Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1786: : Randomly deploy

The long eyebrow ghost king sneered: "Originally, I planned to give you a chance to surrender it for the sake of getting acquainted with you. Since you don’t appreciate it, don’t blame me for being impolite. When I catch you, I must let you **** long eyebrow ghost king's method of pumping the soul."

After speaking, the long eyebrow ghost king said to the people he had brought to him: "What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up, if you can win this kid, this king will have a lot of rewards."

These people are all obedient to the Ghost King with Long Eyebrows. How can the King of Ghosts dare not follow the orders? What's more, the ghost king with long eyebrows also issued a reward. All the cultivators present were the Nascent Souls, and they were very clear about the effect of the God of Pregnancy Fruit on them, but there was a ghost king with long eyebrows, and the God Fruit of Pregnancy would definitely not be their turn. However, the ghost king of his own got the God Fruit of Pregnancy and had the hope of breaking through the gods. , I will definitely not treat anyone who has done the credit wrong, so a group of Nascent Soul cultivators are as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they attacked Qingyang one after another.

At the same time, facing the attacks of twenty Yuanying cultivators, even the transforming cultivators had to retreat. Qing Yang stood in the forefront without any fear. He waved his hand, and a string of Buddhist beads suddenly appeared on the front of the crowd. In the air, a thousand rays of light were emitted in an instant, and the stinger could hardly open his eyes.

Seeing the Buddha beads in the sky, the ghost king with long eyebrows suddenly changed his face, and he instantly thought of those things that happened in the Shenying Valley a hundred years ago, and he had missed the King Kong Devil Bead.

This was made by the cultivator Thousand Face Buddha, who was specially refined for the Huanxi Ghost King. It was the nemesis of the ghost cultivation in the Ten Kings Hall. If Qingyang hadn't made the last move, the ghost kings in the Ten Kings Hall would almost have been wiped out in the King Kong Demon Orb. In the formation, the formation was later broken by Qingyang and picked up the beads. They did not appear in a hundred years. They thought that the beads were completely destroyed, but they didn't expect Qingyang to take them out at this time.

The beads of the Vajra Devil Beads have been placed on Qing Yang for hundreds of years, and they have not been of any use. Before, in the monk town of the Myriad Souls Secret Realm, Qing Yang encountered a refiner from the spiritual world, so he commissioned it The other party tried to repair the Vajra Devil Orb. Although the refiner was only the Nascent Soul cultivator, he was incomparable with the Thousand Face Buddha of the Transcendent Stage, but the other party came from the spirit world, and he still had a lot of clever facial tools. After that, the King Kong Demon Orb was really repaired, but its power was slightly reduced, but it was more than enough to deal with Yuanying ghost repair, and it was precisely because of this preparation that Qing Yang dared to take the Baimei Ghost King to go straight. The old lair of King Eyebrow Ghost.

The ghost king with long eyebrows secretly yelled bad, and quickly backed away. As a ghost who is infinitely close to Yuan Ying's Consummation and is better at the art of body magic, the ghost king with long eyebrows is so fast that he is about to break away from the vajra. At this moment, a Buddhist bead in front of him exploded. A Buddha King Kong suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes were angry, and he waved his palm to his chest.

It’s not the first time that the Long Eyebrow Ghost King has been trapped by the King Kong Demon Orb. He can feel that the power of the formation has declined compared with a hundred years ago, and his strength has improved a lot over the years. The Buddha King Kong in front of him gave a palm to him. Who knows that the Buddha King Kong looks inferior to the long eyebrow ghost king, but his palm is very powerful. After the palms, the Buddha King Kong just stepped back a few steps, but the long eyebrow ghost king directly Flying backwards, the ghost energy in the body was rushed by the spiritual power of the Buddhism, and it was almost dissipated. He staggered back a few steps, and did not recover for a long time.

This Vajra Devil Bead is made by the god-transforming monk Thousand Faced Buddha in the Xiaoling Mountain of the sect. He selected 18 Buddha relics whose cultivation base was above the 9th level of the Nascent Soul and finally had no chance to break through the realm of God-transformation. , The power is infinite, specializing in the suppression of ghost repairs. A hundred years ago, the Huanxi Ghost King was broken by Qingyang when used in the God Infant Valley. Although the power of Qingyang has been reduced after the repair, it is still a peerless evil for ghost repairs. After Qingyang is driven , The 18 relics suddenly turned into 18 Vajra Buddhas, forming a formation to surround the Changmei Mountain ghost repair group. All the ghost repairs tried to rush out, but the strongest long eyebrow ghost king failed. The results of others can be imagined.

Seeing that he hadn't started the fight, he was trapped in the formation. The face of the ghost king with long eyebrows became ugly. As the saying goes, the ghost king with long eyebrows once suffered a loss on the Vajra Devil Orb, so naturally he won’t. Unprepared, he carried a treasure that resisted the Buddha's singing of Sanskrit, but this treasure could only protect himself, but could not save others, and he would suffer heavy losses in the end.

Long eyebrow ghost king said: "It seems that Daoist Qingyang has been prepared for a long time, but this is my home court after all. It is not that easy for you to rely on this King Kong Demon Orb to win. We two are not fighting for others. Both loser, how about making a deal and shaking hands?"

"What deal do you want to do?" Qing Yang asked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The long eyebrow ghost king said: "Anyone can see that the things in the unicorn city are not done by ordinary people. What if you find out who the enemy is? Can you call the door to avenge the unicorn ghost king? Honestly, be the overlord of the ten kings hall. As long as you are willing to surrender the pregnant fruit, I can be the master and give you Variety City. From now on we will be a family."

Qingyang sneered: "Hehe, the ghost king with long eyebrows is really generous to others. I killed the ghost king, and the city should be mine, and you need to let it go? Besides, you The ghost king with long eyebrows has always been sinister and cunning, and there is no faith at all. Who knows if this is a slowing strategy. Hold me here first, and then find someone to come over and count me in the future. Who will be rationalized in the future?"

Long eyebrow ghost king said: "Daoist Qingyang is so strong, is it still afraid that I will not regret it? If I really say nothing, the big deal is that you will come to Changmei Mountain again, and I will always give you an explanation."

The main purpose of Qing Yang's visit this time was to inquire about the whereabouts of the one-horned ghost king and Yu Mengmiao. He didn't want to talk to each other anymore, so he said: "Didn't I say it before? The pregnant fruit has already been eaten by me. I don’t have the ability to get you another one, and you will die of your mind."

Long eyebrow ghost king didn’t believe that Qing Yang would really take the pregnant **** fruit as an ordinary spiritual fruit to improve his cultivation. He thought he was just looking for excuses to reject him, and suddenly angrily said: “Friend Qingyang, I appreciate that you have it at a young age. With such a skill, I can talk to you with good words. Do you really think that the ghost king with long eyebrows is afraid of you?

Qing Yang has already gained the upper hand at this time, and of course he will not be afraid of the long-brow ghost king's threat. Instead, he said faintly: "Since the long-brow ghost king is so confident, then we will compare and see if it is your long-brow ghost king. It’s great, but my King Kong Demon Formation is great."

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