Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1782: : Blood Sickle Ghost King

However, Qing Yang still underestimated the power of the Spiritual Attack of the Variety Ghost King. The invisible energy shot into Qing Yang's body in an instant. Qing Yang shook his body, snorted, and took a step back, obviously suffering from internal injuries. , The Variety Ghost King deserves to be one of the ten halls of the Ten Kings Hall, this mental attack is not ordinary strong, Qing Yang has done so many preparations, but he is still injured.

Seeing this situation, the Variety Ghost King sneered, and said: "I think you have any abilities, and dare to come forward and stop my Ten Kings Hall from doing things. It turns out that it is so vulnerable, it's really overwhelming."

It was not Qing Yang's carelessness before, but he did it deliberately. On the one hand, he showed his weakness to prevent the hostile forces from figuring out his true details. On the other hand, his strength has increased too fast in recent years. He wants to try. Try to find out how much difference between one's own spiritual mind and the ghost cultivator of the same rank, can he use his own strength to block the opponent's mental attack, so he gave the opponent a chance to attack.

I have tried it now. Qing Yang will not keep his hand anymore. When he sees his divine mind moving, the Bi Peach Divine Wood Sword appears in the air, but because Qing Yang uses Yin Yang profound art, his body's true essence has been transformed into Ming Yuan, then The color of the Bitao Shenmu Sword is slightly black, which is quite different from usual.

However, this did not affect Qing Yang's use of the Mu Yuan Jian Jue, an aurora flashed, and the Bi Tao Shen Mu Sword quickly pierced the Variety Ghost King. Don’t look at Qingyang’s strength much lower than the Variety Ghost King, but because he has cultivated the all-attribute Five Elements Forging Immortal Art since he was a child, the true essence is much stronger than the monks of the same rank, plus his powerful spirit and spirit. A sharp magic weapon, even if it is only a single-attribute sword tactic, its power cannot be underestimated. What's more, Qingyang's Bi Tao Shenmu Sword is dedicated to fighting ghosts?

The first mental attack worked. The Variety Ghost King planned to take advantage of the victory and was preparing to brew the second mental attack. However, he found that Qingyang had launched the attack first. He was shocked when he saw the terrifying and murderous Bi Peach God Wooden Sword. , Qing Yang had a reliance on daring to rise up, he underestimated the young man in front of him, he was afraid that he could not cope with this ultimate move alone.

Seeing that his life is hard to protect, the Variety Ghost King dodges backwards while calling for the Blood Scythe Ghost King for help. Unfortunately, the Blood Scythe Ghost King is a little far away from him. It happened so suddenly that it will not be possible for a while, and Qianjiao Ghost King. I had known this scene for a long time, and of course it was impossible to let him go to rescue the Variety Ghost King, so he tried his best to drag the Blood Sickle Ghost King.

Now that he decided to take action, Qing Yang couldn't get away from the opponent, and controlled the Mu Yuan Jian Jue to kill the Variety Ghost King, not giving him a chance, and the Variety Ghost King continued to use defensive methods, and he couldn't resist Qing Yang's attack. , And finally screamed and was pierced into the body by the Bi Tao Shenmu Sword.

Because Gui Xiu’s body is cultivated the day after tomorrow, there are endless changes in the virtual, the real and the real. It is easier for general magic weapons to injure the Gui Xiu, but it is very difficult to directly injure or kill the ghost. But he focused on ghost repair, and just pierced into the body of the Variety Ghost King, he heard a loud boom, igniting a large group of sun flames, and immediately engulfed him.

The Variety Ghost King screamed again and again, trying everything possible to extinguish the sun flame, but it had no effect. On the contrary, it burned more and more, and soon burned the Variety Ghost King into a mass of ashes.

With one move, Qing Yang killed the Variety Ghost King who had a higher cultivation base than him. This scene immediately shocked everyone present. The Blood Sickle Ghost King and the others stared at Qing Yang blankly, with full eyes. It's fear. When did the Ten Kings Palace emerge such a powerful person? He was able to kill the Nascent Soul in one move, let alone completing the task today, I am afraid that even his life will be lost here.

Even Qianjiao Ghost King and Baimei Ghost King also opened their mouths and couldn't get together for a long time. They knew that Qingyang was powerful and had the ability to challenge higher levels. They would definitely be able to save them two, but they didn't expect Qingyang to be so powerful. , Is it so easy to kill Yuan Ying later? I remember that this Qingyang was only the perfect cultivation base of the Golden Core at the beginning, and when I saw myself I would be called a senior, and now he is better than myself after only a hundred years, so amazing and amazing, I am worthy of being a friend of the one-horned ghost king.

After killing the Variety Ghost King, Qing Yang's face did not change in any way. For him today, this was just a trivial matter. It was too easy to solve the seven-layer ghost repair of Yuan Ying, and then Qing Yang waved his hand. , Put away the storage bag on the ground, and then turned to look forward.

Being stared at by a pair of sharp eyes, the ghost king of blood sickle immediately trembled all over, saying: "Friends of the Daoist for mercy, friends of the Daoist, forgive us, this is all made by the ghost king with long eyebrows, you can't blame me."

The ghost king of blood sickle has a gloomy personality, usually looks cold, not to mention that there is a ghost king with long eyebrows standing behind him, which is not such a persuasive person. uukanshu.com was really frightened by the scene of Qingyang killing the Variety Ghost King just now. The seven-layer ghost repair of the dignified Yuan Ying actually couldn't support even one move in Qing Yang's hands, especially when it was hanging in the air. Looking at the Bi Peach God Wooden Sword, he was frightened. He was afraid that he would be stabbed by a sword and then wailed and died in the flames of the sun.

Killing the Variety Ghost King has already established his prestige, and Qing Yang is too lazy to kill these people. He still has many questions to answer, so he coldly snorted: "What task has the Longbrow Ghost King arranged for you? Honestly, if Don't blame me for being rude if you conceal the slightest bit."

The blood sickle ghost king was scared by Qing Yang, and quickly said: "Don't dare, I will never conceal the slightest bit. After the long eyebrow ghost king became the lord of the Ten Kings Palace, the other ghost kings all expressed their surrender to him, only the Baimei ghost king Not only did not say anything, but also repeatedly investigated the Long-Browed Ghost King. The Long-Browed Ghost King couldn’t bear it, so he sent a few of us to Baimei City. After we came to Baimei City, the Variety Ghost King knew that it would be difficult to complete the task by storm. So he used his ever-changing technique to transform into the appearance of Qianjiao Ghost King, transferred away the other Nascent Soul monks in Baimei City in advance, and took the opportunity to sneak attacks and attacked Baimei Ghost King severely. Seeing that the mission is about to be completed, the result is..."

"This ghost king with long eyebrows is afraid of being investigated, but what has he done?" Qing Yang said.

The ghost king of blood sickle shook his head and said: "I don't know about that. The ghost king with long eyebrows has always been cautious. Matter, but it has nothing to do with Baimei Ghost King."

Seeing what he wanted to know, Qing Yang simply asked, "Then I will ask you one more question. A few years ago, Dujiaocheng suddenly suffered an accident. The ghost king died, and the whereabouts of the unicorn ghost king is unknown. Who did it? Did the ghost king with long eyebrows intervene?"

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