Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1783: :Investigate the cause

The Blood Sickle Ghost King didn’t know why Qing Yang asked this question, but he knew very well that he had to tell the truth, saying: “A few years ago, there was a sudden change in Monocorn. I have heard about this incident a bit, but it’s all heard from the hearsay. According to the news, some people speculate that it was caused by the people of Qianfo Caves, and some speculated that the infighting occurred in the unicorn city, but there is no real evidence. As for whether the long eyebrow ghost king was involved, I have not heard of it. Perhaps there was an intervention in secret, but we did not. I know."

I didn’t say this. I didn’t expect that even the ghost king of the Palace of Ten Kings would not know. Qing Yang suddenly looked cold and stared at the blood sickle ghost king’s eyes, threatening: "You really don’t know. Or deliberately deceived me? If there is any concealment, I will make you better than death."

Being so watched by Qingyang, the blood sickle ghost king suddenly weakened his knees and knelt to the ground.

Not only him, but the other four Guixiu who had besieged Baimei Ghost King also knelt down and said, "Friends, we really don’t know about this incident. The incident in Monocorn happened suddenly, and everyone was caught off guard. Later, The hall masters also sent people to investigate, and found no clues. The one-horned ghost king is not an easy one. No one in the Ten Kings Palace should be able to hurt him."

Qing Yang knew in his heart that this should not have been done by the people in the Palace of Ten Kings. One-horned ghost king only restored the three-tiered cultivation base of Yuan Ying to shock the giant ghost king and long eyebrow ghost king a hundred years later. Even stronger, the people in the Palace of Ten Kings might be even less daring to provoke him, but based on the principle of who benefits and who is most suspected, Qing Yang decided to go to the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows.

So Qing Yang brushed his sleeves and said coldly: "If that's the case, get out of here, go back and tell the ghost king with long eyebrows, this will not be the case, three months later, I will visit the door with Baimei ghost king personally. Visit, I hope he can give me a satisfactory answer by then."

Hearing that Qing Yang would not kill them, the Blood Sickle Ghost King finally breathed a sigh of relief. This fortune was saved. Although he was afraid of Qing Yang's death in his heart, he didn't feel that Qing Yang dared to find trouble with the Long Eyed Ghost King. , That is the old ghost king of the Ten Kings Palace who lived 1,400 years old. His cultivation is infinitely close to Yuan Ying's Consummation. He has strong strength and rich combat experience. How can Qingyang, the fifth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying, compare? What to say about visiting in person is probably just a scene.

The blood sickle ghost king decided. After returning, he must tell the long eyebrow ghost king what happened today, let the long eyebrow ghost king lay a net on Changmei Mountain, kill this ignorant boy, and avenge the innocent death of the ever-changing ghost king, and also help. I sighed myself.

Although the ghost king of blood sickle was thinking about how to find the ghost king with long eyebrows to vent his anger, he didn't dare to show disrespect to Qing Yang, and quickly said, "Thank you fellow Daoist for not killing. I will definitely pass these words back when I return. Long eyebrow ghost king, let him wait for his ride in Changmei Mountain."

After speaking, the ghost king of blood sickle left Baimei City with four of his subordinates, and Qing Yang turned to look at the ghost king Baimei, and said: "The ghost king Baimei, I haven't seen it for many years, do you still remember it?"

Baimei Ghost King was attacked and wounded by the Variety Ghost King, and then went through a fierce battle. Although the injury was not light, it did not affect her actions. While Qingyang was teaching the Blood Sickle Ghost King just now, she took a heal in advance. Pills, the situation is much better now.

Qingyang is the one-horned ghost king's year-end acquaintance, how could Baimei ghost king not remember? Look at this person who once saw that he must be called a senior, but in a hundred years, his strength has surpassed his own young man, Baimei Ghost King couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion, there is always that kind of jealous and crazy genius in this world. Baimei ghost king said: "You are the one-horned ghost king's year-end friendship, how can I not remember? Thank you Qingyang Daoist for your help. I am grateful from all over the city."

Qingyang waved his hand and said, "I just happened to be passing by, so I just did it smoothly."

Baimeigui Wangdao: "In any case, I must thank Daoist Qingyang for his help. If you didn't arrive in time this time, my Baimei city would have to be renamed. This is not the place to talk, Sister, you should bring youth first. Fellow Daoist Yang comes to rest in the mansion, and I will come after a while."

Qianjiao Ghost King accompanied Qingyang into the Ghost King's Mansion and sat down in the reception hall. Baimei Ghost King did not let Qing Yang wait for a long time. After a quarter of an hour, he came to the reception hall to meet Qingyang. At this time, the Baimei Ghost King had already cleaned up. Okay, although he is still a little weak, he can't see the injury at all.

Once again thanked Qingyang for his life-saving grace, Baimei Ghost King said again: "I heard that Daoist Qingyang went out and wandered a hundred years ago. After that, I never heard from you in the Ten Kings Palace. This time you came suddenly. To my city of Baimei, could it be the end of the wandering and just returned to the Nether Realm?"

Qing Yang nodded, and UU read www.uukanshu.com and said, "This is the case. I thought I would return for 30 to 40 years this time. And the friendship with the Baimei Ghost King, I stopped by to take a look, but I didn't expect so many things to happen in the Ten Kings Palace. The ghost king fell and the one-horned ghost king fell unaccounted for, and you almost had an accident here."

Baimei Ghost King sighed and said: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Over the past hundred years, under the leadership of the Unicorn Ghost King, the influence of the Ten Kings Palace has been growing day by day. As a result, Unicorn City suddenly suffered a few years ago. After an accident, the Palace of Ten Kings was beaten back to its original shape in a blink of an eye."

"Has Baimei Ghost King ever investigated the cause?" Qing Yang asked his doubts.

Baimei Ghost King shook his head and said, "No, the blood sickle Ghost King told the truth. It happened suddenly at that time. Baimei City was far away from the Monocorn City. When we got the news, we rushed to Monocorn City to investigate. It was too late, and in the end nothing was found."

"Is there no clue?" Qing Yang was not reconciled.

Bai Meigui Wang said: "It can’t be regarded as without clues. After my investigation and visits in the past few years, I have found some clues. The thousand-faced Buddha of the Thousand-Buddha Sect is probably the only one who did it. He has this motivation and ability, and the Ghost King of Long Eyebrows definitely knows some of the inside information, and even this matter may be done jointly by the King of Long Eyebrows and the Thousand Face Buddha."

Baimei Ghost King’s words are a bit subjective, but Qing Yang feels that there is some truth. After so many years, even if the one-horned Ghost King hasn’t regained his cultivation base, it should be almost the same. He still has a geographical advantage, and there are other There are many helpers, it is difficult for ordinary people to break through the unicorn, even if it is a Thousand Face Buddha with the cultivation base of the gods, it is not easy, it is estimated that this long eyebrow ghost king has helped a lot in it, at least it is also a leading party.

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