Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1826: : Soul Refining Pool

After the Thousand Faces Buddha caught the Unicorn Ghost King, he first used the Soul Searching technique to search for some important content. As a result, the Unicorn Ghost King had already prepared and moved his hands and feet in his soul in advance. If it were other monks, the Thousand-faced Buddha would not be helpless, while the ghost cultivator was born with a powerful primordial spirit, the one-horned ghost king had broken through the realm of transforming a god, the primordial spirit was even more powerful, and the thousand-faced Buddha did not dare to mess around.

Thousand-faced Buddha searched the soul several times in a row, and did not find many useful things. He only vaguely knew that the unicorn ghost king has been following Qingyang for these years. The origin of Qingyang is very different. There is a rare treasure hidden in his body. As for that It is unclear what the so-called rare treasures are.

Later, nothing could be squeezed out from the Unicorn Ghost King, and the Thousand Faces Buddha began to prepare to refine him into a soul-refining pill, and it has only been a few years now. Soul refining pill is not so easy to refine. Nasal infant level will take several years, and it will be difficult to succeed in the transformation of **** level within ten years. On the one hand, the thousand-faced Buddha came back this time to prepare to participate in the small spirit mountain method of the Thousand Buddha Sect. Yes, on the other hand, it is also to see how the soul refining pills are refining, and they need to be taken care of by the side during the second half of the process.

"Senior can really let me see the one-horned ghost king?" Qing Yang couldn't believe it.

The Thousand Faces Buddha said: "After several years of refining, the one-horned ghost king would have lost consciousness even if he hadn't had his soul scattered at this time, and he might not be able to recognize it face to face. What's wrong with having a one-horned sight? The ghost king is in the soul refining pond next door, and you can see it right away."

The one-horned ghost king has long lost consciousness and is almost dead, and Qingyang is **** by his own multiple restrictions like rice dumplings, unable to turn over any wind and waves, let Qingyang see the one-horned ghost king for the last time, knowing that stubborn resistance will not end. It is also convenient to ask him the secret behind.

The Thousand-faced Buddha did not delay any more, and directly carried Qing Yang to the next room. This room was bigger, but it was dark inside, with a hint of gloom and horror, and it did not look like a Buddhist monk at all. The room is like the cave house of the ghost king of the Palace of Ten Kings.

In the innermost part of the room, there is a black pond with a golden bowl on the top of the pond. Outside the bowl is a barrier. Through the barrier, you can vaguely see countless soul silks constantly churning in the pool. , And occasionally heard a few screams.

Thousand-faced Buddha brought Qing Yang to the black pond, opened the restriction on it, and removed the golden bowl covered on it, finally being able to see the whole picture of the pond clearly. There are several clusters of black flames distributed at the bottom of the pool. It is nothing special from a distance, but after approaching, the soul and soul can feel a hot breath, as if they are about to be refined.

Above the flames, countless soul silks entangled and churned. In the soul silk, like a pot of black water about to boil, there was a ghost with a smaller human head floating in it, which could barely recognize some of the characteristics of the one-horned ghost king. Don't ask, the one inside must be the one-horned ghost king.

Qingyang Zhenyuan and Divine Mind were restrained, and it was impossible to observe more closely, but from the eyes of the monk Yuan Ying, it could be seen that the one-horned ghost king was almost dead even if he hadn’t died, and he couldn’t feel any breath of life at all. , Thinking of the end of the one-horned ghost king of the first generation, Qing Yang couldn’t help but feel sad. Although the one-horned ghost king relied on Qingyang’s recovery in those years, the single-horned ghost king helped Qingyang even more. They all rely on the one-horned ghost king to save their lives. For Qing Yang, the one-horned ghost king is also a teacher and a friend. It is a pity that he died like this.

But thinking about his situation, it doesn't seem to be much better than the one-horned ghost king. Maybe he will go with him soon, or even worse, Qing Yang can't care about sadness.

Seeing Qing Yang's sad look, the Thousand Faces Buddha was quite proud, and said, "Hehe, can you see it? The body and limbs of the one-horned ghost king have been refined, and only this head is left in this soul refining pool. With constant sacrifices, his head will get smaller and smaller, and eventually become a soul-refining pill the size of a dragon's eye. With this pill, I can break through to the second-level realm of transforming gods."

Qing Yang couldn't bear to look at the one-horned ghost king in the soul refining pond again, so he changed the subject and said: "I have one more thing I want to know. I hope Senior Thousand Face Buddha can tell the truth."

"What's the matter?" the Thousand Faces Buddha asked.

Qingyang said: "The city of Monocorn was broken by the predecessors. After you killed the ghost king, did you get his magic treasure crystal coffin? I don't know where the woman in that coffin is now?"

After listening to Qingyang, Thousand Faces Buddha suddenly laughed and said: "Hahahaha, that's it, I think it's a fake that you are looking for the one-horned ghost king, is it true that you want to save the woman in the crystal coffin? I didn't expect it to be a The seed of infatuation, it's no wonder that I was not tempted to recruit the Thousand Buddha Sect before."

"Senior knows the whereabouts of Miaomiao?" Qing Yang asked quickly. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

Thousand-faced Buddha said: "I broke the Monocorne, and I killed the ghost king. Of course the crystal coffin is in my hands, but I can't tell you the whereabouts of the woman in the coffin."

"Why is this?" An ominous premonition rose in Qing Yang's heart.

The Thousand Faces Buddha seemed unwilling to say this question, and said: "There are not so many whys, you are hard to protect yourself now, even if I tell you, what can you do? I advise you to pay more attention to your fate, honestly. Tell me all the secrets in your body, and hand over all your treasures, I can make you suffer a little less sin, and just give it a go."

What the Thousand Faces Buddha said is right. Qing Yang is now in a situation where his life cannot be guaranteed. Even if he knows Yu Mengmiao's whereabouts, can he still save her? If Yu Mengmiao's situation is very bad, and I don't know that there is nothing left, wouldn't I have to die with full of regret when I know it? Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Thousand Faces Buddha, I obviously don't want to say that I am just a prisoner, and there is no way other people don't say it.

Seeing Qingyang's silence, the Thousand-faced Buddha continued: "You have seen the one-horned ghost king, and you have asked all the questions you should ask. Now it is my turn. It is said that you have a peerless treasure on your body. Can you tell me, What kind of treasure is that? Even the one-horned ghost king is amazed?"

Zui Xian Hu’s affairs must not be said. He is not only Qing Yang’s greatest secret, but also Qing Yang’s last resort to save his life. After saying it, he will not end well, so Qing Yang turned his face to the side and showed a The deputy was disdainful of answering.

Seeing Qing Yang not speaking, the Thousand Faces Buddha said: "If you don't tell me, I also know that I have searched it before. You don't have so many spirit insect bags that can hold so many wine-drinking bees. A swarm of wine-drinking bees suddenly appeared. The treasures on your body are definitely related to space treasures, right?"

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