Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 658: : Leaving Qingfeng Temple

Seeing the two of them hesitating, Qing Yang smiled, and said: "Since I took out i, you are welcome. These two foundation building pill i are made for you, and I will keep it. What are you doing? I have broken through the foundation, and this thing is of no use to me."

   It's useless for the foundation-building monk to keep the foundation-building pill, but his value is high. Knowing that Qing Yang was thinking about it for them, he said that, this relationship is too great, and neither of them knows what to say.

After a long time, Chen Biwang said, "Since Brother Qingyang has said so, then I'm not welcome. Brother Qingyang, Old Chen, I have never admired a few people in my life. You are the only one, Brother Qingyang, like you. Excellent disciples, staying in the Qingfeng Temple is indeed a little talented, and it is okay to go out and venture, maybe there will be better development. But it is dangerous outside, you have to be careful at all times, if you don’t mix i well, go back to the Qingfeng Temple. , Let's still be friends."

   Lu Dingshan said: "Okay, this Jidan, now my cultivation level is not high, I can only stay in the Qingfeng Temple, if I have a chance, I will go to you."

After the three bid farewell, Qingyang gave the two Jizhu Dans to the two, and Lu Dingshan and Chen Biwang also gave the materials and spirit stones they prepared to Qingyang, which was worth about four thousand spirit stones, even Two pieces of Jidan are not enough. The two were very sorry, but they only had so much wealth, and now it’s not enough to borrow the spirit stone. They can't sell the commonly used magical instruments, right?

   In fact, Qingyang can completely do nothing, but then it becomes a charity, so it is even more improper to do it, so it just symbolically accepted the materials and spirit stones they prepared.

   After the transaction was over, the two of them left, Qingyang packed up his belongings in the small courtyard, and then closed the courtyard formation and headed towards the mountain gate.

The formation at the gate of the Qingfeng Temple is completely open, and there is no outside handle. Perhaps there has just been a change in the sect, and people are worried about it. Maybe it’s a message from above, allowing the disciples who don’t want to stay to leave freely, so No one stopped at the mountain gate.

There seemed to be a foundation-building monk in front of him who was also preparing to leave Qingfeng Temple. He hesitated for a long time at the door, and finally took off his martial art costumes, took out an identity token from his arms, and put them together on the stone next to the mountain gate, full of nostalgia. After taking a look at Qingfeng Temple, he walked outside.

   Qingyang is not like this. He worshipped Qingfeng Temple at the age of sixteen. He stayed here for more than 20 years. His best years have stayed here. Now he is about to leave suddenly, and he is really reluctant to leave.

  Of course, there are many problems in the Qingfeng Temple. There are also many dirty and selfish Li Shengbo in private, the Qin family who suppresses others with power, and the Muji elder who avenges private revenge. But at the same time, Qingfeng Palace also gave Qingyang a smooth growth environment, maintained the peace of the party, learned a lot of things, and made many friends. Staying in the Qingfeng Palace, Qing Yang only needs to practice with peace of mind, and there is no need to consider other issues. I am afraid that there will be no such days in the future.

   Qingyang sighed for a long time, and then, like the previous foundation-building monk, took out the things about the Qingfeng Temple from his body, placed it on the stone next to the mountain gate, and walked outside.

   When he left the door, Qing Yang was a little at a loss. At that time, he only wanted to leave the Qingfeng Temple as soon as possible, but didn't think much about other aspects. Now, after I really came out, I found out that I only decided to go to the open sea and have not considered the specific details.

Qingyang has been in the Seven Great Immortals for so many years, and he has a better understanding of the whole world. The mainland of Kyushu seems to be very large, but in fact it is only a very small part of the world. Let alone the vast open sea, it has never been there. The monk can fully explore clearly.

Outside the mainland of Kyushu is the open sea. There are many small and large islands nearby. Some are near and far away. Some live in humans, some are deserted, and some are occupied by monks. But overall I said that Kyushu is the largest power in this area. Under normal circumstances, no one dares to mess with it.

   It is said that there are many cultivating continents in the distant sea, some of which are even larger than the Jiuzhou continent, and the monks there can even cultivate to a higher level. It's just that the distance is too far, and it may not be there for decades. There were also some monks looking for opportunities, but few returned to i. Perhaps they died outside, or they were unwilling to return to i.

   The monks are also human beings. If they can live in peace in the Kyushu Continent, there is no fixed place to live, and if they encounter danger, they will die. Even a high-level monk has a limited life span. Who wants to spend decades on adventures? Great time is spent on the road?

Of course, it’s not uncommon for those who like to be adventurous, and it’s not uncommon for those who want to go out for a break, especially at this turbulent moment in the world of immortality. Recently, I am afraid that many monks will leave the Kyushu mainland or go to the sea to hide their names, or Go to distant places to find opportunities.

Qing Yang is also going to go out, but it still doesn't work. He has another concern~www.readwn.com~ that is his master Songhe in the secular world. After leaving this time, he will definitely not return in a short time, Songhe Old Road. Shouyuan is approaching, I don't know if he's still alive, I have to go back and see if I say anything.

   After finishing the Master’s affairs, I stopped by to visit the Yin Yang School and greeted Yu Mengmiao. At that time, I could leave the Nine Provinces without worrying about it.

   Now that the Blood Demon Sect hasn't completely controlled the Kyushu Continent, he is relatively safe from I, but I must hurry up, otherwise it will not be so easy for him to leave the Kyushu Continent when the Lingxu master vacates his hand.

Thinking of this, Qingyang did not delay any longer, and drove along the road towards Liangzhou. After a quarter of an hour, it was more than ten miles away from the gate of Qingfeng Temple. Seeing that there was no one around, Qingyang was about to sacrifice the imperial wind gourd. , Drove the spirit weapon back to Liangzhou as soon as possible, and suddenly a signal was sent in front of him, and the four monks rushed out from their hidden places, encircling Qingyang Tuan Tuan in the middle.

Qingyang was determined to be stunned, and looked at the four people who rushed out of i, all the foundation-building monks, one foundation building five floors, two foundation building three floors, and one foundation building one floor. They didn’t know the first three. The one with the lowest cultivation base turned out to be an old acquaintance Kou Yuchang.

Qing Yang couldn't help but frowned. Looking at the situation, the other party had obviously been lying in wait here for a long time, just waiting for him to send it to the door. With the grievances between him and Kou Yuchang, he shouldn't be able to drive him to death. Could it be that? Master Lingxu's handwriting?

   I thought I could slip away in the chaos, but I didn't expect that I had already registered with Young Master Lingxu, so I sent someone to stop me. It was too early to be happy.

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