Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1827: :The means of 0-faced Buddha

When Qing Yang's cultivation base was low, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble from being seen by the flaws, Qing Yang would put spirit insect bags and spirit beast bags on his body as disguise, so that the iron-armed monkey and the alcoholic bee were suddenly released. The group will not appear too abrupt. After breaking through the Nascent Soul, Qing Yang has become the top existence of Gufeng Continent, and the monks who can pose a threat to him are very few, and Qing Yang is too lazy to do these superficial tasks, and he has not placed the spirit beast bag and The sacred worm bag disguised himself, but he did not expect to be caught by the Thousand Face Buddha this time, and he immediately saw the problem.

When the Thousand Faces Buddha said it was broken, Qing Yang didn't panic. It is impossible to know all the details of the Thousand Faces Buddha by just guessing by yourself.

Sure enough, I heard the Thousand Faces Buddha continue to say: "A space treasure that can hold a living thing is at least a high-level spirit treasure that is above the body. The spirit armor you used to defend against my attacks before is also a spirit treasure. I didn't expect you kid With such good luck, you can get two at a young age. No wonder your cultivation level has improved so quickly. It is said that in the ancient times, our world existed above the **** of transformation. It is not impossible to leave some spirit treasures, but this kind of treasure. It’s extremely rare. Even if I, a cultivator of God, you don’t have one, but you can get two of them at once, and they are even rarer defense spirit treasures and space spirit treasures. This opportunity is really enviable and crazy."

Having said that, the Thousand-faced Buddha looked at Qing Yang, and said: "This is the end of the matter. You should understand your fate. If you can take the initiative to release the control of the two spiritual treasures, give it to me honestly, and then give your body. I’ll tell you all of my secrets in one to five to ten. I can give you a joy and let you suffer less. If not, then don’t blame me for being polite. Although my Thousand Buddha Sect is decent and respectable, I don’t lack some. The means of forcing a confession, it will be too late to regret at that time."

Qingyang gave a white look at the Thousand Faces Buddha, and did not speak. Since I must die anyway, why should I be as you wish? As for the threat from the other party, Qing Yang was not terrified.

Seeing Qingyang not picking up the problem at all, the Thousand Faces Buddha was a little annoyed, and said coldly: "At this time, are you still lucky? This is the Xiaoling Mountain of my Thousand Buddha Sect, and I have the best of the Ancient Wind Continent. The cultivator of the gods sitting in town, even if the gods come, they can’t save you. You have only a dead end. Asking you this is just to satisfy my curiosity. As long as you die, all the treasures on your body will be mine. Yes, it's a little tricky at best."

Qing Yang wasn't lucky. He also knew that at this time, it was impossible for anyone to rescue him. He just didn't want the other party to do what he wanted, and would rather die with these secrets. When the Thousand Faces Buddha saw that he was going to talk, the other party didn’t answer at all. He finally lost his patience, and said with a furious smile: "Okay, okay, okay, it’s really toasting and not eating fine wine, since you don’t want anything. Say, don’t blame me for being cruel, and let you **** Thousand Buddha Sect’s methods.”

Speaking of this, the Thousand Face Buddha tapped Qing Yang's eyebrows, Qing Yang felt his whole body tighten, and the meridians of his whole body suddenly contracted sharply, and boundless pain spread all over his body, like being skinned and cramped. At the same time, Qingyang’s primordial spirit seemed to be roasted by someone with a soul lamp, and it was painful to the depths of the soul from the inside out, even if the ants bite the heart.

It has been more than two hundred years since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals. Qingyang has experienced countless dangerous situations. Sometimes he broke through the bottleneck and made him feel unhappy, but compared with this time, it seems to be a little worse. It is painful. Desperate, but his body couldn't move again, Qing Yang's body was trembling constantly, dripping with sweat, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of the water.

Seeing Qing Yang's painful look, Thousand-Faced Buddha smiled and said, "How? This is just my simplest method. There are so many more painful methods than this. If you show them one by one, you will probably regret being born in this world. No matter what, you are going to die in the end. Why should you endure these tortures? So I advise you to explain it honestly, so that I won't bother with these hands and feet."

Although Qing Yang was in pain, he didn't just bow his head to admit defeat. If he succumbed because of some torture, how could Qing Yang reach this point in his cultivation? As the saying goes, mighty can't bend, Qing Yang looked at the Thousand Faces Buddha and snorted coldly, and he didn't even bother to answer the other party's question.

The Thousand Faces Buddha also seemed to know that these methods did not seem to be enough to make Qing Yang surrender. Seeing that the other party refused to answer, he was too lazy to say anything, so he waved his hand and began to use other methods of torture. More pain came, but This time Qing Yang didn't panic at all, but he was relieved in his heart because he could feel that the backhand he had buried secretly was about to happen.

Now that Qingyang is restrained, Divine Sense and True Essence cannot be used. Zui Xian Hu is cancelled. UU Reading www. uukanshu. com is Qingyang's last life-saving method. Whether he can survive or not depends on this trick.

At the same time, the Thousand Faces Buddha didn't know what he had sensed, and suddenly his complexion changed, and his body quickly moved to the side, began to meditate into concentration, and could no longer pay attention to the Qing Yang next to him.

The reason is simple. Just now, the Thousand Faces Buddha discovered something in his body that shouldn’t be there. This thing is invisible and colorless, and I don’t know when it appeared, and how long it has been lurking in his body. Now suddenly Attack, is drilling towards his purple mansion.

The Purple Mansion is the most fragile place on the monk’s body. If you are not careful, you will die, and you will not be able to hit it or reach it. What makes the Thousand Faces Buddha panic is that he doesn’t even know what it is. , What kind of method can be used to get rid of, what will be the consequences after entering the Purple Mansion, there is no other way, he can only temporarily give up Qingyang, and solve his own crisis first.

No matter how important Qingyang's treasure is, it is not as important as the life of his Thousand-faced Buddha. He is a monk, the top existence in the entire world of cultivating immortals, how can a monk of Nascent Soul be comparable? It has only been more than three hundred years since he broke through the realm of God Transformation.

Sitting on the other side of the quiet room, the thousand-faced Buddha constantly mobilized his own true essence, converging toward the position of the thing in his body, hoping to use his true essence of the realm of God to drive away the extra thing. When that thing comes close to the fragile Purple Mansion, it may cause trauma to the Purple Mansion if you are not careful. Thousand-faced Buddha needs to be especially careful. Secondly, the thing is invisible and colorless and cannot be captured by spiritual thoughts. The Thousand-faced Buddha wants to be sure. It’s very difficult to get an accurate location. What’s more important is that the thing doesn’t seem to be afraid of the true essence of the Thousand-faced Buddha at all. Before the true essence gathers much, it is swallowed by the thing in one bite. There is no way for the Thousand-faced Buddha. Play any role.

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