Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 655: : Sincerity

Just when Qing Yang was considering his own way out, the golden core monks in front had already made a choice, and Qi Xia asked, "Master Lingxu, can you tell me what you just said?"

Young Master Lingxu smiled and said: "It's hard to chase after a word. If real Qixia doesn't believe it, I can even make a vow of spirit and soul in front of everyone."

She was willing to make a vow of spirit and soul to show that the other party dared to guarantee her own future. As the son of real person Lingxu, this is more credible. Real person Qixia turned to look at the other brothers and said: "If so ,So……"

Madam Qixia hadn’t said what he had said, but Madam Wusi next to him finally couldn’t help interrupting him, saying: "Brother Qixia, are you going to take the entire Qingfeng Temple to join the Blood Demon Cult? Righteous and evil do not stand together, are you? I have forgotten the teachings of the ancestors of the Qingfeng Temple? Forgot how Brother Qiyun died in the Yinfeng Gorge? Forgot the responsibility of our immortal door?"

Being so questioned by the other party, Majestic Qixia was also a little unable to come to Taiwan, and said: "Junior Brother Wusi, this is also a compelling choice. The general situation is over. There is only a dead end against the Blood Demon Cult. We can't help but the way out for the tens of thousands of Qingfeng Palace disciples. consider."

"So what about you? You have the same idea?" Wusi Zhenren turned his head and looked at the other Jindan elders. His gaze swept all the way, but no one dared to look directly at him. It was obvious that the other Jindan elders chose this way.

True person Wusi originally thought there would be a few like-minded people, but he couldn't find any of them. Everyone was scared by the Blood Demon Cult who possessed the Nascent Soul cultivator. Wusi Zhenren feels powerless and can only say: "Everyone has ambitions. I can't force everyone without thinking, but I can't accept that I will be a running dog of the blood demon sect for the whole life. Conspiracy, no thinking will leave the Qingfeng Palace from now on, and we will have no future in the future."

Real person Wusi had to turn around and leave when he finished speaking, but the real person next to Ling bone stood in front of him in a flash and said: "My son hasn't spoken yet, how can he just leave?"

"What? Are you planning to cut the grass and root out?" Wusi Zhenren was not afraid of it.

Although Qi Xia intends to join the Blood Demon Cult, she is unwilling to watch her fellow being killed. She stands up and says: "Young Master Lingxu, everyone has their own ambitions, and twisted melons are not sweet, even if they are forcibly left behind. I can't keep his mind, I hope Young Master Lingxu can let him go."

At this time, Zhen Jing also said: "Master Lingxu, forgive me, the seven immortal gates claim to be the right path of immortality, and have always been incompatible with the blood demon cult. There must be many people who can't change it in a short period of time. Since the blood demon cult will be the mainland of Nine Provinces Lord, there should be a certain measure. Those who are unwilling to stay, or whose thinking cannot be changed temporarily, just let them go."

As the former deputy head of the Qingfeng Temple, he still knows the situation of the disciples below. He knows that there must be many people below who can't change their minds. They also have nostalgia for the Qingfeng Temple and are unwilling to succumb to the Blood Demon Cult. Forcibly staying would harm them, and it would be easy to implicate other people. It's better to let them make a living by keeping a little fire from the Qingfeng Temple.

Young Master Lingxu pondered for a while, and said, "There is a certain truth to what the pure pure person said. Isn't the twisted melon sweet? You can let me let them go, but you should always show some sincerity in the Qingfeng Palace. May I make an explanation?"

Confess? What explanation do you need from Qingfeng Temple? Zhen Jing was a little puzzled, looking at Young Master Lingxu and wondering: "What do you mean..."

Young Master Lingxu smiled, did not speak, obviously he wanted the other party to take the initiative to say the conditions.

Real person Qixia and Real person Pure couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. How do you show sincerity? Is it necessary to swear to each other face to face? Or is it appropriate to get a certificate on the spot? It is shameful for them to be traitors. If they do anything extraordinary in front of so many disciples, they will lose their old face. What kind of face will stand in the Qingfeng Palace in the future?

Seeing everyone like this, Young Master Lingxu couldn't help but sneered, and said, "I don't even have a sincerity. How can I trust you? I want to be a good person, but I don't want to pay the price. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Young Master Lingxu finished speaking, and the scene suddenly became deadlocked. No one spoke again. It was fine to be a good person, but he couldn't catch himself up. Seeing that the atmosphere is getting colder and colder, a woman suddenly said: "Young Master Lingxu, do you think I am sincere?"

As soon as the voice fell, a stunning woman walked out from behind the pure pure person, no one else but Qin Ruyan, the pearl in the palm of pure pure person. She came with this pure and real person before, but there is no place for him to speak, so she has been standing behind the crowd, but she suddenly stood up under this situation~www.readwn.com~ and didn’t know what she wanted to do. .

Everyone present didn't know what Qin Ruyan was going to do. Even the quiet and scattered people looked at her with a face of confusion. Brother Jindan said something, what is your little foundation-building junior coming to join in the fun?

Qin Ruyan couldn't help but flushed at the attention of so many people. She glanced at the crowd of Zhuji disciples below, as if she wanted to find something, but quickly withdrew her gaze again, as if she had made some decision. Similarly, he looked at Young Master Lingxu and said: "Everyone present knows that I am the granddaughter of Qingfeng Temple's deputy head of Pure Reality. I have always been regarded as the jewel in the palm of his elders. It can represent the Blood Demon Cult. If Young Master Lingxu is willing, I can marry the Blood Demon Cult. Isn’t Young Master Lingxu going to explain it? Look at my account?"

Qin Ruyan immediately stunned everyone present. What does Qin Ruyan mean? Want to take the initiative to marry Young Master Lingxu? This kind of attention is good. The juniors don’t need to come out to be ashamed of these old guys. If Qin Ruyan can marry the Blood Demon Sect, then Qingfeng Temple will become its own person in the Blood Demon Sect. To be higher.

It's just that Young Master Lingxu is the son of Monk Nascent Soul, with a great future and an amazing status. Will he like the granddaughter of the Jindan Monk, Pure Real Man? And it was delivered to the door voluntarily?

Others were just surprised. This incident was painful to some people. Kou Yuchang also came this time, but he didn't expect Qin Ruyan to do such a thing. He has been with Qin Ruyan for decades, and it can be said that the two have gone through ups and downs. Qin Ruyan has been tried by him as a forbidden, but a green sun suddenly appeared more than ten years ago, making the goddess empathize.

Later, when Qing Yang and the Qin family fell out with great difficulty, Kou Yuchang finally had another chance. After a few years of not being happy, another son of Lingxu came.

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