that one can hardly be underestimated.

This momentum can also be seen from the time of the monk’s enlightenment. Generally, the simpler the secret technique, the faster the comprehension speed, of course, the power of the secret technique is relatively small, and the more complex and profound the secret technique, the more difficult it is to comprehend. Very high, of course the greater the power when used.

Of the twelve monks who had entered the state of enlightenment in Guanxian Cave, five of them woke up after only less than ten days of enlightenment. It can be seen that the difficulty of comprehending the secret technique is not high, and four of them lasted half a time. Around the month, there were two other people. Bian Jizi's epiphany lasted for a month, and Qing Mingzi's epiphany lasted for a full 33 days, which was the longest among these people.

As for Qingyang, after entering the state of enlightenment, he has not been awake again. Counting the time, it has been more than five months, several times that of Qing Mingzi, the longest time among others. It takes time to open Guanxiandong. It's over, Qing Yang hasn't woken up from the state of epiphany.

The epiphany in Guanxian Cave lasts such a long time. The monks present have never heard of it. In the memory of spiritual monks, it can last for a month, even if it is relatively long. Those who reach two months are already rare, and I did not expect that there were people. An epiphany in Guanxian Cave can last more than five months, and many people even wonder if Qingyang has already woken up. It is only for some reason that everyone has a misunderstanding, but from the outside, it seems that it is again. Not like.

It is said that in a dozen days of epiphany, you can comprehend the innate magical powers. The longer the time, the stronger the power of the innate magical powers. Qingyang has an epiphany for more than five months. How strong should that power be? Everyone was somewhat jealous of Qingyang's low cultivation level entering the Guanxian Cave, but by this time, they had already put away that little thought, because the two sides were not at the same level at all.

Being able to ascend to the Heavenly Peak shows that Qingyang's strength is no less than that of them. Only the fifth-tier cultivation base of the Nascent Soul shows that Qingyang's ability to challenge the next step is extremely strong, and the background is extremely deep. And an epiphany of more than five months shows that Qingyang has a comprehension. The talent and supernatural powers of Qingyang are also extremely against the sky. At this time, Qing Yang's combat power is no longer comparable to them, and the future of the future is not limited. It is useless to ride Juechen, and to be jealous.

Let’s leave aside what other cultivators are thinking about. Qing Yang is still immersed in the comprehension of the laws of time and heaven. Although the comprehension is only a little bit of fur, the laws of time and heaven are too profound. For Yang, it is already infinitely useful.

With the comprehension of the laws of time and heaven, Qing Yang feels that his ability to control time is getting stronger and stronger. Of course, this control is not for himself, let alone the whole world, but only for a specific thing or enemy. Otherwise, It’s too defying. The time to control the entire world is almost equivalent to the creation god. Not to mention Qingyang, even the cultivators of the immortal world can’t do it. That’s why it is said that what Qingyang understands is in the fur fur.

But even the fur in the fur is very powerful. If it is used against an ordinary person or a low-level monk, Qingyang can stop the opponent's time, and it can also let that person live his life in an instant; if it is against a fellow monk of the same rank Use, Qingyang can slow down the opponent's time and speed up the opponent's aging. As for the use of higher-level monks, the power may be discounted, but the effect is also available, mainly depending on the strength gap between the two parties. .

Of course, if you want to control other people's time, the price you need to pay is also huge. It not only consumes the true essence of Qingyang, but also consumes divine consciousness. In addition, it is also a burden for divine souls. UU看书www.uukanshu. If com is used for a long time without rest, it is likely to damage the foundation due to the excessive consumption of the soul.

With Qingyang’s current strength, he can completely control the life and death of cultivators of Jin Dan and below. It is slightly more difficult to control the Nascent Soul cultivator, but if it is not long, he can still do it. As for the control of higher-level cultivators, it is really difficult. Too big, not only the consumption is amazing, but the time is also surprisingly short, you can use it or try not to use it. But in any case, this ability is still very useful, not to mention anything else, it is enough to scare people. If Qingyang encounters a monk who can’t beat him in the future, he can use this trick to slow down the opponent’s actions and fight for himself. Time to escape.

Whether this is considered a magical power, Qingyang is not too clear, and I don’t know if this magical power has been used before, but time spirituality is scarce at all, and it is even more difficult to understand the magical powers of time, let alone It is the world where Qingyang lives, and it is estimated that even in the spirit world, there will be no second person. Since it is a unique magical power that you have comprehended, let's call it Samsara.

At this time, Qing Yang's state of enlightenment was finally over, but he did not immediately stop practicing, but meditated for three more days, savoring the entire process of this enlightenment, and slowly getting acquainted with the situation of the spiritual roots in his body. , Carefully recalled the previous perception of the law of time and heaven, and maximized the power of reincarnation magical powers.

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