Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 660: : A quick fix


   "Stop chattering, just hit if you want," Qing Yang said impatiently. htts:

Qing Yang's words completely annoyed the short man. The other party, a small foundation-building monk, took the initiative to provoke himself, the foundation-building three-tier monk. He really didn't know whether to live or die. He snorted and said, "Huh, since you If you rush to reincarnation, then I will fulfill you."

   As soon as the words fell, the foundation-building monk had a mental movement, and a seven-eight-foot-long purple-gold dragon knife appeared in the air, transforming into a dragon-shaped light and shadow, and slashed towards the green sun.

Qingyang was also prepared for a long time, offering three spirit swords: the Green Wood Sword, the Cold Pool Sword, and the Thousand Front Sword. Jian Ying greeted the Zijin Panlong Sword.

The current situation is not good for the green anode. It is difficult for the iron-armed monkey to defeat the tall three-tiered monk, and the alcoholic queen bee can hardly hold the fifth-tiered monk for a long time. Once the five-tiered foundation is built, When the monk gets out of trouble, the situation on Qingyang's side will quickly collapse, and there is no hope of winning, so Qingyang must fight quickly and kill the others before that.

Seeing the power of the Qingyang sword formation, the short man who built the base three-tier cultivator was also a little surprised. He didn’t expect that a cultivator who built the base one-tier in Qingyang could use such a powerful sword formation. This sword formation just came out. It can cause tremendous pressure on yourself.

Although the short monk was surprised, he was still a little disdainful of Qing Yang, because the opponent's cultivation base was much lower than him. He felt that Qing Yang's sword formation was equal to him. It's impossible to beat yourself.

The short monk quickly paid the price for his carelessness. The Zijin Panlong knife slashed on the Sanyuan sword formation without causing any waves at all. It flew back at a faster speed than before, and Sanyuan The sword array castrated and killed the short monk.

Seeing that the power of the sword formation on the opposite side did not decrease much, and it was about to fall on him soon, the short monk was terrified, but at this time it was too late to use other means, and he could only run his whole body's true essence. , Inspire the defensive shield on the body.

When encountering the three-dimensional sword formation, the defensive shield of the foundation-building cultivator was like a piece of paper, and it shattered in an instant, but the short cultivator also had a low-grade defensive magic weapon on his body. The power has not been stimulated to its fullest extent.

With only a bang, the Sanyuan Sword Array smashed the defensive spirit weapon and slashed it on the body of the short foundation building monk. Two consecutive layers of defense also consumed most of the energy of the Sanyuan Sword Array. The short monk continued. Back five or six steps, and fell to the ground.

   was looking at him at this time, his body was impeccable, and there were large and small wounds everywhere, and he could not find a good piece of skin and flesh all over his body. A large patch of flesh and blood was sprayed, and almost all the surrounding area was dyed red. After being hit hard by this, the short monk was still unable to move even though he hadn't died yet.

   Qingyang naturally wouldn't let such a good opportunity go. He set up a flying sword and slashed towards the head of the short monk. Faced with an attack, the short monk could not resist, so he could only ask for help from the tall monk next to him.

   It's just that the tall monk was dragged by the iron-armed monkey, not to mention that he can't get rid of the entanglement of the iron-armed monkey, even if he can free his hands, it should be too late. Hearing a puff, the spirit sword slashed on the short monk's neck, and his head fell aside in an instant. Then Qingyang cast a spell to release a ball of flames, and burned the short monk's corpse and soul.

  Solved the short monk, Qing Yang quickly turned the spirit sword, and cooperated with the iron-armed monkey next to him. One person and one monkey united to deal with the tall monk and build the base three-tier monk.

Qing Yang killed the short monk cleanly just now, because of the power of the Qingyang Sanyuan Sword Formation, and the opponent was too careless and underestimated Qingyang's strength. Otherwise, even though Qingyang could win in the end, It won't win so quickly.

   Although the tall monk did not have time to save his companions, he knew Qing Yang's true strength and knew that this kid was not at a high level of cultivation, but the sword formation he used was so powerful that he could even kill the third-tier monks. With the lessons learned from the short monk, the tall monk would naturally not give Qing Yang a chance, and every time he played against Qing Yang, he added heavy insurance.

   The tall monk is extremely cunning, in a blink of an eye

Two quarters of an hour passed, Qing Yang did not hurt the opponent. Among them, the tall cultivator was more powerful than the short cultivator, but the more reason was that the opponent was more cautious and did not give Qing Yang a chance to deceive. .

In desperation, Qing Yang could only make a head-to-head fight. He and the iron-armed monkey united to force the opponent, and then used a three-element sword formation to attack. In this case, the tall monk could only take it hard. Although he was more prepared than the short monk, he was inevitable to be injured in the face of the huge power of the three yuan sword formation. It didn’t take long before the tall monk’s defenses were exhausted, and his body suffered continuous heavy injuries, even with moves. It’s a lot slower~www.readwn.com~This kind of hard-working style of play, no one can take advantage of it. The tall monk suffered heavy injuries, the true essence in Qingyang's body was almost completely consumed, the spirit of the body was overloaded, and the body's qi was overloaded. The blood tumbling, like boiling water, is in danger of riots at any time.

   Not only is Qingyang, but the condition of the Iron-armed Monkey is not much better. He is almost exhausted and has suffered numerous injuries on his body. The blood is flowing down the hair and has formed clots of blood scabs. Especially on his back, because he couldn't dodge one time, he was directly hit by the aura of the tall monk, cutting out a half-foot deep hole, even the bones leaked out. If it weren't because this wasn't the point, maybe it would have killed the Iron-armed Monkey.

   Fighting to this level depends on strength and perseverance. Any tricks will not work. It depends on who can hold on for longer. However, in general, Qingyang and Iron-armed Monkeys still have a slight advantage. With two to one, they can consume each other to death.

   The tall three-tier foundation-building monk never thought that he would be forced to such an extent by a foundation-building first-tier cultivator. Seeing that he might lose his life if he dragged it down, he immediately planned to escape. But thinking about the methods of Young Master Lingxu, the name of the Blood Demon Cult, and the soul blood real person of the Yuan Ying stage, this idea was instantly dispelled.

That tall man deserves to be a monk who can enter the middle stage of foundation construction in just one step. The potential in his body cannot be underestimated. Even in this case, he persisted for a full quarter of an hour, and the wine-drinking queen bee is increasingly struggling. , The illusion is on the verge of being shattered at any time. ntent

   drunk fairy gourd

  :. :

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