Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1836: : Victory is victory, defeat is defeat

Judging from the strength of the **** grimace, the world level the other party is in will definitely not be low. If the other party is well-intentioned, it is a good thing that Yu Mengmiao goes there. In this situation, Qingyang didn't even have the ability to go there, let alone saving people, so he could only pray that the other party had no ill will towards Yu Mengmiao.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still had no clue. In desperation, Qingyang could only ask the Thousand-faced Buddha who had seen the **** grimace, and said, "What kind of person do you think the other party is?"

Thousand-faced Buddha said: "That **** grimace was just a phantom, and he didn't speak from the beginning to the end, so I really can't judge the attitude of the other party, but the other women with the mysterious Yin body died directly on the altar, and Yu Mengmiao died. But she can let the other party spend her energy to send her over, the other party should have no ill will towards her, and this time maybe it will be a blessing in disguise."

At this time, the one-horned ghost king said: "I don't expect good fortune because of misfortune, as long as Yu Mengmiao is safe and sound, I originally planned to let you suffer and die, but for the sake of your honesty about Yu Mengmiao's whereabouts, this matter Don't worry, I'll give you a treat when I find the altar."

Qingyang also said: "The grievances between us are all because you captured the one-horned ghost king and Yu Mengmiao, and it has nothing to do with the rest of the Thousand Buddha Sect. Now the one-horned ghost king is out of trouble, as long as you can help me find it back Yu Mengmiao, I can let other monks of the Thousand Buddha Sect survive."

The Thousand-Faced Buddha did not expect Qingyang to be so generous, and it was amazing that he would not kill the Thousand-Buddha Sect. If he encountered such a thing, he would definitely not let the Thousand-Buddha Sect easily. Thousand-faced Buddha couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "Thank you Qingyang The little friend is magnanimous, this matter started because of me, I will definitely give you an explanation, and after this matter is over, I will take the two to the altar in the ancient ruins."

After speaking, Thousand Faced Buddha turned his head to look at the one-horned ghost king again, and said, "One-horned ghost king, you have won the battle of our thousand-year old enemy, but this victory is not based on your own ability, but because of your friendship. I have a good friend, and I am unconvinced by the Thousand Faced Buddha."

After hearing this, the one-horned ghost king laughed and said, "Victory is victory, defeat is defeat, no matter how much you say, you can't cover up the fact that you have failed. Besides, being able to make a good friend like Qingyang Xiaoyou, then It’s also the ability of this king, so what if you don’t accept it?”

Facing the triumph of the one-horned ghost king, Thousand Faced Buddha was speechless. During this time, he suffered countless blows. First, his body and Nascent Soul were devoured by corpse-eating insects. The disintegration was severe and the loss was serious, and then he forced himself to fight a fierce battle with the one-horned ghost king.

He is different from the one-horned ghost king. Ghosts cultivate the primordial spirit. As long as one strand escapes, they can practice again. The Thousand Faced Buddha is not good at this technique. If there is no interference from the one-horned ghost king, he may be able to rely on With a superb cultivation base and a powerful Primordial Spirit taking over the house and rebuilding, now with the one-horned ghost king by his side, he will never be given a chance to reincarnate and rebuild. However, considering that he will have to lead him to find the altar in the future, he cannot be allowed to do so. So dead, so Qingyang found a small section of soul tree, and asked the one-horned ghost king to set up a lot of restrictions, temporarily imprisoning the Primordial Spirit of the Thousand-faced Buddha in it.

With the nourishment of the soul tree, the primordial spirit of the Thousand-faced Buddha will be fine within three to five years. If there is a suitable cultivation method, maybe it can be transformed into a ghost cultivation, but the two sides are already mortal enemies, and Qingyang is impossible. Letting go of the Thousand-faced Buddha, the one-horned ghost king would not tolerate the Thousand-faced Buddha to continue to live. The two of them only temporarily kept his Primordial Spirit and waited for the end of Yu Mengmiao's affairs, which would be his death.

The Thousand-faced Buddha also understands this truth. In order to suffer less torture in the last few years, and also so that Qingyang will not anger the entire Thousand-Buddha Sect because of him, he will stay in the soul tree honestly during this period of time. If he cooperated with Qingyang to find Yu Mengmiao, he would be completely relieved.

After dealing with the Thousand-faced Buddha, the one-horned ghost king said: "Little friend Qingyang, although I defeated the Thousand-faced Buddha, my strength was severely damaged, and my ghost body was refined by the Soul Refining Pool. It is difficult to condense successfully, and I am afraid that the prohibition on you cannot be lifted temporarily."

The one-horned ghost king was captured by the Thousand-faced Buddha and suffered a lot of torture. After being refined in the soul refining pool for several years, the ghost body has long since disappeared. If he hadn't possessed some special means, he might have been refined by now. into elixir. After being forcibly awakened by the Thousand-faced Buddha, the one-horned ghost king experienced another fierce battle, and the damage was extremely serious. In fact, his condition was not much better than that of the Thousand-faced Buddha. At this time, he could only barely protect himself. The restrictions set by the monks are powerless.

Qingyang also understood this situation and said, "Don't worry about the ghost king, this is the cave of the Thousand-faced Buddha, and the Thousand-Buddha Sect does not dare to invade, and there are corpse-devouring insects moving around, no one can pose a threat to me in a short period of time. Although the prohibition set by the cultivator of the gods is very powerful, I can still crack it with a little more time. I can recover my freedom in half a year at most. It’s just that the ghost king has been damaged so badly this time, I don’t know what it needs to be. How long does it take to re-condense the ghost body and restore strength?"

The one-horned ghost king groaned and said, "With this soul-refining pool here, it is not a problem to re-condense the ghost body, it will only take a year at most, but in the battle just now, I devoured a large part of the primordial spirit of the Thousand-faced Buddha. , If you can absorb refining, you can completely try to impact the realm of God Transformation, I don't want to waste this opportunity, I'm afraid I need to stay here for a while."

Ghost cultivators majored in Yuanshen, and their bodies were acquired through cultivation. For them, their bodies were not the most important thing, and they could recover after a little more time. The one-horned ghost king once broke through the realm of transforming gods, but he was knocked down for his cultivation. Now he has devoured most of the primordial spirit of the thousand-faced Buddha. It is not difficult for him to break through the gods. After this incident, the one-horned ghost king deeply felt the gap between the Yuan Ying cultivator and the Spiritual Transformation cultivator. He was extremely eager to restore his strength, and now there was just a suitable opportunity, and he certainly didn't want to miss it.

Qing Yang naturally understood this truth, so he said: "This is a good thing, if the ghost king can restore his spiritual cultivation, there will be few people in the entire Ancient Wind Continent that can pose a threat to us. In the future, we can go to the ancient ruins to find Yu Mengmiao. Chances of winning. Thousand-faced Buddha is dead, and no one will come to his cave in a short time. Let's stay here for a while. Although the one-horned ghost king tries to break through the realm of transformation, I will protect you here, and I will never let anyone bother you."

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