Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1808: : Jincai Temple

Faced with such a direct problem, the suzerain of Huanxi Temple was not angry, and said lazily: “Every monk who worships my Huanxi Temple will give a high-level dual-practice technique, which can be directly used in the Yuan Ying realm every three months. In ten years, you can choose a double repair furnace tripod in the sect. As for other aspects of treatment, it is similar to the Jiurou Zenyuan, such as the perfect knot of Jin Dan, the Jin Dan in the later stage of the Jin Dan, and so on. There will be no worries about practicing afterwards."

At this time, a Jindan monk next to him said: "The double cultivation of men and women, the harmony of yin and yang, is a matter of conforming to the way of heaven. While practicing, you can still enjoy the beauty of the world and satisfy the desires of human relations. This is what my generation of monks should do. Things, if you hesitate, you will miss the opportunity."

Another monk said: “Yes, I’m happy that there are quotas for the Buddhist monastery. There is a limited number of female training furnaces, and one more disciple requires one more person. We are not willing to recruit too much competition for ourselves. Opponents, I hope you can seize the opportunity."

   Some people were hesitant. When they said that, two Jinyang sacrifice monks knelt down towards the suzerain and said, "We are willing to enter the Huanxi Monastery and ask the suzerain to take it in."

Seeing someone willing to join the Huanxi Temple, there was a smile on the face of the suzerain, and he turned his head to look at the rest of the humanity: "Don’t force anything. Since you don’t like me in the Huanxi Temple and don’t want to join the sect, then there is no need. Stay in my Hehuan Valley, you still go."

   Sect Master has already issued an order to evict guests, it is not appropriate to stay here, so Qingyang, Monk Kongjian and others walked out of Hehuan Valley under the leadership of the two women when they came.

These people are relatively conservative in character. Although they do not reject double cultivation, they will not raise the double cultivation to such a level as the monks in the Huanxi Temple do, and do such shameful things in front of others. Let them choose, they would rather return to the Jiurou Monastery at this time, so they didn't have any nostalgia for Hehuan Valley, and just followed the team out.

Just now, two Jinyang sacrifice monks stayed in Huanxi Monastery. There were only eight of them left. However, they did not feel any frustration at this time. Instead, they were full of confidence. The emergence of Huanxi Monastery proved that there is more than one here. The sect is composed of multiple forces. There are definitely other sects or temples in the back. You can always go and search for more. You can always meet the people who suit you. On the contrary, it is the people in front who made the decision early. As for no more options.

I remember that Monk Kongjian once said that there will be a test after entering, but whether you pass or not will not affect everyone to become a disciple of this Buddhism sect. The several monasteries he has encountered are the tests he said. The final treatment will be slightly different depending on the monastery that I visit, which can be described as teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

In this case, everyone should choose a sect that suits them according to their own preferences and habits. Of course, you must also control the selection. There must be a limit on the number of sects here. They are all offended, but they are really alone.

With an idea in their minds, everyone's speed soon started. After leaving Hehuan Valley, the group continued to move forward. This time it took only two days to arrive at a mountain before they were up. Looking ahead, suddenly a bright light flashed, almost blinding their eyes.

Everyone looked up and saw that there was a large building halfway up the mountain. The light was refracted from above. If you look closely, you will find that the entire building is actually made of treasures, with silver-cast walls and gold inlays. Tiles, doors and windows made of jadeite, gardening made of corals, and even the ground is paved with white jade. I am afraid that the emperor of the world would not dare to be so extravagant, right?

They are all well-informed people. The nouveau riche who like to expose their wealth have not seen it, but they are all a house, a building, and a yard. It is really unheard of that a large building like this is built in this way. Not to mention the foundation-building monks in Jinyang Valley, even Qingyang, who has been to countless places, has never heard of any place that is so extravagant.

However, after seeing the two previous temples, they have been mentally prepared for this third place. The so-called wine, color and wealth, there are already wine-related temples related to wine and meat, and Huanxi temples related to color, so this construction is like this. The luxurious place must have something to do with money, but I don't know what kind of money this money will help the cultivators. Many people have doubts in their hearts.

Now that there is no need to hesitate here, a group of people walked quickly towards the mountain. When they came to the gate of the gold and silver courtyard, someone had already waited in front. He was a golden robe old man in the middle Jindan period, a pair of goats. Hu, with a chubby smile, just like the shopkeeper.

   Seeing everyone, the old man smiled and said: "Why do you shopkeepers come now? Could it be that some way to get rich was encountered halfway through? My Sect Master has been waiting in there for a long time."

The attitude of the old man is so good~www.readwn.com~ Everyone has no more restraint when facing high-level monks. Some monks explained: "When we came, there was no one to call, and there was no guidance along the way. It takes less time. It took seven or eight days to get here. Please forgive me, seniors."

   The old man nodded and said, "That's true, we are indeed farther away."

   "Senior, are we here called Jincai Temple?" A monk asked.

   "Exactly, how did you know this name?" the old man asked in doubt.

The monk laughed and said, "I guess. During this period of time, we first passed by the Jiurou Monastery, and then passed by the Huanxi Monastery. Now when we come here, the whole building is magnificent, all made of gold and silver. It should be gold. The name Cai Chanyuan is the most appropriate."

The old man said: "You guessed it right. We are indeed called Jincai Temple. Although the name is tacky, it is also the biggest feature of our temple. Not only is there a lot of secular money here, monks also use a lot of money. Behind the mountain, there is a super-large spiritual stone vein with abundant reserves. According to the current mining speed, it will be impossible to dig it for thousands of years."

Secular money is not attractive to everyone at all. Spirit stones are different. This is the money of the world of cultivating immortals. You can buy any resources needed by cultivators. Even the spirit stones themselves can be used for cultivation. If there are enough spirit stones, cultivate In order to increase the speed very fast, when Qing Yang was in Fallen Ghost Yuan, he relied on nearly a million spirit stones to upgrade his cultivation from the second level of the golden core to the fourth level of the golden core. The speed was astonishing, so the spirit stone The attraction to monks almost surpassed everything.

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