Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 657: : Parting gift

There are about dozens of Zhuji disciples who are willing to leave the Qingfeng Temple. Some of them, like Elder Wusi, cannot accept that the Qingfeng Temple has changed from a disciple of the Fairy Way to the Blood Demon Sect. I can't resolve it, but now I can just make a decision; some have secrets in their bodies, or have enmity with the Blood Demon Cult, and they have to leave.

Qingyang had made up his mind to leave, so after separating from Nongzai Tian, ​​he went to the inner courtyard to look for Ludingshan and Chen Biwang. These two were regarded as Qingyang’s best friends in the martial arts, and the others were fine. Say hello, how come these two will see you too.

Back to the inner courtyard, he called two friends to his yard, Qingyang straight to the point, said all the things that happened on the main peak of Yinfeng Gorge and Qingfeng Hall, and then looked at the two people and said: "Two brothers, that's how things are. , What are your plans?"

Lu Dingshan and Chen Biwang also heard the bell of the main peak, but they were not qualified to participate. They only guessed that something big happened in the school, but they didn't know that it was so big. The leader was gone, and the battle of Yinfeng Gorge suffered heavy losses. What was even more frightening was the re-emergence of the Blood Demon Sect, reaching out to the Qingfeng Hall, which now also relied on the Blood Demon Cult.

Both of them were shocked. They didn't get over for a long time. Finally, Chen Biwang asked weakly, "Brother Qingyang, is everything you said is true?"

Before Qing Yang could reply, Lu Dingshan replied: "There should be no fakes. We have been with Junior Brother Qingyang for more than 20 years. When did he make this kind of joke for everyone? If it hadn't been for such a big event. How could Elder Wuyin ring the bell of the main peak as soon as they came back? Let's think more about our future plans now."

"I'm not questioning Senior Brother Qingyang. It's really too big and it happened so suddenly that it was unacceptable for a while." Chen Biwang explained.

Qingyang said: "There are dozens of foundation-building monks who came back from Yinfeng Gorge. When the Qingfeng Temple main peak happened, almost all the foundation-building disciples of Qingfeng Temple were present. It will not take long for this matter to spread throughout the Qingfeng Temple. I have made a decision, and I will leave Qingfeng Temple from now on, come over to see you before I leave, and ask your opinions by the way."

Chen Biwang pondered for a long time and said, "The Blood Demon Sect is powerful, even if we leave the Qingfeng Palace, as long as we stay in the Nine Provinces, we cannot escape the influence of the Blood Demon Sect. It seems that there is a difference between being a casual cultivator outside and staying in the Qingfeng Palace. Not big."

Lu Dingshan also frowned and considered for a long time, and said, "Yes, if you want to escape the influence of the Blood Demon Cult, you have to leave the mainland of Kyushu and go to the open sea, but the open sea is very dangerous. Based on our two Qi refining period cultivation bases. If you go out for an adventure, you will never go back in all likelihood."

Qing Yang understood the two people's thoughts. In an environment like Qingfeng Palace, after living a safe life, suddenly letting them go for casual cultivators was really not a good choice. What's more, the two of them are not high in strength, they are too early to break through the foundation building period, and they can't compare with themselves. With the cultivation base of the refining period, they can make a living on the mainland of Kyushu. If they go to the open sea, it is purely to die.

Qing Yang nodded, and said: "In your situation, it is indeed better to stay in the Qingfeng Temple. After meeting you, I will leave the Qingfeng Temple. I don’t know if there will be a chance to meet again in the future. We have been together for more than 20 years. Before I leave, I have a gift to give to both of you."

"Junior Brother Qingyang, the two of us have been taken care of by you over the years, and we have never had a chance to repay. How can we ask you for gifts again?" Lu Dingshan quickly refused.

Just as Lu Dingshan said, for a few of their friends, Qingyang helped them a lot, but they rarely helped Qingyang. Not to mention, they just got it from Qingyang at a cost price. There are a lot of Qi Gathering Pills, otherwise their cultivation base would not improve so fast. Now that they are about to separate, and then take advantage of Qingyang, both of them feel a little sorry.

Qingyang said, "I said, this is a parting gift. I keep it useless, but it is of great use to you. I'll wait for you to see it later, I'm afraid I won't refuse it."

Lu Dingshan and Chen Biwang also heard it. Qing Yang wanted to help them for the last time before leaving. If they refused too much, they would betray the other's kindness. And they were also very curious, what kind of good thing Qing Yang was talking about could make them look at it and refuse it?

Seeing that they didn't speak any more, Qing Yang said, "You two remember when I just broke through a few years ago, I asked you to collect as much as possible the materials and spirit stones for the foundation?"

Listening to Qing Yang mentioning this matter, the two of them were suddenly shocked. Now the building of Jidan is their most urgent thing. Is Qingyang planning to help them refine Jidan before leaving? Just like Qing Yang said, if it's other things, it doesn't matter if you decline it. This foundation-building is a matter of life, and if you miss the opportunity, you won't have any regrets.

Chen Biwang could no longer be reserved, and hurriedly said: "Remember~www.readwn.com~Remember, you said at the time that you could refine Jidan, let us collect materials and spirit stones as much as possible. If we reach the breakthrough, we still can’t obtain it. Jidan, you can help us refine it."

Lu Dingshan sighed and said, "Since you said this, we have been collecting materials and preparing spiritual stones for several years. It's just that Brother Chen and I are ordinary disciples, and there is no additional source of income. Including the materials and spirit stones, the total of the two is less than 4,000 yuan, which is far from the materials needed to refine a foundation pill."

Lu Dingshan and Chen Biwang are just ordinary disciples, and there are few ways to earn spiritual stones, and they also need to consume some for their own cultivation. After so many years, each person has only saved less than two thousand spiritual stones. It doesn't seem to be much, but in fact it is considered good among Qi refining disciples. If Qing Yang hadn't said hello long ago, they had prepared well in advance. At this time, it is estimated that hundreds of spirit stones would not be available.

Qing Yang nodded, and then said half-truth: "I also prepared some materials before. In the past few years, I have tried to refine the Jidan, but I have also refined two Jidan, but the quality is a little bit slightly. Lack. Now I am leaving, I am afraid I will not have the opportunity to refine Jidan for you in the future. You give me the materials you prepared, and these two Jidan will be given to you."

Although he knew that Qingyang was able to refine the Jidan, he didn't even prepare the materials, and the other party was about to leave. Lu Dingshan thought that this matter was going to be ruined, but he didn't expect Qingyang to have prepared for the foundation. Dan, the possibility of becoming a foundation-building cultivator in this life has greatly increased.

If it's other things, they might even decline one or two, but they can't open their mouths if they want to reject this Jidan. But if they agreed, they couldn't do it, because the value of Jidan was too great, two thousand spiritual stones, even half of Jidan could not be bought.

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