Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 314: : Qin Ruyan sober

Let's talk about Cyclops Lengyu and Deng Changting and others. Deng Changting and others desperately dragged the Cyclops, but the Cyclops was cold and fought, but felt that something was wrong. The strength of the group of people on the opposite side was far from their own. It was reasonable to save Hou Jiangong and Shi Jian and the others were about to flee, but this group of people knew that they couldn't beat themselves, so they stayed here to fight hard, indicating that these people had other purposes.

Other purposes are not difficult to guess. It must be Qin Ruyan. Qin Ruyan is the granddaughter of the deputy head of the Qingfeng Temple. If he falls with himself, everyone else will definitely be implicated. Escape, but the purpose of desperately fighting with oneself.

In other words, this group of people still have accomplices. At this time, it is estimated that they have already taken advantage of the chaos to enter their cave. Maybe they have found Qin Ruyan at this time. Then Qin Ruyan is already fat to his mouth, how can he allow others to **** food from his mouth?

Thinking of this, the one-eyed dragon coldly noticed the movement of the cave, and the attack was even more ruthless. It didn't take long for him to continuously wound both Shijian and Cui Yu'an. If it wasn't for the rescue by others in time, maybe this The two were killed directly by Cyclops.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two of the four people in the Qingfeng Temple. Only Deng Changting and Tian Shengcai were still struggling to support them, but everyone knew that the remaining two were even more difficult to resist the cold killer moves of the Cyclops. The two of them were defeated. Sooner or later, everyone will die at that time.

Everyone couldn't help but start complaining about Qingyang. You have been in this for a long time, why haven't you come out? Could it be that there are some traps in the cave that Junior Brother Qingyang has also fallen into? But even if there is a trap, you should make a little movement to let us know how things are going. If we drag on like this, everyone will die here.

In everyone's expectation, and under the cold eyes of the one-eyed dragon, there was finally movement on the side of the cave, and Qing Yang finally rushed out. Just how does this guy look like this? Didn't you go to save people? Why did you get all the quilts out? Which one is this singing again?

Soon they saw that there was a woman wrapped in Qingyang's quilt. Who else could there be without Qin Ruyan? Although he didn't know what happened in the cave, why did Qing Yang even carry the quilt and bring the people out, but he finally rescued the people.

The Cyclops are too cold and cold. They can't beat him. The only way is to continue to hold him. When Qingyang takes Qin Ruyan out of everyone's sight, then they can find a way to escape. Of course , The hope of this escape is very slim.

It's a pity that things didn't follow his plan. Seeing Qingyang carrying the quilt and fleeing to the side, the one-eyed dragon was cold and angry. The fat on his mouth could be easily contaminated by others? Since being wanted by the Qingfeng Temple, he hasn't tasted the taste of a Qi-refining female cultivator for a long time. This time he finally caught one, and he was the granddaughter of the deputy head of the Qingfeng Temple who had driven him to a dead end. Tall and beautiful, it makes you want to think about it.

So the one-eyed dragon coldly attacked with a few tricks, and forced Deng Changting and Tian Shengcai to back away a few steps each, he flashed, and even chased in the direction of Qing Yang's escape. Deng Changting and Tian Shengcai did not stop him, worrying that Qingyang was not an opponent, and quickly followed closely behind.

Seeing that one-eyed dragon noticed him coldly, Qing Yang couldn't help but sink down. What can I do? The original plan was to rescue Qin Ruyan secretly by himself, and then find a place to hide. The task was the easiest among a few people. I didn’t know that Cyclops was so smart that he hadn’t rescued him, he was already staring at it. It happened to be seen by him.

Qing Yang was not the cold opponent of this one-eyed dragon, let alone one person behind his back now? The matter had already reached this point, and fleeing was important, and Qing Yang had to cast his blood burning technique again, speeding up and fleeing down the mountain. The blood burning technique consumes the body, but Qingyang has the half-tan spirit wine obtained from Wuyou Sanren, which can restore vitality in a short time, so there is no need to worry too much.

So the three waves of people ran down the mountain back and forth. Qing Yang is at the forefront. Because of the blood burning technique, his speed has increased by several percent. It is not inferior to the cultivator in the middle stage of refining Qi. Even if he is carrying a person on his back, the wind is running under his feet. In a blink of an eye I ran to the foot of the mountain, looking for a path to bury my head and ran forward.

The Cyclops was coldly chasing after him. He had just experienced a fierce battle. In order to defeat the four people as soon as possible, he continuously used his ultimate move, his physical strength was a bit overdrawn, and his speed was slower than usual. But after all, he is a cultivator of the sixth layer of Qi refining, but he started a little late, and it is not very difficult to catch up with Qing Yang.

Deng Changting and Tian Shengcai followed closely. The two of them were far worse than the previous two, their cultivation base was not high, and there was no bonus for blood burning, and they were soon left behind for a certain distance. But they knew that ~www.readwn.com~ Qing Yang was not an opponent of Cyclops at all. If they were overtaken by the opponent, not only would they lose their lives, even Qin Ruyan would not be spared, they could only fall behind desperately.

In a blink of an eye, Qingyang ran out for several miles. The distance between Qingyang and the cold and cold one-eyed dragon was getting closer and closer, and the distance between the front and back was only tens of feet. It would not take long to catch up with them, and Deng Changting and Tian made money. The two were left further and further away, and no one could be seen behind them.

In fact, the reason why Qing Yang ran so far was also deliberate. There were many people in the cottage, and some of his methods were inconvenient to use. Run a little farther, find places that some people can't see, and then take advantage of Qin Ruyan's coma, release the Monkey King or the Alcoholic Queen Bee to help.

Cyclops coldly knows it doesn't matter, as long as he is finally solved, there is no need to worry about some secrets leaking. Although doing so will cause Deng Changting and others to doubt, as long as they don't see them, some things can still be explained. This is also the only way at the moment, Qin Ruyan is still in a coma, and the rest of the people are definitely not Cyclops' cold opponents.

While thinking about it, a woman's groan suddenly came from behind, and then the curl on her back squirmed a few times before hearing a voice saying: "Where is this? What's wrong with me?"

The voice was from Qin Ruyan. It seemed that Miss Qin had already woken up. Qing Yang couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that the method just thought was no longer applicable. With Qin Ruyan watching, those methods are not suitable for use. I can't leave Qin Ruyan alone and lead the one-eyed dragon to be cold. The other party’s goal is Qin Ruyan. How can I give up Qin Ruyan and just chase after? Own?

Qing Yang turned his head and said: "Sister Qin, you are finally awake. The cyclops will soon catch up with us. You can rush through the prohibition as soon as possible, and wait for you to recover your skills."

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