Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 1837: : Transparent bug

The relationship between Qingyang and the one-horned ghost king has gone beyond the category of friends, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are relatives. It can be seen from the fact that Qingyang took risks to find them this time. The one-horned ghost king is exactly clear. At this point, he will directly tell the reason and ask Qingyang to help protect the law.

The two negotiated properly, the one-horned ghost king began to use the soul silk in the soul refining pool to condense the ghost body to restore his cultivation, Qingyang kept trying to attack the prohibition set by the Thousand-faced Buddha in his body, and the corpse-devouring magic was hidden. Inside the corpse of the Thousand Faced Buddha, waiting for the Corpse Eater to bring him food.

The Thousand Faced Buddha's corpse and Nascent Soul are gone, the Corpse Eater Demon Gu has no food source, and can only rely on the corpse eaters outside to send her food back. As a result, the rate of new corpse eaters will be slow. As for the corpse-devouring insects outside, the low-level monsters and the Nascent Soul Buddha corpses that had been placed in the cave house of the Thousand-faced Buddha have been eaten up, and they have already started to look for food outside. Only the female worms were restrained. They just searched for the corpses of Buddha cultivators on Xiaoling Mountain to eat, and did not provoke those living cultivation bases. Otherwise, Xiaoling Mountain would have been messed up long ago.

After the Corpse Eater mutates, it is very difficult for monks to find them, and Xiaoling Mountain is a forbidden place for the Thousand Buddhas. The corpse eater did not take the initiative to provoke the monks who were in retreat, and the activities of the corpse eater on the Xiaoling Mountain were difficult to attract the attention of the monks of the Thousand Buddhas.

Time passed quickly, and half a year passed quickly. Under Qingyang's constant attempts and attacks, the restrictions set by the Thousand Faced Buddha in his body finally showed some flaws. After that, the flaws became bigger and bigger. Within a few days, The ban was completely lifted by Qingyang, and his mobility was restored.

Through these six months of hard work, the ghost body of the one-horned ghost king has been successfully condensed, and his strength has been continuously recovered. Now it has reached the fourth level of the Nascent Soul, which is similar to the beginning of the split with Qingyang more than a hundred years ago. reach the level of Nascent Soul Consummation. However, the one-horned ghost king said before that after his cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul Consummation, he will try to break through the realm of transformation into a god. I am afraid that he will not be able to leave in a short time, so the two will stay in the cave of the Thousand-faced Buddha for a long time. .

Although the cave of Buddhist monks is relatively simple, it is the cave of the cultivators after all, and the conditions inside are still very good. Since they are not in a hurry to leave, Qingyang regards the cave of the Thousand-faced Buddha as his temporary cave. Zuodongfu turned around and found some good things.

One of them is the medicine garden of the Thousand-faced Buddha. As the top existence of the Thousand-faced Buddha, the medicine garden of the Thousand-faced Buddha gathers the best things of the Thousand-faced Buddha. The thousands of years of elixir alone are enough. There are several plants, as well as many other spirit flowers and spirit trees, all of which were moved into the Drunk Immortal Gourd space by Qingyang.

In Thousand-faced Buddha's alchemy room, Qingyang also found some advanced alchemy and alchemy experience. Thousand-faced Buddha's alchemy level is not higher than Qingyang's, but he is a spiritual cultivator after all, and he is in contact with some For advanced things, these pill recipes and pill techniques also inspired Qingyang a lot.

As for other refining techniques, talisman techniques, spiritual planting techniques, array spells, and even item refining and talisman-making materials, there are a lot of them, but Qingyang has not studied much in those areas, and these can only be regarded as the usual accumulation. Take a look at it when you need it, or keep it as capital to trade with people.

Of course, Qingyang's biggest gain is the storage magic weapon of the Thousand-faced Buddha. As a spiritual monk, the storage magic weapon used by the Thousand-faced Buddha is called the Golden Light Bowl, which is similar to the Qiankun Gourd in Qingyang, and the space is not smaller than that How many, most of the net worth of the Thousand Faced Buddha is stored in it, there are tens of millions of spiritual stones alone, and there are tens of millions of other spiritual objects and materials combined.

Of course, these can't be all Qingyang's, and some will be distributed to the one-horned ghost king, but even if the two are divided equally, Qingyang can get about 10 million spirit stones, and this harvest is amazing enough. There are not many Yuan Ying cultivators in the world who have taken out tens of millions of spirit stones.

In the past six months, the footprints of the Corpse Eaters have traveled all over the entire Xiaoling Mountain. All the corpses of Buddhist cultivators have been eaten up by them. The entire Thousand Buddha Sect has been in chaos for a long time. Perhaps the Corpse Eater has eaten up the Thousand Buddha Sect cultivators, or the Thousand Buddha Sect cultivators have united to destroy the Corpse Eater, and they will never be at peace.

When the inhabitant of Thousand Faced Buddha dies, the lifespan of the Corpse Devourer worm begins to count down. After half a year of buffering, the Corpse Devourer finally recalls all the Corpse Devourers. The scene in the cave is very similar. After the death of the female worm, the corpse-eating worms below start frantically killing and devouring each other. In the end, only one remains. After swallowing the female worm, the corpse-eating worm enters. The order has become a new female worm, and the momentum is comparable to the spirit transformation period.

Qingyang took advantage of the corpse-devouring worm's weakest moment, injected his blood essence and a trace of soul into the worm's body, subdued the new female worm, and then spit out the black thread to wrap himself. It formed a cocoon the size of a walnut, like a black stone.

In fact, this time is somewhat different from the last time. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Corpse Devouring Demon Gu came to Qingyang before he died, and spat out a transparent bug in his hand. The energy has almost reached the level of the early Nascent Soul, and it seems to be crispy and delicious.

At first, Qingyang didn't know what the worm in his hand was, nor did he understand the meaning of the corpse-devouring magic gu. Later, when he remembered what happened to the Kyushu Continent last time, he suddenly realized that the worm in his hand was a monk who was full of the Gorefiend Sect. Is it a mature body blood demon after blood essence?

The Gorefiend Sect has a way to quickly improve their cultivation. It releases the Gorefiend Gu in other cultivators. After the Gorefiend Gu devours the cultivator's blood, it will become like this. The Gorefiend Sect cultivator can take the Gorefiend Gu to increase the level of cultivation. power. For example, Tao Youcheng, the patriarch of the Tao family in Yongzhou, quickly improved his cultivation by taking the blood demon. In the last battle, he directly broke through the foundation-building realm. Another example is the battle in Yinfeng Gorge. Spiritual Blood Spirit forcibly broke through the Nascent Soul by taking the blood demon. Realm, with the ultimate strength, defeated the alliance of the seven immortal gates in one fell swoop, and since then dominated the Kyushu continent.

Of course, there must be many flaws in such a rapid method of improving cultivation. First of all, you can't take too much energy at one time, and you can't take it regularly. If it exceeds the limit of your own body, there will be serious sequelae, such as Then Tao Youcheng will die because of this final explosion, and the final fate of Spiritual Blood is not much better.

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