Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1794: : Jinyang Festival

During the battle, the middle-aged Qingpao signaled the young man who built the foundation several times to take the opportunity to escape, and even tried his life to create a chance, but was stopped by two other Jindan monks. Their main purpose was the young man who built the foundation. The strength is so far different, how can you let him leave?

In a blink of an eye, you came and I fought for several rounds. I didn’t know that a monk Yuan Ying was watching them, and Qing Yang never showed his figure. He was walking around and living by himself during this period of time. It's very boring, just stop here to watch the excitement as an adjustment.

The strength of the foundation-building young man was too far apart from the other three, and he had little effect in the battle. Therefore, the middle-aged man in the green robe was equivalent to one enemy and two, and his cultivation was lower than the old man with gray beard. Before escaping from the city, he was injured and had to take care of the son next to him. The result of the battle was also conceivable. In less than a quarter of an hour, he was repeatedly injured and his situation became more and more critical.

Seeing that their father and son were about to die in Huangquan, the face of the middle-aged man in the green robe suddenly showed a trace of hideousness. He stretched out his hand and took out a blue jade symbol, saying: "Since you are going to kill my father and son to death, don't blame me for being polite. This is the treasure left to me by the old master and his elders. It is as powerful as a blow from the Golden Core Perfection monk. If you fight hard, then everyone will die together."

The middle-aged Qingpao suddenly came to do this. The other two golden core monks didn’t expect it to be true or not. Although the three of them were taught by the same master, they were very familiar with each other. I never heard of the master alone. What treasures are left to the second child, but this kind of thing would rather be trusted if it is not true. If the second child says it is true, it will be troublesome. The Jindan Consummation cultivator strikes, but it is not something that people like them can bear. , Even if he doesn’t die, he will be seriously injured.

Their master is called Wugui Zhenren, and he is considered the number one person in the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of miles. His cultivation has reached the Golden Core Consummation level. This Wugui City was established by Wugui Zhenren, but he has cultivated to the Golden Core Consummation. It was the limit of the Wugui Zhenren. After that, he ran out of life and died, leaving the Wuguicheng to the three brothers. The qualifications of these three people are far worse than the Master Wugui Zhenren. This It's not bad to be able to cultivate to the middle of the golden core in his life.

   Seeing that the second child was about to die, the gray-bearded old man quickly stopped and said, "Brother, why are you doing this? Let's be a brother, what can't be discussed?"

   Qingpao middle-aged said: "What to discuss? You clearly want to force our father and son to die."

"Junior Brother, this is your fault. We just sent your son to the Golden Sun Festival. When did you force your father and son to die? The Golden Sun Festival once every thirty years is a rare event in the Golden Sun Valley. It is his blessing that your son can participate." The old man with gray beard said.

   "Then why not send your son to participate?" Qingpao middle-aged said angrily.

The gray-bearded old man said with a pity: "Who do you think can participate in this Golden Sun Festival? Those are all qualified requirements. The age must be under a hundred years old, and the cultivation base must be above the middle stage of foundation construction. The root requirement is three Linggen or higher. My eldest son is Shan Linggen. He is already over a hundred years old and does not meet the requirements at all. The remaining sons are of suitable age. Unfortunately, the cultivation base is too short and does not meet the requirements, so I can only give this opportunity to you."

   The gloomy middle-aged also echoed: "Yes, my situation is exactly the same as that of the big brother, and I can't find a suitable one. It is more suitable to count and count."

   "I think you did it on purpose, knowing that I only have such a son, but I have to force him to die, just to get rid of our father and son." Qingpao middle-aged said in grief.

This middle-aged Qingpao is a person who values ​​love. There was a double monk who fell in love in the past, but unfortunately, he died unexpectedly and only left him with a son. After losing his lover, the middle-aged Qingpao had no intention of marrying again. He put all his thoughts on his son. Fortunately, God pays off. With his careful training, his son has cultivated to the eighth level of foundation building before he is a hundred years old. There is absolutely no problem in breaking through the golden core, and he may even reach the master. Achievements of no return real people.

The other two were completely opposite. They married Taoist couples early and gave birth to many sons. Sons gave birth to grandchildren, and grandchildren gave birth to great-grandchildren. Now they have become large families that have been passed down for several generations, each occupying a lot of resources in Wuguicheng. , It’s just that their offspring’s aptitudes are generally not high, and they can barely cultivate to the foundation-building state. Even the later stage of foundation-building is very difficult, let alone breaking through the golden core.

Seeing that the second younger brother’s son is getting better and better, Wuguicheng is likely to have the second younger brother’s family dominate in the future, and the benefits of their two families must be let out, so they moved crookedly and wanted to use Jinyang this time. The opportunity to sacrifice to remove this hidden danger for their offspring.

The Jinyang Festival is very mysterious in the Jinyang Valley. It only occurs once every thirty years. Only a hundred people can participate each time. It is very inconspicuous if it is distributed in the huge Jinyang Valley. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and only attend It can be a foundation-building monk, so the influence of the Golden Sun Festival is not very large. Many monks don’t know. I heard that the monks selected for the Golden Sun Festival will be taken to the legendary Paradise of Bliss. There is not only a cultivator. The Holy Land is also a holy land of pleasure, it can be said that it is a step to the sky.

However, this is just a legend after all. The true situation is that all the monks selected by the Golden Sun Festival disappear without a trace and no one can return. Therefore, in everyone’s minds, the so-called Paradise of Bliss is a lie to ghosts, and the Golden Sun Festival should It is a conspiracy, and there is only one dead end.

And there is a more important point. It is said that anyone who gets a place for the Golden Sun Festival must participate. Otherwise, not only will the life of the selected person be insecure, but the power will also be implicated, and various accidents will occur. Whether it was a coincidence or the organization behind the Jinyang Festival, no one has figured out yet, but looking at this style of behavior, it will definitely not be a gentleman.

Because of this, there has never been a monk actively looking for a place for the Golden Sun Festival. After being compulsorily allocated, they had to bite the bullet to participate. Naturally everyone would be happy if they were not selected. If they were selected, they would have to admit that they were unlucky. Fortunately, the requirements of the Golden Sun Festival are demanding, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to get a place, even if they get a place to participate, it is difficult to be selected.

Wuguicheng has not been assigned a quota for many years, and even the Jinyang Festival has almost forgotten. As a result, he was suddenly assigned a quota this year. The middle-aged Qingpao originally thought that this quota was purely an accident. After hearing some news carefully, I realized that the two seniors were targeting their father and son.

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