Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 313: : Beautiful scenery

Qing Yang grows so big, how can I put clothes on a woman? First, I picked up a coat and tried several times, but didn't know where to put it on. Qing Yang couldn't help but shook his head and threw that piece aside. Picked up another one, still don't know how to wear it.

Qing Yang couldn't help but scratched his head, what can I do? Let someone else come if I knew it. When the four of them broke into the cottage together, considering that they would delay that one-eyed dragon's coldness, because Qingyang's cultivation base was the lowest, he gave the person who saved the life to him. How did you know that this matter was so tricky? If Qing Yang were to choose one more time now, he would rather fight the Cyclops coldly and desperately.

Suddenly, a pair of snow-white arms stretched over and hooked Qing Yang's neck with one hand, then the hot body was wrapped around, and a pair of red lips rushed towards his face.

Qing Yang was thinking about how to deal with those clothes. He didn't expect Qin Ruyan to make a sudden attack on him. When he reacted, Qin Ruyan's red lips were already close at hand.

Seeing Qin Ruyan's snow-white arms, fire-like red lips, water-like eyes, sultry green silk, and the looming towering underneath his clothes, Qing Yang couldn't help but shake his mind, and his mouth was dry for a while. Qi and blood are surging, and I don't know what to do.

Not to mention, although this Qin Ruyan is not very good, his looks and figure are still very good, fair skin, weak body, two red lips touching heart, and a pair of wonderful eyes. The whole person is like a meticulous piece. The carved artwork made people appetite, especially the water snake waist, twisted and twisted on the bed, Qing Yang's heart couldn't help but rippling.

Qing Yang is less than twenty years old and has just grown into a youthful youth. How could he have seen such a battle? Although he knew that the situation was urgent at this time and everyone was still working hard outside, the most primitive desire in his heart still controlled him, making his soul almost out of the way.

Qin Ruyan's body was like a beautiful snake, wriggling around Qingyang's body, climbing higher and higher, and Qin Ruyan's red lips had already been printed on Qingyang's while Qingyang was stunned. Face. Originally, Qing Yang still had a trace of soberness and a trace of persistence, and it vanished in an instant.

What longevity, what cultivation, what Qingfeng Palace, what fellow disciples, what enemies, and what dangers were all forgotten by Qing Yang. At this moment, he just wanted to rush to the bed, desperately venting, and put the one above. Woman, ravage it hard.

Qing Yang's eyes flushed suddenly, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. He could no longer control his body and could not suppress the desire in his heart, and rushed towards the beautiful woman on the bed.

Seeing that a big battle was about to unfold on the bed, at this moment, a clear stream suddenly rushed out of Qingyang's dantian, and in a blink of an eye it rushed into his head, Qing Yang had lost control of his thoughts. , It was like being poured into a basin of cold water, and he woke up instantly.

After that, the clear stream spread all over the body, flowing through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and Qing Yang gradually regained control of the body. The desire in his heart receded like a tide. Qing Yang only realized at this time that he had already rolled onto the bed and hugged him with the Qin Ruyan Tower. The clothes on his body were also withdrawn by the other party. If it is a moment and a half later , Maybe he will fall completely.

Qing Yang didn't know. The reason why he was like this just now was that Qin Ruyan's temptation on the bed was one aspect, and more importantly, he also slightly inhaled some of the fragrance released by the Cyclops in the stone chamber.

After catching Qin Ruyan, the Cyclops saw that the coercion and temptation could not make the other party submit, so he used some crooked tricks and asked his subordinates to get some incense that even monks could not resist. After lighting them, they placed them in this stone room. After that, he just waited for Mixiang to play a role, so that he could do something good with Qin Ruyan, but at this time something happened outside, so he could only go out and realize it.

When Qing Yang came, he did raise his 12 points of attention. He noticed if there was any danger in his surroundings, but he didn't expect that there are still many scents remaining in the stone room, and this scent is colorless and tasteless, even monks. Being able to confuse, naturally makes him hard to defend.

With the concentration of a monk, if it is only the temptation of female sex, it is generally able to resist. Qing Yang has never been close to female sex, and the concentration is definitely higher than others. It was only because of accidentally hitting the scent that he almost couldn't hold back and made a big mistake. In the end, the drunk fairy gourd released a stream of clear water flowing all over the body, causing Qing Yang to wake up in time.

Qing Yang was awakened by the drunk fairy gourd, but Qin Ruyan was not awake. Seeing Qing Yang getting up from the bed, he seemed to have lost the whole world. His eyes were full of disappointment and regret. After a short pause, Qin Ruyan Then he rushed towards Qingyang reluctantly.

Seeing Qin Ruyan, who was leaping towards him, Qingyang Empress was so frightened that he almost hit the move~www.readwn.com~ Not to mention that the Cyclops is still outside in coldness, and may defeat Deng Changting and others at any time. come over. Just messing with the grandmother Qin Ruyan, I am afraid there will be countless troubles waiting for me in the future, not to mention I don't like the character of this woman.

Thinking of the danger outside, Qing Yang didn't dare to delay any longer. Seeing that Qin Ruyan pounced towards him, Qing Yang flashed aside, and then slapped her head back. Qin Ruyan was banned by the Cyclops coldly, and he was hit with Mixiang, just like an ordinary person, it was easy for Qing Yang to hit her.

Qin Ruyan was hit in the back of the head, his body softened and fell under the bed. Qing Yang helped Qin Ruyan up, then picked up a quilt from the bed and wrapped Qin Ruyan's body into the quilt.

After that, Qing Yang glanced at the table next to him, but unexpectedly found Qin Ruyan, Hou Jiangong and others’ content-retaining charms, so he stuffed these content-retaining charms into his arms, and then put Qin Ru Cigarette's clothes were stuffed into the quilt, and they were tied into a roll with a clothing belt. After carrying the roll, they left the stone room.

The talisman for holding things is the lowest level of space treasures. Living things cannot be stored, nor can it be directly placed in other holding symbols. Only higher-level space treasures can hold low-level space treasures.

Cyclops coldly received these people's gifts, because they have to wait for the second and third brothers to come back and share the spoils together. It is not easy to look at them alone, and the beauty is currently restless, how can you care about those few gifts? symbol? So he just put it on the table next to him, and then suddenly something happened outside, he forgot about it in a hurry, and Qing Yang was caught up with it all.

The whole cave of Cyclops was completely touched by Qingyang. When he came out, he was naturally familiar with the road. After a few breaths, he rushed to the edge of the cave, and then ran to the other side while being swept back on his back.

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