Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1795: : Good for my nephew

There are two ways to get the quota for the Golden Sun Festival. One is to be forcedly allocated. You don't know when you will get it. You may be walking on the street and suddenly you have a Golden Sun Festival quota token on your body. It is also possible that you return to the cave, and there is a token for the Golden Sun Festival in the cave. If you receive the quota, you must go to participate, otherwise there will be a dead end.

The other is the number of places that are actively sought. Every time the Golden Sun Festival, there will always be a few people with weird temperaments who actively ask for places to participate in the Golden Sun Festival, as if they took the initiative to die, and occasionally someone would help. The quota for the Golden Sun Festival is more stringent when others ask for it. Participants must not be over a hundred years old, and the cultivation base must not be lower than the late stage of foundation construction. If you take the initiative to obtain the quota and do not participate, you must not participate. Those who live, this is the price that must be paid to deceive the forces behind the Jinyang Festival. To help others to get a spot, you need to use your own life as a guarantee. If the participant does not go in the end, it is hard to say what punishment will be received, but the person who asks for a spot must die undoubtedly.

And Wuguicheng’s quota token this year is the senior brother of Wuguicheng, the gray-bearded old man proactively asked for it, not for himself, but for the only son of the second brother, that is, the young man next to him, this kind of thing. Others can't get rid of it, but the elder brother actually asks for it on his own initiative, and his purpose is self-evident.

The gray-bearded old man secretly placed it in his nephew’s room after obtaining the quota token. The middle-aged Qingpao didn’t know it at first. He thought it was his son who had been selected and had to go. He was prepared to admit that he was unlucky. Later, he listened unconsciously. According to some news, knowing that it was the two brothers who were harming them, the middle-aged father and son in Qingpao would definitely not wait to die, so they looked for opportunities to escape from the City of No Return.

And this matter is related to his life. Once his nephew escapes, he will lose his life. The gray-bearded old man will naturally not relax his vigilance, and soon chased up with his junior brother, so this scene happened. Of course, Qing Yang, who is hiding in the dark, does not know these causes and consequences, but after hearing about the Jinyang Festival, he became more or less interested in it. He has already found three in Jinyang Valley. Years, there was no gain, this may be a breakthrough.

Seeing that the younger brother had revealed his purpose, the gray-bearded old man no longer hid himself and said, "Second younger brother, since the incident has reached this point, I am telling the truth. In this matter, the third younger brother and I do exist. Because of selfishness, our two families occupy most of the resources of Wuguicheng, but below are all a group of ineffective juniors, and the sages and nephews have become more and more excellent over the years. Seeing that the life span of the three of us is not much, it is not good. I don’t think about my descendants."

   "Is it necessary to let my son die for the glory and wealth of your two younger generations?" Qingpao middle-aged said in grief. He never expected that the two seniors would deal with their father and son in this way.

The gray-bearded old man shook his head and said: "The second junior still can't understand my painstaking efforts. Master once said that the strength behind those who can organize such activities as the Jinyang Festival is certainly not small. The Golden Sun Festival is held once every ten years. It is definitely not for the purpose of killing people. It is most likely to select disciples, but the selection method is a bit special, which has caused the majority of monks to misunderstand. You should have heard that the monks selected for the Golden Sun festival. , Will be taken to the Paradise of Elysium, where is the holy land for cultivating immortals, and from then on will be ascended to the sky in one step. I am thinking about the future of my nephew again."

   "Since the forces behind are choosing the address, why didn't anyone return? If you are really kind, why don't you discuss it with me in advance?" The middle-aged Qingpao asked.

The gray-bearded old man said: "I'm not afraid that your beloved son will disagree with you? The road to immortality is rugged and bumpy. The three of our brothers and sisters are greedy for comfort these years, so the cultivation base has stopped, and our nephew is nowhere to go. How can the young talents who are rare in the city waste their lives like us? We must be forced. Only by seizing this opportunity will we have higher achievements in the future."

The middle-aged Qingpao didn't expect that the big brother could say so. It was originally the two people working together to harm their father and son, but he actually said it was like doing a great thing. He was completely angry and said: "It's high-sounding. Isn't everything for your selfishness? This time our father and son won't let you do what you want. If you push me in a hurry, we will die together."

The old man with gray beard was still a little worried about the blue jade charm in the hands of the middle-aged Qingpao. He was not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. He said, "Brother, why are you? Although the future is uncertain, there is always the possibility of survival. Maybe in the future it will be soaring, but if we die here with the three of us, there will be nothing in the future."

   "Our father and son would rather be jade fragments than tiles." The middle-aged Qingpao was unmoved.

At this time, the gloomy middle-aged next to him became impatient and said, "Brother, don't talk to him anymore. We have lived together for so many years, and who is still unclear? What life-saving treasure has Master left us? Not to mention. Master has been dead for more than two hundred years, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, even if it left life-saving things, has long been used up, how could it be kept until now? I think he is bluffing and scaring us, let's take action together Catch them, Jinyang sacrifices him if he doesn't go."

The gray-bearded old man was still hesitating. Hearing what the third junior brother said, he immediately made up his mind. This is definitely not a way to go on. This place is obtained by himself, and his life has been used as a guarantee. If the teacher does not participate Jinyang Festival, I have only a dead end, and I can only save myself, so he said: "Second Junior Brother, if you toast and not eat fine wine, then don't blame us for being polite. Third Junior Brother, the second child will be dealt with by me. , You do your best to take down the nephew."

   After speaking, the two of them attacked the opposite father and son together again. This time it was a totally desperate style of play, and they were prepared to take the two in the shortest time, so as not to have many nights and dreams.

The blue jade charms in the hands of the middle-aged Qingpao, as the gloomy middle-aged said, are fake. Now that they are seen through, their father and son have only one way to go. The father and son looked at each other and saw a trace of determination from each other's faces. They are all bloody, they would rather die. Will not follow other people's arrangements.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight again, Qing Yang finally coughed and revealed his figure from a hidden place. However, at this time, he has changed from a Nascent Infant monk to a young man with a perfect foundation. With his current cultivation It is easy to fool the monks present in order to conquer the breath technique.

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