Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1787: : Vs. Long Eyebrow

Seeing that the differences between the two sides could not be bridged, the ghost king with long eyebrows stopped talking any more. With a move of divine thought, a black flag flew into the air, and then the entire area of ​​Changmei Mountain rose with black fog, and the sky suddenly became dim, and with With the passage of time, the black fog became thicker and thicker, like a dark cloud pressing on the top, gradually enveloping the 18 Buddha King Kong in the sky. The black mist constantly eroded the golden light around the Buddha King Kong, and the green sun clearly felt the power of the formation. Declining gradually.

This is indeed the home of the Changmei Ghost King. The black fog should be used by him to protect Changmei Mountain. Now it comes in handy. When I was in the Valley of the Gods, there was a lot of aura and it had a great effect on the King Kong Demon Orb. , And this Changmei Mountain is full of ghosts and ghosts. The Diamond Vortex Orb has been damaged once again. When it is suppressed by these black mists, the power of the Diamond Vortex Demon Orb is not even as good as 50% of the original. If this continues, the formation will be broken without attack. Qing Yang didn't dare to neglect, and with a quick wave of his hand, hundreds of high-grade spirit stones were spilled into the air and scattered among the 18 Buddha's diamonds in the air.

The value of a high-grade spirit stone is equivalent to 10,000 low-grade spirit stones, and hundreds of them are millions of spirit stones, which means that Qingyang is rich in wealth now and dare to be so extravagant. After using so many spirit stones at once, the effect was amazing. Suddenly, the golden light of those Buddha's King Kong was flourishing, and the surrounding black mist was suddenly dispersed. These eighteen Buddhas have different appearances, old and young, tall and short, fat and thin, ugly and handsome, but they all have one thing in common. Everyone is dressed as a Buddhist monk. A look of compassion and compassion makes people unable to produce the slightest sense of resistance.

At this time, Qing Yang lightly chanted a few mantras. The eighteen Buddha King Kong seemed to have received the order and sat down in the air at the same time. Then, his hands clasped together, and countless Sanskrit mantras sounded in the air.

These Sanskrit sounds are high-pitched, low-pitched, rushing and soothing, chanting and chanting. They reverberate continuously in the air, and they are heard in everyone’s ears. The trapped Changmei Mountain ghost repairers are all knowledgeable people, of course. These sanskrit sounds are not simple, and they will definitely cause problems if they continue to listen, but no matter what they think of, they will not be able to prevent the introduction of these sanskrit spells.

Sure enough, there were not a few words in the ears of the Sanskrit mantra, and some people fell to the ground and struggled for several times without getting up. Not only that, they also felt that the Mingyuan in their body seemed to be followed. It's like leaving the body with that Sanskrit spell.

The trapped Changmei Mountain ghosts realized that it was not because the mantras of the Buddha’s King Kong in the sky had magical powers, but because the spiritual power of the Buddha naturally restrained ghosts, and the power of magic weapons appeared as a result. They knew that this would not work. , So they all jumped up, trying to stop Qing Yang, but they fell to the ground as soon as they got up. Amidst the reverberating Sanskrit spells, his body was sore and weak, his limbs were weak, and it was very difficult to move a step.

However, there is one exception, that is, the ghost king with long eyebrows, who suffered a loss in Shenying Valley that year, and later he specially found someone to refine the treasure that can resist the Vajra Devil Orb to wear on his body, so the Sanskrit spells in the air did not affect him. There is not much impact. However, the long eyebrow ghost king knew very well that his treasures could be resisted for a while but not for a while, but problems would surely occur after a long time.

More importantly, the other ghost practitioners in the formation can't resist these Sanskrit spells. It will not take long for their cultivation base to decline, and even the meditations will run out of their souls and die. These people are the foundation of Changmei Mountain. If these subordinates are all When he died, wouldn't he be a lonely man with the long eyebrow ghost king?

If you want to break the formation, you must first defeat Qingyang. The long eyebrow ghost king threw it away. The ghost head crutches in his hand were thrown into the air. The ghost head crutches rose when the wind hit the wind, and it grew to the size of tens of meters in an instant. It blocked half of the sky, and then slammed it towards Qingyang with the force of Wanjun.

The ghost head crutches of the ghost king with long eyebrows look unremarkable, but it is also a rare treasure of ghosts. It took countless energy to obtain it. It is powerful and famous among the ten kings. Now the ghost king with long eyebrows It is a full shot, and the attack power can be imagined. Qing Yang didn't dare to neglect. With a movement of his divine mind, five giant swords appeared in the air, forming a huge sword formation to block in front.

The long-browed ghost king attacked with anger, Qing Yang tried his best to resist it, and heard a loud boom, the five-element sword formation collided with the ghost-head crutches, and the aftermath of the huge shock rushed out of a big pit of several tens of meters in place. The ghost repairs in the surrounding Baimei City were also affected and almost blown down.

The Five Elements Sword Formation collapsed in an instant, and the five giant swords fell into the distance like being struck by lightning. Qing Yang retreated several steps and barely stabilized his figure. The ghost head crutches were not much better. After flying upside down more than ten feet, they fell off. On the ground ~www.readwn.com~ the ghost king with long eyebrows staggered and stood still, and finally did not fall.

Judging from the confrontation between the two sides, the ghost king with long eyebrows seemed to have the upper hand, Qing Yang suffered a little bit, but the situation of the two shots was not exactly the same. While Qing Yang was manipulating the King Kong Demon Orb, he hurriedly used the Five Elements Sword Array to deal with it. He was already at a disadvantage, and it was not surprising that such a situation occurred.

The Long-Browed Ghost King had the upper hand, but he didn't feel much joy in his heart. Instead, he was full of surprise. This situation was really beyond his expectation. In the Long-Brow Ghost King's mind, Qing Yang was just a fifth-tier cultivator of Nascent Soul. Even if he has the ability to challenge a higher level, picking two or three layers is not bad, and reaching the peak of the eighth layer of the Nascent Soul is considered to be the highest, and his own cultivation is infinitely close to the perfection of the Nascent Soul. With his full force, Qing Yang would be seriously injured even if he was not dead. As a result, after one move, Qing Yang was only slightly at a disadvantage, and was not injured at all.

This was too far from the long eyebrow ghost king's expectation, and it also frightened him. If Qing Yang's cultivation base were a little higher, wouldn't he only have to admit defeat? This Qingyang is still just a golden pill in the Shenying Valley. It has grown to this point in just a hundred years. It is really terrifying. Once such a person becomes an enemy, he must be completely eradicated, otherwise there are endless dangers.

Thinking of this, the Long-Browed Ghost King didn't dare to delay, he quickly sacrificed the Guitou crutches and attacked Qingyang again, intending to seize the opportunity before Qingyang had freed his hands.

Of course Qing Yang couldn't be passively beaten all the time. Seeing that the ghost king with long eyebrows was about to do it again, he casually threw a robe to Baimei ghost king, let her put it on her body to protect herself, and then entered the King Kong Demon Array to help control the formation. And Qing Yang himself once again sacrificed the five giant swords and used the Five Elements Sword Array to fight against the Long Eyebrow Ghost King.

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