Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1796: : Help you

Qing Yang suddenly appeared, and immediately stunned all the cultivators present. No one thought that someone would hide so close. Didn't it mean that all the sordidities between everyone had been heard? If someone in the dark suddenly makes a move while they are not paying attention, it is afraid that the situation on the battlefield will change.

When they saw that this person who suddenly appeared only had the foundation to build a complete cultivation base, the gray-bearded old man and the gloomy middle-aged could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although this cultivation base can have a certain impact on the battlefield, it affects both of them. Brother Jindan didn't pose much threat, if this kid didn't know each other, it would be a big deal to teach him together. Of course, if you can’t provoke it, it’s better not to provoke it as much as possible. This time the Golden Sun Festival is very important. If there is one more person, there will be more variables. Nephew, the old man with gray beard will lose his life.

   As for the middle-aged Qingpao, his face was full of disappointment. I thought it was a life-saving straw, but I didn't expect it to be just a little monk who built a foundation to perfection. Under such a situation, he can't even save his own life. How can he save them two? But at this time their father and son have reached a dead end, even if it is just a useless straw, they must find a way to hurry up, what if there is a miracle?

The gray-bearded old man stared at Qingyang, releasing the aura of his mid-Gold Core cultivator, and said angrily: "I don't care if you just pass by, or deliberately hide next to eavesdrop. This is not the place you should come. Leave as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble for yourself."

If Qingyang is just a foundation-building monk, he will definitely retreat if he can't afford it. Now he is a Nascent Soul monk, and he plans to find these people to figure out the so-called Golden Sun Sacrifice, and he will definitely not leave because of a few words from the other party. So he said: "This senior speaks so unreasonable. I have to talk about everything first and then come first, right? I was here to meditate and meditate, but you suddenly broke in here to interrupt my cultivation, and it should be you who want to leave. , Not me who came first."

The old man with gray beard did not expect Qingyang, a foundation-building cultivator, to face the Golden Core Consummation. He would be so tough. If it were in normal times, he would have taken a lesson. Now that he has something to do, he can only say with a ninja temper: "Boy, Everything is due to strong prominence, you must first weigh yourself before taking care of your own business. The anger of the two golden core cultivators is not something your small body can hold."

The gloomy middle-aged next to    also shouted: "Boy, read it for your ignorance. Get out of here while we are not angry, otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite."

   Facing the threats of the two Golden Core cultivators, Qing Yang was neither afraid nor angry, but smiled and said, "You two, don't rush me away. I'm here to help you this time."

   help? What kind of help can a little foundation building monk give them two golden core monks? Could it be that this kid came to take refuge in their brother? If this is the case, it can be considered, a foundation-building Consummation monk is still a bit useful for them to the city of no return.

The gray-bearded old man said: "In this case, now there is something that needs your help. Have you seen the young man who built the eighth floor? If you can capture him alive in a cup of tea, even if you pass the test, I I can promise you to join the Wugui City City Lord's Mansion as a Keqing elder."

The cultivation conditions in Jinyang Valley are bad, and ordinary monks are struggling, and the days of casual cultivation are even more difficult. Those who own a city like them are all rich and powerful. It is precisely because of this that the two talents do everything possible to master the teacher. My nephew went to participate in the Jinyang Festival, leaving Wuguicheng to his descendants. The elder Keqing of Wuguicheng is not something everyone can do. The gray-bearded elders think that their conditions will definitely make Qingyang ecstatic, who is an educated youth Yang shook his head and said, "Senior made a mistake. I am not going to take refuge in you, but to help you guys solve the trouble."

   "How many of us?" The old man with gray beard was puzzled.

Qingyang said: "I have been listening to what you said about the Golden Sun Festival just now, but it aroused my curiosity. I am less than a hundred years old this year. Since both of you are unwilling to go, how about giving this place to me? So that you don't have to argue over whom to go, isn't this just to help you solve the trouble?"

Hearing Qing Yang's words, the middle-aged Qingpao was overjoyed. He was really overwhelmed by mountains and rivers. Liu Anhua was in another village. I didn't expect that this Jinyang Festival would be actively robbed. Wouldn't the son not have to go and die? ? It seems that God still takes care of them, father and son.

   The gray-bearded old man did not have a hint of joy. He took his life as a guarantee, and tried every means to get a place for the Jinyang Festival, in order to eliminate hidden dangers for his younger generations. What is it to give to others? Moreover, this Jinyang Festival quota is not something you can give if you want to. Only the person who takes over is willing and the conditions are better than those before. Qingyang is indeed the right condition~www.readwn.com~ but the gray-bearded old man He didn't plan to do this, so he said, "Boy, the Golden Sun Festival is not something anyone can go to. You are not qualified enough. Please leave me as soon as possible. If it annoys me, you will have good fruit."

Qingyang didn’t know much about the Jinyang Festival. He thought it was as the gray-bearded old man said that the quota could not be allocated to others. He was about to think of other ways, but he heard the middle-aged Qingpao say: "Since this little brother wants If you want a place for the Jinyang Festival, we just give it to him. The senior brother blocked it like this and clearly wanted to put our father and son to death. When we are present are all fools?"

After speaking, the middle-aged Qingpao said to Qingyang: "Little brother, don’t listen to my brother’s nonsense. Passive qualifications for the Golden Sun Festival cannot be transferred, but the number of Golden Sun Festivals actively requested can be transferred to others, as long as You are no more than a hundred years old, as long as your strength is higher than that of my son."

Speaking of this, Qingpao's middle-aged attitude became more sincere, and said: "I know that the future of this Jinyang Festival is unpredictable. In order to compensate for your loss, I can compensate you for thirty thousand spiritual stones, and the little brother has other conditions. Even if I put it forward, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Qing Yang wasn't for any reward. He didn't like the Golden Core monk's things either, but because it took more than three years and hadn't heard about the Thousand Buddha Sect, he wanted to go to this Golden Sun Festival to try his luck. . Those who can organize such events as the Jinyang Festival must have a strong force behind them. There is no room for two tigers. If the Thousand Buddha Sect is really in the Jinyang Valley, it will definitely not allow another powerful force to exist here. Fight with them. There are not many resources, so this Golden Sun Festival is a breakthrough, maybe this opportunity can find the whereabouts of the Thousand Buddha Sect.

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