Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1817: : Good Dragon's Ye Gong

Just when Qing Yang was hesitant, the monk Kongjian who had not spoken next to him suddenly spoke and said, "Friend Qingyang, do you want to see the thousand-faced Buddha that way?"

Qingyang said: "It's not that I want to see the Thousand-faced Buddha, but that the Thousand-faced Buddha has captured my friend, the one-horned ghost king. Only by finding the Thousand-faced Buddha can it be possible to rescue my friend."

Monk Kongjian sighed: "Felder Qingyang really emphasizes love and righteousness. He can actually do this for his friends. Do you know that the Thousand Face Buddha is a cultivator of God? It's not worth mentioning, once I saw him, there was no way out."

Qingyang Zhengshen said: "A gentleman can do what he can do or not, this one-horned ghost king is kind to me like a mountain. If something happens to him, I will naturally spare my life to save him, even if I need to face the cultivator."

After listening, Monk Kong Jian couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Yes, yes, I don’t think that Daoist Qingyang is so young, not only his cultivation base is amazing, but his personality is so pure and clean. But there is really no one that can be compared with Qingyang Daoist friend."

My Thousand Buddha Sect? How did the monk Kongjian speak like this? Could it be that he is also a member of the Thousand Buddha Sect? Qing Yang was shocked and inexplicably surprised, and hurriedly took a few steps back, looking at Monk Kongjian in surprise.

Seeing Qing Yang's surprised expression, Na Kong Jian monk smiled and said, "Isn't Xiao Friend Qing Yang looking for the Thousand Face Buddha? Now the real person is right in front of you. Could it be that you are also the good dragon's Lord Ye?"

Monk Kongjian smiled, but Qing Yang's eyes were full of horror. After dealing with Monk Kongjian for so long, he never thought that the other party would be a cultivator of God, and he did not expect that the other party was what he was looking for. Thousand-faced Buddha, thinking about it is frightening. Qingyang’s reaction was so great, on the one hand, because the opponent was a cultivator of God Transformation, and it was the first time that Qingyang had seen the power of God Transformation for so many years. On the other hand, it was because the opponent’s strength was too high and Qingyang’s strength was very high. , But that is only relative to the Yuan Ying monk, facing the god-transforming monk, there is only a dead end.

Not only Qing Yang, but also the old monks of Kuhai and Kushi next to him were surprised. The origin of Monk Kongjian is unknown. They always thought which enemy came to look for, and how defensive they were against him, they never thought that it was their ancestor. As the senior members of the Thousand Buddha Sect, they all have seen the Thousand Faces Buddha, but the gap between them and the Kongjian monk in front of them is too big. Whether it is appearance, voice, demeanor, breath, and acting style, they have all seen them. The Thousand Faces Buddha was far from each other, and it was completely impossible to connect the two together. Only now I realized that it was just a false alarm.

But thinking about the name of their ancestor Thousand-faced Buddha, they are relieved. Thousand-faced Buddha is known as the Thousand-faced Buddha. What he is most adept at is the art of disguise. Even monks of the same rank can't see the flaws, let alone them. These younger generations. Since the monk Kongjian is his ancestor, the trouble in front of him is no longer a trouble.

For the time being, the old monk Kuhai and the others didn’t say what they were thinking about. The monk Kong Jian looked at Qing Yang with horror, and seemed to be unable to speak. There was a hint of inexplicable satisfaction in his heart. He smiled and said, "Little friend Qingyang just now. Didn’t you still say that in order to save your friend the one-horned ghost king, even if you are facing the cultivator of God?

After all, Qing Yang has cultivated for more than two hundred years, and he still has a certain psychological quality. At this time, he has gradually adapted to it. If he comes, he will be at ease. Now it is too late to regret. He can only find a way to deal with it. ? If you can't escape, it's just a death.

Qing Yang couldn't help but said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that the Thousand Faces Buddha I was looking for in every possible way was by my side. You used your alias to see the monk to participate in the Golden Sun Festival. Could it be that you just waited for me to cast myself into the trap?"

The Thousand Faces Buddha smiled and said: "Hahahaha, little friend Qingyang has been worried, how can I have so much time to wait for you? All this is just a coincidence. At that time, I saw little friend Qingyang a Yuanying monk pretending to be a cultivator. Brother Ji participated in the Golden Sun Festival, and came in with you out of curiosity."

Although Qingyang's breath-holding technique is exquisite, it can't hide from the thousand-faced Buddha that has turned into a god. At that time, the thousand-faced Buddha could see through Qingyang's cultivation at a glance. In the entire Jinyang Valley, except for the Thousand Buddha Sect, there are few Yuan Ying cultivators. Qing Yang, who was young and advanced in cultivation, made the Thousand Faces Buddha aroused curiosity. The Jinyang Festival actually has certain restrictions on the Yuan Ying monks. At that time, it was also the Thousand Faces Buddha who secretly made hands and feet, so that Qing Yang entered the trial smoothly, and finally came to the Thousand Buddha Sect with everyone.

Thinking of these Qingyangs, I was scared, but now it's useless to be afraid. Qing Yang simply said: "Since you are a Thousand-faced Buddha, then I will just say if I have something to say. Did the predecessors of Dujiao City do it? Where is the Horned Ghost King? What is the life or death situation now?"

The Thousand Faces Buddha smiled and said: "How am I doing it? What about it? No matter whether the one-horned ghost king is alive or dead, can you still save him from my hands with your strength?"

Although the words of the Thousand-faced Buddha were ambiguous, Qing Yang judged that this should be done by him. The one-horned ghost king is still alive, so Yu Mengmiao should also be in his hands. Qing Yang couldn't help but be a little anxious, and asked: "What about Yu Mengmiao? You smashed Monocorn and killed the ghost king, did you take away his magic treasure crystal coffin and the woman inside?"

The Thousand Faces Buddha did not answer Qing Yang’s question this time. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com instead said: "Little friend Qingyang is not anxious, it is still not too late to finish talking about our affairs first, and then discuss other things."

"What can we do between us?" Qing Yang puzzled.

The Thousand Faces Buddha said: "This journey, I also know little friend Qingyang, you have the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul at a young age, and more importantly, the challenge of the higher level is strong. Buddhism has been passed down for countless years, and there are few people like Qingyang. If you can meet a famous teacher, the future will be limitless. I intend to accept Qingyang as a disciple. I wonder what you think?"

Does this thousand-faced Buddha want to accept himself as a disciple? I thought that after the two parties said that they had broken their identities, the scene would be violent or violent, but I never thought that the Thousand Faces Buddha did not shout and scream at him, but instead asked to accept him as a disciple. This is too outrageous. Right?

Qing Yang was also puzzled for a while, could it be that he was so attractive? Can the Thousand Faces Buddha be so important? Did I agree or disagree? If he agreed, would the Thousand Faces Buddha put the one-horned ghost king and Yu Mengmiao on this matter? If you don't agree, will you make the other party angry and turn your face and fight yourself?

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