Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1785: : Glue

Although Baimei Ghost King is not scared, he is more or less indifferent. I don’t feel it if I don’t come to Changmei Mountain. After I came, I realized that the gap between himself and the Longmei Ghost King was too big. The palace lord Ghost King put it in his eyes, this time I was afraid that he would really hit the stone with an egg.

Bai Mei Gui Wang turned his head and looked at Qing Yang, but saw Qing Yang calm and relaxed. She couldn't help but admire her. This kid didn't know whether it was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers, or really had the strength. Facing this situation, he was so calm and calm. Having lived for two lifetimes, he was actually not as good as a young man.

Qing Yang was indeed not frightened by the posture of Mount Changmei. He was still psychologically prepared for this. The Palace of Ten Kings is huge. The ghost king of Changmei has lived for more than 1,400 years, and his background is the deepest among the ten halls of ghost kings. Yes, how could he not have a competent assistant on the 20th and 30th?

Seeing the other party surrounding them, with a steadfast look of victory, Qing Yang sneered: "Hehe, the ghost king with long eyebrows really can look down on us, and he has so many helpers all at once."

Three months ago, when the ghost king of long eyebrows first heard that Qingyang was already a fifth-tier cultivator of Yuan Ying and killed the Variety Ghost King with a single move, the ghost king of long eyebrows would still be suspicious. Now that he saw Qing Yang with his own eyes, he I dared to confirm that what the Blood Sickle Ghost King said was true. In just over a hundred years, this Qingyang successfully broke through from the Golden Core to the fifth level of the Nascent Soul, with an amazing speed.

At the same time, a strong jealousy arose in his heart. The long eyebrow ghost king was of average aptitude. It took more than 1,400 years to cultivate to this cultivation base. If it were not for his time spiritual roots, he was born with ten. The longevity eyebrows whose roots can increase the life span of a hundred years are definitely gone, and the boy in front of him is less than three hundred years old. I am afraid that it will not take long before his cultivation level will exceed him, and it may even break through earlier than the long eyebrow ghost king. In the realm of transforming the gods, thinking about the energy and time that he spent in order to improve his cultivation, comparing with Qing Yang is nothing short of a tortoise, and God is really unfair.

Oh, by the way, this Qingyang still has a pregnant woman, and the long eyebrow ghost king's qualifications are relatively poor among the many hall masters. Back in the Valley of Gods, the One-horned Ghost King gave the two pregnant fruits to Qingyang. Of course, the Long-Browed Ghost King was shocked by the One-horned Ghost King, and he didn't dare to think about it. Later, the Qingyang disappeared in the Palace of Ten Kings. , The ghost king with long eyebrows thought that he would never be able to get that pregnancy fruit in his life, but he didn't expect that Qingyang would take the initiative to send it to the door this time.

Now that there is no one-horned ghost king, this kid is besieged by many monks in Changmei Mountain. Even if he puts on his wings, he can't fly out of his palm. For a while, if he is obediently offering the pregnant fruit, it will be fine. If you dare to say half of it No word, he definitely made him regret being born in this world.

Thinking of this, the ghost king with long eyebrows put a smile on his face, and said: "I can't imagine that I haven't seen him in a hundred years. At the beginning, he was just a Jindan cultivator. Now he has become the fifth-tier cultivator of Nascent Soul. I really envy others. I am long. Eyebrow Ghost King is different from you. He has a dull aptitude, and it is extremely difficult every time he raises his cultivation base. Now he has lived more than fourteen hundred years old, and he is still in the realm of Nascent Soul. Daoist Qingyang is so amazing. I can’t overemphasize the presence of the scholars."

This long-browed ghost king looks kind and good-looking, but he is actually a sinister and cunning person. From the behavior of seeing the wind in Shenying Valley, you can see that Qing Yang is not bewildered by the other's smile, but coldly. Said: "Everyone is a smart person, and I must be very clear about the purpose of my long eyebrow ghost king. I wonder if the long eyebrow ghost king can give me an explanation."

The long eyebrow ghost king laughed twice and said: "I am so old and dizzy. I really don't know what Daoist Qingyang is doing. Could it be that this time I came to the door for the Baimei ghost king to seek justice?"

Seeing that the ghost king of long eyebrows Gu left and right talked about him, Qing Yang did not intend to pester him anymore, and said directly: "Since the ghost king of long eyebrows is pretending to be confused, then I'll just say it, a few years ago, there was an accident in the city of Dujiao, and the ghost king died. , The whereabouts of the one-horned ghost king is unknown. Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

The long eyebrow ghost king said: "Friend Qingyang said and laughed. This matter has nothing to do with me. When the accident happened in Dujiao City a few years ago, I was still retreating in Changmei Mountain. How could I have time to mix? I heard that a few years ago, the cultivation base of the unicorn ghost king has been restored to Yuan Ying Consummation, and I am about to try to break through the **** transformation again. Even if I want to mix it up, I can't afford it."

There is a certain degree of credibility in the words of the long eyebrow ghost king. He is afraid that the one-horned ghost king is obvious to all. At the beginning of the Shenying Valley, the one-horned ghost king only restored the three-tier cultivation base of the Nascent Soul. The long eyebrow ghost king did not dare to have the slightest. After the change, the mono-horned ghost king's cultivation was restored to Yuan Ying Consummation, and he was even more afraid to provoke him casually, but he couldn't help it. It was still possible to do some small moves in private. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

Qing Yang didn’t believe that this matter had nothing to do with the ghost king of long eyebrows, so he sternly said: "The ghost king of long eyebrows, the unicorn city is heavily guarded, and the unicorn ghost king has restored the perfect cultivation base of Yuan Ying, even if it is a cultivator of the gods. It's so easy to break through Monocorn, and you will never get out of the relationship."

After Qing Yang said this, he thought that the ghost king with long eyebrows would become angry, but he just smiled, and said: "How can you get rid of the relationship? What can you do if you can't get rid of the relationship? Fellow Qingyang, there was an accident in Dujiaocheng, Lian The one-horned ghost king who is about to restore his cultivation base is not an opponent. What can you do with the fifth-level cultivation base of Yuan Ying? Rather than thinking about unrealistic things, it is better to end what kind of grievances. Shenyinggu, should you pay back what you borrowed from me?"

Qing Yang didn't expect Long Eyebrow Ghost King to suddenly change the subject and said, "What did I borrow from you?"

Long eyebrow ghost king said: "A hundred years ago, the giant ghost king exchanged the pregnant fruit from Shen Yinggu for my longevity eyebrows. Daoist Qingyang just borrowed the long eyebrows. He didn’t even leave the pregnant fruit for me. For the sake of getting acquainted, I don’t want the interest for this hundred years, and the pregnant fruit should always be paid back to me, right?"

The longevity eyebrow was taken back by Qingyang from Huanxi Ghost King, and the pregnant fruit was given to Qingyang by the one-horned ghost king. It was originally a thing of Qingyang and had nothing to do with the long eyebrow ghost king. Qing Yang couldn’t help but gain "The story of Shenyinggu was still vivid at the beginning, and the ghost king with long eyebrows dared to speak like that. This ability to reverse black and white is really not small. It is a pity that you have been late for this crooked idea. The pregnant fruit has long been taken by me. Eat it, otherwise, where did I get such a high level of cultivation?"

The long eyebrow ghost king does not believe that such an important thing as the pregnant **** fruit, a peerless treasure used to break through the bottleneck of the **** transformation, will be eaten by Qingyang as an elixir to improve cultivation. It must be to dispel everyone's right. How could he be easily fooled by the coveting of Pregnancy God Fruit?

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