Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 654: :The point of righteous devil

For Qixing real person, being a traitor is very embarrassing, but it’s useless to regret it at this point. Then the best way is to pull other people into the water. Everyone becomes a traitor. Let’s not talk about the second brother. I can't show myself.

Seeing that no one refuted his own words, the real person Qixing continued: "We monks pay attention to the natural way of Taoism, knowing that we can't do it, it is unwise, since there is no hope for the right way, why should we persist in that obsession? How can righteous demon have such strict boundaries? As long as our hearts are righteous, what is the difference between being in Qingfeng Palace and Blood Demon Sect?"

The higher the cultivation level, the more they value their own lives. After all, there are few people who dare to sacrifice their lives for righteousness like the real people like Yushu and Qiyun. Isn't that stupid if you know that you can't do it? How can there be any righteous and evil in the world, when the difference is different, the means are different, when the blood demon ancestor was there, the predecessors of the seven immortal gates did not get a good land under his hands?

The cultivators in the Qingfeng Temple didn’t understand this truth, but their brains couldn’t turn around for a while. They had been instilled since childhood the principle that righteous and demons are incompatible. The Blood Demon Cult is cruel and bloody, and they always regard the killing of demons and demons as their own responsibility. Now let them succumb to the Blood Demon Cult, anyone will have a psychological barrier.

It is completely different from the pure real person, the real person Qixing has much influence among the golden core elders. His words still have some effect among the golden core elders. Seeing that his words are useful, he continues to bewitched. : "Senior brothers, we are all high-ranking members of the Qingfeng Temple. Even if we don't do it for ourselves, we have to consider for the tens of thousands of disciples below."

Being a traitor is a very shameful thing. If there is a good reason, it can be regarded as a fig leaf. The last few words of the real person Qixing can be regarded as a step for everyone, and many people feel the same. Yeah, I can't beat and beat, what else can I do besides yielding? We are also bearing a heavy burden for the lives of tens of thousands of disciples in Qingfeng Palace.

The minds are active, and at this time they are already inclined to go to the Gorefiend Cult. The monks of the Nascent Soul are too scary, and they have been scared long ago. Of course, there are also more tendentious things. For example, the real person without thinking can't turn this corner no matter what. Seeing that other people have heard the words of real person Qixing, they seem to have thoughts, and the real person without thinking opens his mouth to refute.

Seeing that the success is about to be completed, Young Master Lingxu certainly can't let Mortal Wusi wreak havoc, and hastily said: "You real people, I shouldn't have interrupted on this occasion, but I can't bear to see everyone disagrees. I want to say a few words. The Blood Demon Sect has been exterminated for more than two thousand years. No one can tell what the original situation is. Those word of mouth things are not counted at all, but only the winners and losers. , Who can guarantee that the original Blood Demon Cult was really heinous? What's more, the current Blood Demon Cult has nothing to do with the past. We have been incognito these years, how can we have the opportunity to do bad things? The so-called Blood Demon that you usually see Teaching is just something that some people with misconceptions have done evil and planted us on our heads, and it has nothing to do with us."

"I admit that the blood demon teaching technique is a bit bloody, but everyone is a monk, but they follow a different path. If the seniors of the Qingfeng Temple are more taboo about this, I can guarantee here that I will never use secondary skills in the future. As for the specific affairs of the Qingfeng Temple, my Blood Demon Sect will not intervene too much for the time being, nor do you need your help in attacking other sects. Everything is waiting for my Blood Demon Sect to unify the seven immortal gates, and we will talk about it after the general situation is determined. ."

The words of Young Master Lingxu are similar to the truths of the spirit blood real person when he was in Yinfeng Gorge. The blood demon ancestors have been dead for more than two thousand years. The so-called evils are all passed down from predecessors, who knows whether they are true or false? Even today's Seven Great Immortals have always advertised themselves as righteous leaders, but there are many dirty things in private.

Of course, that's how it is said. It is very difficult for everyone to change their attitudes directly. Although some people already have the idea of ​​being a traitor, they still can't face their deceased and fight with other schools of swords and swords. However, the words behind Young Master Lingxu dispelled everyone's worries, and they didn't need them to help attack other sects, thus avoiding the embarrassment when meeting in the future.

Moreover, Young Master Lingxu promised not to interfere with the Qingfeng Temple, everyone can stay on the sidelines for the time being. If the Seven Great Immortals still have the ability to turn around, then there will be no time to turn back. If the Blood Demon Sect is strong, other sects will surrender. Then there is no need to insist on Qingfeng Temple.

When Young Master Lingxu said these words thoroughly, at least half of the Golden Core cultivators present had plans to surrender.

Seeing my own words have worked ~www.readwn.com~ Young Master Lingxu continued his efforts and said: "In addition, I also want to tell you a good news. Within this month, we and the Uncle Spirit Bone have visited the Emperor Lingzong. There are three sects, Jinding Pavilion, and Lingxi Valley, which means that three of the seven immortal gates have already submitted to my blood demon sect, and the Qingfeng Temple is four. Half of the major forces in the cultivating world of the Kyushu Continent recognize my blood demon sect. , The remaining three sects of Yin Yang Sect, Zhen Demon Hall, and Forging Ling Pavilion, even if they want to struggle to death, they can't gather many people."

Yu Lingzong, Jinding Pavilion, and Forging Ling Pavilion have all submitted to the Blood Demon Sect? Now there is no hope at all. Everyone didn't believe it, but after looking at the real person Qixing next to him, the Blood Demon Sect had put his hands in the Qingfeng Temple. How could there be no other schools? Especially that Yulingzong, even the head Huang Ming is a direct line of the Blood Demon Sect, so it shouldn't be too difficult to conquer.

Originally, there were people who had extravagant hopes to give these people a plan to slow down. In the future, the Seven Great Immortals will unite in private, and then look for opportunities to overthrow the Blood Demon Sect in one fell swoop, but as it is now, the seven sects have surrendered three. It is estimated that there is a chance. It's all gone.

Seeing Young Master Lingxu talking on it, Qing Yang couldn't help but sighed, and the general situation is gone. The Qingfeng Temple is probably about to surrender. The enemy of Master Lingxu will not have a good life in the future. See Coming to leave the mainland of Kyushu is the only option.

The seven great immortal gates continue to fight internally, which led to the current decline. On the blood demon sect, there were extraordinary lords such as the spirit blood real person among the previous generations. The heart is tough and the perseverance is extraordinary. century. And in the next generation, there are young talents like Young Master Lingxu, who are combined with each other, have a lot of wisdom, countless methods, and know how to choose, which can be called a generation. difficult.

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