Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 653: :traitor

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Hearing Wusi Zhenren's words, the elder Jin Dan next to him echoed: "Yes, he doesn't go where there is a way to heaven, and he has no way to cast himself in hell. They think that if you can control the pure brother, they will be able to win the victory. They are really bold. This is the site of our Qingfeng Temple. Our people are everywhere. With our golden core elders here, this time we will definitely let them come back and forth."

Another golden core elder also said: "Yes, yes, yes, the spirit blood real person may be miscalculated this time, as long as we take down these two important figures and threaten their lives, maybe the blood demon sect will throw the rat jealous. I will not dare to attack our Qingfeng Temple in the future."

Everyone is worried that there is no way to deal with the Blood Demon Cult. I didn’t expect that the sons of Spirit Blood and Huang Ming would be sent to the door by himself. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as the two in front of you are taken hostage, Qingfeng Palace won’t need it in the future. Worried that the Blood Demon Cult will attack, this is God's favor. Thinking of this, the faces of several elders couldn't help but put on smiles.

At this time, Zhen Jing shook his head and said, "Brother Wusi, I can't do this."

"Why?" Wusi Zhenren puzzled.

Pure Humanity: "Sir, forgive me, I was really asking for everything before, but then I heard about Yinfengxia and knew that the blood demon sect is so powerful that we are not the opponents of the spiritual blood. For the sake of the tens of thousands of disciples in Qingfeng Palace, I think It's better to surrender."

"Surrender? You...you want to be a running dog of the Blood Demon Cult?" Wusi Zhenren was furious.

Qingjing Zhenren said: "Brother Wusi, who knows the current affairs is a master, the Blood Demon Sect has already occupied an absolute advantage. Our resistance is of no use, it can only cause the lives of lives and countless innocent monks to die. Now that the general trend is gone, why not let it go. Woolen cloth?"

Wusi Zhenren angrily rebuked: "You are obviously just making excuses for your fear of death! Brother Qiyun was really blind at the beginning, and he chose you as the deputy head of the Qingfeng Temple. Now that his bones are not cold, you will be a dog for your enemy and pay back. It's really eye-opening. You are just a little Golden Core first-level cultivator. Without you, we could still take them down."

These words of Elder Wusi are extremely sharp, like a knife, and they are poked into the heart of a pure real person. For example, he has cultivated for nearly two hundred years, and Gu Jing Wubo, whose xinxing has long been tempered, is now ashamed. Blushing and speechless for a long time.

Pure Real Man is not the material for being a traitor by nature. If possible, he would not be willing to surrender to the Blood Demon Cult. It is indeed that the development of things is too unexpected. The seven heads are dead, the dragons in the world of cultivating immortals have no heads, and the blood demon sect has also produced the Nascent Soul monk. In this case, everyone will feel desperate. In order to take care of the lives of the disciples in the whole family, making this choice is also helpless. .

That's what I said, but after all he was a traitor, the pure real person was still very ashamed, and being questioned face to face by the Wusi real person, for a while, he felt irresistible.

Looking at the desolate pure real person, Qing Yang could understand his thoughts, and finally broke through the Golden Core Stage. With a life span of hundreds of years, how could he give up easily?

If the Seven Great Immortal Sects still have the ability to come back, maybe they can talk to the opponent, but now the head is dead, the Seven Great Immortal Sects are scattered, and the Blood Demon Sect is powerful, and there is only one dead end without surrender. Real Qing Jing is not alone. There is a huge Qin family behind him. If something happens to him, the entire Qin family will probably disappear.

Knowing that at this time he can't count on a pure real person, Young Master Lingxu suddenly laughed and said: "Hahahaha... I didn't expect that Reality Wusi had such a deep affection for the head of Qiyun."

Elder Wusi said coldly: "Boy, you can still laugh when you die? There are a total of eight golden core monks on our side, and there is only one on your side. Even if you add that traitor to Purity, you are not opponents. You are dead this time."

Young Master Lingxu said faintly: "Wonderful real person, do you think I am that stupid? Without sufficient assurance, dare to come to your Qingfeng Temple?"

"You... do you still have a back hand?" Real Man Wusi asked in surprise. Not only him, but the other Jin Dan elders also changed their expressions. Isn't it true that the traitor is not only the pure real person?

Young Master Lingxu smiled slightly, then looked at someone in the Golden Core cultivator group, and said, "Major Qixing, it's all this time, are you still not going to show up?"

The real person of Qixing? Everyone present was shocked. The real person Qixing, Qiyun, and Qixia are all characters of the same era. Although the cultivation base is slightly lower than that of Qixia, only the fifth level of the golden core, but the influence in the sect is not. Not low at all, completely different from the new Jindan monks like Qing Zhenzhen. Now that the head is dead, in addition to the real person Qixia, the highest strength is the real person Qixing. If the veteran elders of the Qingfeng Temple Jindan like the real person Qixing also join the Blood Demon Cult, then who else in the entire Qingfeng Temple is worthy of trust of?

Not only that ~www.readwn.com~ After the real person Qixing was wooed by the opponent, the balance of power between the two sides has changed a lot. There are three golden core monks on the side of the blood demon sect, two of which are in the middle of the golden core. . On the Qingfeng Palace, only Real Qixia and a mid-golden core elder are left, and the remaining seven are all in the early days of the golden core. Although they have the advantage of the home court, the overall strength also has the upper hand, but if the two sides really fight their lives, There will definitely be heavy casualties, but the casualties are all of their own.

Real Person Wusi looked at Real Person Qixing with an incredible face, and said, "Brother Qixing, are you...Are you also a member of the Blood Demon Sect?"

Seeing everyone looking at him, the real Qixing smiled bitterly, and said: "A misstep will become an eternal hate. I accidentally did the next wrong thing decades ago. I was caught by the blood demon cult when I was greedy for life and feared death. When I got the handle, I couldn’t get off anymore after I got on their thief ship. Originally thinking of the Seven Great Immortals’ prosperity in the spring and autumn, the Blood Demon Sect had no hope at all. The relationship between me and the Blood Demon Sect would remain hidden, but I didn’t expect it. The speed of the rise of the Blood Demon Sect is so fast."

Seeing Master Qi Xing admitted that Master Qi Xia was unacceptable for a while, she angrily rebuked: "You turned out to be a member of the Blood Demon Sect, Junior Brother Qixing, are you worthy of Senior Brother?"

The real human being Qi Xing said: "Brother Qixia, can't you see the current situation? Everyone is dead, the seven immortal gates have no heads, and the Qingfeng Palace's forcible resistance is all about hitting the stone with the pebbles. Who can stop the seven immortal gates? A real person with spiritual blood who lives in the Yuan Ying period?"

Yes, who among the seven immortal gates is the opponent of the real spirit blood? Real person Qixia looked around, and couldn't help feeling a little desperate. If Qingfeng Temple did not yield, a great battle would be in front of him. No matter who wins or loses, the people of Qingfeng Temple will die. The real battle between righteousness and evil has not yet begun. The Qingfeng Palace is about to suffer a lot of vitality, how can the righteous monks have any hope of winning?

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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