Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1818: : 0 years old enemy

Seeing Qingyang hesitate to recruit from his ancestors, the old monk Kuhai next to him couldn't help but said: "Friend Qingyang, the ancestor of the Thousand Faces Buddha is a legendary figure who will never be born in my Thousand Buddha Sect, and it is also rare in the world. The cultivator of God, his old man is willing to accept you as a disciple. This is your good fortune, and no one can ask for an opportunity. If you hesitate any more, you will not have this shop after you pass this village."

For the recruitment of the Thousand Faces Buddha, the mountain-moving Arhat next to him is envious. If he encounters such a good thing, he will definitely bow his head and apprentice the teacher at the first time. Is this Qingyang hesitant, really unreasonable? The Arhat moved the mountain and said: "You have to understand your current situation. This is the territory of my Thousand Buddha Sect. Since I have come here, it is impossible to leave without the grace of my ancestors. It is impossible to join the Thousand Buddha Sect. Your only way out, what are you hesitating about?"

Qingyang has a very close relationship with the Temple of Ten Kings, but there is no big prejudice against the enemy of the Temple of Ten Kings, the Thousand Buddha Sect. Under the low eaves, I had to bow my head. Did I first ask me to pray to the Thousand Face Buddha as my teacher? After I rescued the unicorn ghost king and Yu Mengmiao, I would discuss the long-term plan. As a result, a few words from the old monk of the bitter sea and the mountain-moving Arhat brought Qingyang into existence. A trace of rebellious psychology.

Although Qingyang has only the fifth level of Yuan Ying, his strength has reached the level of Yuan Ying's Consummation. It will not take long to catch up with the cultivator of God Hua. The cultivator of God Hua is a superior existence in the eyes of others, but it is fundamental to Qing Yang. It's nothing, it's just a matter of time.

If Qing Yang was only a low-level monk, it would be fine to change the door to worship the Thousand Buddha Sect temporarily, but he is now a Yuan Ying monk, and it is a bit unreasonable to bow his head to be an apprentice to others. Besides, why should this thousand-faced Buddha accept himself as a disciple? What is the picture? Is it because of their good qualifications? There are many disciples of the Thousand Buddha Sect, and I don’t know where they are good. Why do you want to accept yourself as an outsider?

What's more, Qing Yang has many secrets that cannot be revealed. After worshiping the Thousand-faced Buddha as a teacher, many things are difficult to handle. The other party has a righteous position. You can use this to suppress him. Through the many encounters of the single-horned ghost king. I can see that this thousand-faced Buddha is not a good person.

After thinking about it, Qing Yang feels that there is still no need to make mistakes for this matter, and embarrass himself. If this Thousand-faced Buddha really appreciates himself, he should not turn his face directly because of these things. If the other party just uses this thing. Hold yourself, turning your face is only a matter of time.

After making up his mind, Qing Yang bowed to the Thousand-faced Buddha and said: "Senior Thousand-faced Buddha, I'm really sorry, I had a teacher before, and I never thought of worshiping other people as a teacher."

Qing Yang is so solemn, and the Thousand Faces Buddha knew that this was the result of his careful consideration, and he would definitely not change his mind, but he was still a bit reconciled. Since becoming a cultivator, no one has ever dared to reject himself this way. It is really unreasonable! The Thousand-faced Buddha looked cold and said: "Have you ever thought about the result of rejecting my Thousand-faced Buddha's solicitation?"

Qingyang said: "Of course I know that, as in the previous sentence, the gentleman has something to do with it. There is only one master in my heart. I can no longer tolerate others. Please forgive me, senior."

Qing Yang finished speaking, before the Thousand Faces Buddha had time to speak, the Arhat who moved the mountain couldn't help it first, and angrily said, "What do you mean? My ancestor is willing to accept you as a disciple. That means you are worthy of you. I really think I am. What kind of sweet and pastry can't make it? Don't you want to toast and not eat fine wine?"

The old monk of the bitter sea also said: "In the entire Netherworld, there are very few immortal monks. My Thousand Buddha Sect is not only the only authentic Buddhism, but also the premier superpower in the Nether Territory. If you don't join such a sect, you are still thinking about the ten kings palace. That gang of evil demons can't do anything outside?"

The words of the two made Qing Yang even more disgusted. He frowned and did not speak for a long time. Seeing this, the Thousand Faces Buddha said coldly: "It seems that our temple of Thousand Buddha Sect is small and cannot accommodate your big Buddha."

Qingyang said: "The Thousand-faced Buddha predecessor is serious. It's because I don't look down on the Thousand-faced Buddha Sect. I really don't have the mind to worship other schools. The purpose of my trip is to find the one-horned ghost king, but to look at the Thousand-faced Buddha. Senior, even if I worship the Thousand Buddha Sect, you might not spare his life for it? Rather than being embarrassed in the future, it is better to maintain the current situation."

Seeing Qingyang picking out the words, the Thousand Faces Buddha laughed a few times and said: "I can withstand the coercion and temptation of the Thousand-Buddha Sect Transformation Monk and say these words. I appreciate you more and more. It's a pity. Ah, we are not destined to be the same. You are right. Even if you worship me as a teacher, I will not let go of the one-horned ghost king. As for you? It shouldn't be a good end."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of memory on the face of the Thousand Faces Buddha, and he continued: "When I first met with the one-horned ghost king that year, we knew that each other was my life’s enemies. It is a pity At that time, I was inferior to others, and I almost died in his hands. This matter became my demon. After that, I tried my best, spent a lot of thoughts, and sent many secret sighs to enter the Palace of Ten Kings. You can ask. The more news I receive, the more desperate I will be. The one-horned ghost king is really amazing. I tried to break through the realm of Gods earlier. If he succeeds, I am afraid that I will stop Yuanying in this life. Huangtian pays off. Just when I was completely desperate, Huanxi Ghost King actually passed back the approximate position of the one-horned Ghost King who broke through the retreat when he broke through the gods. I hurriedly hurried, and finally rushed to the place at the critical moment of his breakthrough, and then made a sneak attack to beat him into it. I was seriously injured, but under his desperate counterattack, I was also seriously injured, and eventually he ran away. After that, I hid in the Thousand Buddha Sect in panic all day, worrying that the unicorn ghost king would come to me for revenge after recovering from the injury. A few years later, I heard the news that the one-horned ghost king was conspired to disappear by his own people. From then on, I was exhausted and successfully broke through the bottleneck of the transformation of gods and became the only monk of the gods of the Thousand Buddhas for many years. There will be no single-horned ghost kings for hundreds of years. News, this rivalry battle ended in my victory after all."

Speaking of this, there was a smile on the face of the Thousand Faces Buddha, and then suddenly changed, saying: "I thought that from now on, I thought that the world is the greatest, but I suddenly received news of the rebirth of the one-horned ghost king decades ago. He has been a long-time enemy. I know the potential of the unicorn king, how can I watch him recover? So I made sufficient preparations, and when the unicorn king hadn’t fully recovered his strength, I hit the door, broke the unicorn city, and captured it alive. That one-horned ghost king."

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