Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1809: : Give the best spirit stone

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The foundation-building cultivators who participated in the Jinyang Festival are relatively rich, but there are few who can take out the ten thousand spirit stones at once. Now hearing the old man say this, everyone's eyes are widened. It is too great. It's attractive, even Qing Yang is a little excited, although he doesn't lack spirit stones now, he can't compare with a super spirit stone vein that can't be dug for thousands of years.

At this time, there was no need for the old man to say anything. Two monks knelt down and said, "I am willing to worship Jincai Monastery, and ask the seniors to take them in."

Qingyang and the group of eight people saw that only two people asked for their own admission. The old man couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Usually, when he opened his mouth, at least half of the disciples of the Jinyang Festival would stay in the Jincai Monastery. This time only a quarter of them. , It seems that the low level is a bit outrageous, does it mean that the current monks don't like spirit stones anymore? The old man said to the two kneeling people: "The choice of the two of you is very wise. My Jincai Monastery is the best treatment in the nearby places. The annual income of the spiritual stone during the foundation construction period will not be less than one thousand. In addition to these, there are a lot of other welfare benefits. The foundation of the foundation and the perfect golden pill is indispensable. If it can break through the Yuan Ying, the sect will also give it. You have a superb spiritual stone as a reward..."

Before the old man finished speaking, two more monks knelt on the ground, repeatedly requesting Jincai Monastery to take them in, for fear that the old man would refuse them, because it was too tempting to refuse.

Although the sect possessed a vein of spirit stone, they did not act immediately, because it belonged to the sect, and now these conditions are really theirs. In the outside world, many foundation-building monks have a total net worth of only a few thousand spiritual stones. The lowest income of any foundation-building monk here is one thousand spiritual stones every year. How can you miss such a good thing if you can reach the net worth of someone else's life in one year? In the future, I am afraid that it will be faster to practice with spirit stones than outside.

More importantly, if the cultivation base reaches the Nascent Soul Stage, the sect will also give away a top-grade spiritual stone, that is the legendary top-grade spiritual stone. The value of one piece is one million spiritual stones. The key is that there is no market. , Not to mention other things, it's worth staying here just for the best spirit stone.

Seeing that there were two more people willing to stay, the old man felt more comfortable, and nodded, "It’s not too late to join my Jincai Monastery, do you know? My Jincai Monastery is not only well received, but also the strongest nearby. There are seven Yuanying monks in the courtyard, more than 40 Jindan monks, and more than 300 foundation-building monks. The strength of the sovereign has reached the eighth level of the Yuanying..."

Hearing what the old man said, it is obvious that this Jincai Temple has the strongest surrounding strength. Even if there are any other sects in the back, the strength is not as good as this Jincai Temple. Of course, you must worship the biggest one, since this Jincai Temple has the strength. The strongest, then there is no need to waste time later.

Qingyang came to find clues to the arrest of the Unicorn Ghost King and Yu Mengmiao. There were only six or seven Yuan Ying cultivators in the sect. They were absolutely unable to capture and trap them. These sects were not Qing Yang’s target, he would not Stay here, so I don't have any thoughts about the old man's words.

Monk Kongjian didn’t know if he was not interested in Lingshi, or wanted to see what sects were behind him. He didn’t respond to the old man’s words. Tian Qinghe and the other Jinyang sacrifice cultivator were a little excited, but they Seeing that both Qingyang and Kongjian did not move, they resisted the urge to bow and bow their heads. The spirit stone was indeed attractive, but Qingyang and Kongjian did not choose Jincai Monastery. They must have their own reason. Trust them some.

This time I was able to receive the four Jinyang Festival monks, the old man was quite satisfied. He didn't show much expression to the rest of them. He looked at them and said, "It seems that you have no relationship with me Jincai Temple, since you still think about it. Look elsewhere, then please go down the mountain."

After speaking, the old man said to the four monks who were about to join the Jincai Monastery: "You guys come in with me, the lord is still inside waiting for you to meet."

The other party has already issued an order to evict the guests. Qing Yang, Monk Kongjian and others are not allowed to stay too much, and before they have time to enter the Rujincai Monastery, they went straight down the mountain. As for how the four Jinyang priests left behind follow the old man Worshiping into the Jincai Temple is beyond their control.

There were originally more than a dozen of them. After passing through the first few temples, there are now only four left. I don’t know if we can find a force that suits our minds. There is a sect, and the strength is not as good as the Jincai Temple, but they have already made a choice, and naturally there is no reason to regret it, so let's go and see it first.

Then the four of them went all the way, looking for the next sect that they could join. They didn’t know what would be there later, but based on the three they encountered before, there should be at least one other sect behind UU reading www.uukanshu.com. Qi-related sect forces, it is hard to say whether they are in line with their wishes.

This time, the four of them walked for four days before they came to a lake. The area of ​​the lake is still very large, with a radius of hundreds of miles. There are a large number of small islands on the lake, and each small island has The large buildings are not real from a distance, but you can feel that the buildings above have a different aura. The buildings of Jincai Temple are luxurious, and the buildings here are majestic and majestic.

It seemed that this was the place they were looking for. The four of them did not hesitate, and headed towards the island closest to them. It was just a stick of incense, and they arrived on the island.

The island is small, only a few miles in radius, but the buildings on the island account for half of it. Before, I could feel that different aura when I was far away. Now when I get to the front, I feel more real, that kind of aura, that kind of The oppression, that kind of majesty, that kind of solemnity, even the foundation-building monks with their cultivation bases, have a feeling that they are about to be unbearable and want to kneel on the ground and worship.

These buildings do not know what methods were used to build them. They actually have such functions. From this point alone, it can be seen that they are very different from the previous ones. When everyone wants to further understand the reasons, there is a door in front. Suddenly opened, a golden core monk walked out.

Although this person is dressed as a monk, his expression is cold and powerful, and he feels inaccessible from a distance, without the mercy and kindness of a monk. The cultivation base of this monk was only at the fifth level of the Golden Core, but Qing Yang could feel that this person's true strength was definitely not limited to the fifth level of the Golden Core.

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