Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 659: : Obstacles on the road

The people on the opposite side can’t be beaten by Qingyang alone. The four foundation-building cultivators are not a small force, especially the fifth-tier foundation-building cultivator in the middle. I am afraid that only the wine-thirsty queen bee can temporarily contain them. They almost want to kill each other. Impossible, it seems dangerous this time.

   Just as Qingyang was thinking about countermeasures, Na Kou Yuchang had already rushed to him, looked at Qing Yang, and smiled: "Junior Brother Qingyang, let's meet again, please come back with me obediently."

   Qingyang deliberately pretended to be confused, and asked: "The surname Kou, we don't seem to have much grievances between us? What do you want to do with such a big fanfare?"

Kou Yuchang said: "There are not many grievances between us, but you have grievances with Young Master Lingxu. I never imagined that you, an unknown disciple of the Qingfeng Temple building foundation, would offend the son of Tangtang Yuanying monk. Young Master Lingxu is really bold. Did you see the three next to you? They are all direct descendants of Young Master Lingxu, who came here specifically to arrest you."

  Sure enough, that Young Master Lingxu still valued himself. In order to capture himself a small foundation building monk, he even sent one foundation building five floors and two foundation building three layers.

Qingyang said: "Since Young Master Lingxu still remembers me, why didn't he do it in front of so many Elder Jin Dan? The Qingfeng Temple has already been converted to the Blood Demon Sect. With a word from Young Master Lingxu, any Jin Dan elder can do it. I kill, why bother to do this?"

Na Kou Yuchang sneered and said: "You too value yourself too much, but you are just a small foundation-building monk, inconspicuous in the eyes of Young Master Lingxu, it is not necessary for the Golden Core monk to do it, not to mention the Qingfeng Temple at that time. Undecided, any changes may affect Young Master Lingxu’s major events. If it is because of a little bit of private enmity on your side that everyone in the Qingfeng Palace is in danger, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?"

   These reasons are all guessed by Kou Yuchang. The real situation is that Young Master Lingxu is busy dealing with Qingfeng Temple and can't take care of other things. After temporarily stabilizing the Qingfeng Temple, I remembered that Qingyang who had repeatedly offended him was a Qingfeng Temple disciple, but at that time, the Zhuji disciples had dispersed, and the whole sect was in chaos. It was too troublesome to find people among the sects, and the strong action was again. It is easy to cause misunderstandings by other people, so I just sent a few people out of the mountain gate to intercept it.

Young Master Lingxu fought with Qing Yang, knowing that he has the spirit insects of the foundation building period, and the monster beasts with perfect Qi refining. On the third floor, as for Kou Yuchang, he took the initiative to lead the way after hearing about it.

   The fifth-tier cultivator who built the foundation was a cold temper, and seemed unwilling to say so much. With a wave of his hand, he said: "The son confessed, try to get alive and do it."

As soon as the voice fell, the fifth-layer cultivator rushed up first. Qing Yang was already prepared. With a beckon, a blue shadow suddenly appeared in the air, and then he let out a scream and sprayed a layer. A faint mist of pollen filled the surroundings instantly.

   The fifth-story cultivator was the first to bear the brunt, and he was immediately enveloped in smoke. The impacted body suddenly stagnated, and a trace of confusion appeared on his face. The Alcoholic Bee Queen stopped quietly in mid-air with no extra movements, but the fifth-tier cultivator who built the foundation seemed to be experiencing something special. He stood there, his expression constantly changing.

The strength of the cultivator on the fifth floor of the base building is too strong. Qingyang has no certainty to win. He can only rely on the Alcoholic Queen Bee to temporarily contain him. Therefore, without fighting the opponent, he first summoned the Alcoholic Queen Bee and asked her to use the pollen maze. Hold the opponent temporarily, and wait until the other cultivators are resolved.

Seeing that the fifth-tier cultivator with the highest cultivation base on his side was dragged, the other three were shocked. I thought it was a simple idea. I didn’t expect that the other party would trap the boss as soon as the opponent shot it. No wonder the son before leaving. Repeatedly confess, can not underestimate this kid.

   But there are three people on his side, and the one with the lowest strength has the same cultivation base as the other, and the other two are building the foundation for three levels, and they are not afraid that this kid can turn the sky. So the three of them glanced at each other, each resorted to means, and at the same time surrounded Qingyang.

  The strength of the Alcoholic Queen Bee is much worse than that of the fifth-tier monks he built. Qing Yang knew that there would be no problem in a short time. If it takes a long time, the Alcoholic Queen Bee may have an accident. Qing Yang didn't dare to delay time, and didn't keep his hands anymore. He released the Iron-armed Monkey and the other alcoholic bees all at once, and fought with the three opposite people into a ball.

   Kou Yuchang dragged hundreds of alcoholic bees alone. Although there were a large number of alcoholic bees, the one with the highest strength was equivalent to complete Qi refining. But Kou Yuchang's strength has greatly increased after he became the foundation-building cultivator. It is very difficult for the Drinking Bee to injure him, but with the cooperation of the six bee generals, it is not easy for Kou Yuchang to kill the Drinking Bee in a short time. There is no victory or defeat inside.

The Iron-armed Monkey dealt with the tall three-tier foundation-building monk. This person is a veteran foundation-building three-tier monk. He can enter the middle stage of foundation building within one step, and his strength is compared to what Qingyang knew when he went to Yinfeng Gorge. It’s hard to deal with the farmer in the field~www.readwn.com~ But the iron-armed monkey on the opposite side is not weak. The iron-armed monkey broke through Tier 4 as early as two or three years ago. Qingyang often gives He took the medicine pill, so the strength of the Iron-armed Monkey increased quickly. Although it was not as good as the third-tier monks in building the foundation, it was not much worse.

   Especially recently, Qing Yang first found three monster inner alchemy in Tujiao City, and let the Iron-armed Monkey use it to improve his cultivation. Before the demon pill could be completely digested, in the Huaqing waist cave of Yinfeng Gorge, Qing Yang found another blood-bath exercise skill suitable for the cultivation of monsters, and collected blood for the iron-armed monkeys to kill the monsters. , To assist in the practice of physical exercises.

It’s been less than half a month now, and the iron-armed monkey’s blood-bath and body-building skills have not yet been fully introduced, but its strength has been greatly improved, especially the whole body’s defensive ability has greatly increased, even if it is an ordinary top grade. Magic weapons are hard to damage.

   The tall man built the spirit tool used by the third-tier monks, but as long as the iron-armed monkey pays a little attention and is not hit by the head, it will be difficult for the spirit tool to hurt him. Therefore, the Iron-armed Monkey only relied on the brute force of a single body, and even drew a tie with the three-tiered cultivator who built the foundation.

The other short, three-tiered foundation-building monk faced Qingyang. He looked at Qingyang, who had only one foundation-building base on the other side, and thought he had picked up a bargain. The first-level monks, there are not only the foundation-building phase of the spirit insects, but also the fourth-order spirit beasts. The methods are endless, and I don't know where you have so many training resources? If one day you grow up, I am afraid that you will also be a powerful person, but unfortunately you are wrong. If you want to fight against our son, if you offend our son, you will have no future."

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