Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 662: : 3 consecutive defeats

Qing Yang had been watching him a long time ago. This Kou Yuchang provoked himself many times, and this time he took people to ambush on the road. Just now, he killed dozens of drunk bees and wounded more than a hundred of them, making the entire bee colony strong. Great reduction, how could it be possible for him to escape easily?

   Seeing that Kou Yuchang's had already left the range of Kuangsha, Qingyang had already made preparations, and quickly mobilized some of the true essence that had just been recovered, and used the three-dimensional sword formation to slash towards that Kou Yuchang. Want-free-fee-read-end-full-version-please-hundred-degree-search-

   Qingyang's Sanyuan Sword Array couldn't even stop the foundation building of the three-tier cultivator, let alone Kou Yuchang who only built the foundation one? Although he also made a certain defense against Qing Yang when he was escaping, this defense was completely vulnerable to the Sanyuan Sword Formation, and was breached in an instant.

By the time Kou Yuchang reacted, it was too late, and he was overwhelmed by the sword formation with only a scream, and countless sword images blew by like a violent wind, and then everything became invisible, and Kou Yuchang had become a piece of blood and disappeared into the world. between.

   successively beheaded three foundation-building cultivators, and the point of true energy that had just been recovered was once again consumed. Fortunately, Kou Yuchang had been beheaded, and there was no worries for the time being. Holding a spirit sword, Qing Yang slowly came to the place where Kou Yuchang had fought with the swarm of alcoholic bees.

   The effect of the Crazy Sand Soul Breaking Talisman has disappeared. Crazy Sand fell on the ground, and the entire ground was in a mess, scattered with countless drunkard corpses. Some are completely dead, and some have only their wings broken, temporarily losing their flying ability, and require a long period of cultivation to recover.

Seeing the corpses of drunken bees all over the floor, Qing Yang felt very distressed. It took him decades to cultivate it, but Kou Yuchang was wiped out with a magic talisman, and he didn’t know how much energy he would spend in the future. In order to grow to its original scale.

The number of drunkards who are not severely injured and able to continue participating in the battle is less than 40% of the total, about a hundred. Fortunately, the six purple-backed drunkards that are equivalent to perfect qi refining are not badly injured and their strength is reduced. Not much, it should not affect the subsequent battle.

The condition of the iron-armed monkey next to him is not much better than that of the alcoholic bee colony. In the previous battle, the iron-armed monkey was not lightly injured. Just now, when he blocked Kou Yuchang, he was affected by the Kuangsha Soul Breaking Rune, and the injury was even more severe. Wounds, wounds are eroded by poisonous sand, and tend to get worse.

   Qingyang didn't dare to neglect, and quickly took out two detoxification and healing pills to the Iron Armed Monkey, and asked him to step aside for the time being to heal his injuries. Maybe he will be used again later.

Although the enemy ambushing Qingyang has already been killed three, only the cultivator who built the base five levels is left, but this last one is also the most difficult of the four to deal with. Qingyang has not beaten the opponent at all. Sure, you can only prepare for the worst in advance.

Qingyang hoped that the Alcoholic Queen Bee could hold on for a little longer, and waited until he and the Iron-armed Monkey regain some strength. Unfortunately, things were counterproductive. Before he had time to catch his breath, he heard the Alcoholic Queen Bee scream, and then his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning. In general, retreat rolling.

   At the same time, the fifth-story monk of Zhuji shuddered all over his body, and he escaped from the pollen maze, and the pollen used to decorate the secret realm around disappeared without a trace. The face of the fifth floor cultivator immediately regained clarity, and he couldn't help but look around.

   It didn’t matter, the fifth-story cultivator was shocked. There was only one person, a monkey and a group of spirit bees around, and all three of his helpers disappeared.

   Did the other three abandon themselves and escape? Impossible, they absolutely dare not, how dare they give up on the things that Young Master Lingxu explained? But where did everyone go? Are they all killed by this kid? This is even more impossible. He is just a small foundation building monk. How can he kill three foundation building monks in such a short period of time?

   Soon, he found two large pieces of flesh and bones in succession not far away. Although he could not tell who belonged to it, he could estimate it based on the sprayed area. At least two or three people would die. There are only five people on both sides of the enemy, and the guy on the opposite side is still alive, so it’s easy to judge who the dead person is. In other words, during the time he was trapped in the environment, the guy killed continuously. With three foundation-building monks, he became a lonely man.

   The fifth-tier cultivator who built the foundation didn't believe it, but the facts were right before his eyes, so he didn't believe it. Looking at Qingyang again, the gaze of the fifth-layer cultivator was much more complicated. It would be difficult for him to kill three companions in such a short period of time. How did this kid do it? What hidden tricks are still hidden in his body?

He even secretly suspected that the Qingyang in front of him was not a monk who built a foundation at all, but deliberately used some means to cover up his cultivation base. The real cultivation base might be in the middle or even late foundation construction period. Otherwise, what? Can you easily get rid of your three companions?

  The more he thought about it, the more frightened the five-story cultivator was, and gradually he began to be suspicious. Even seeing Qing Yang's current performance, he thought that the other party was deliberately confusing him ~www.readwn.com~ to make him think that Qing Yang was seriously injured, and if he was careless, he would use a killer to establish the victory.

Qing Yang didn't care what the other party thought. Seeing that the fifth-tier cultivator was out of trouble, he could only bite the bullet and climb up, and at the same time greet the alcoholic queen bee and the iron-armed monkey to form a triangle, and group the fifth-tier cultivator. Surrounded by the middle.

   The pollen maze was forcibly broken, the drunkard queen bee was bitten back and suffered serious internal injuries, but the overall situation was much better than Qingyang and Iron-armed Monkey, so the subsequent battles will be based on her. The Alcoholic Queen seems to know this too. With two wings and a squeak, the six bees received the order and led the remaining 100 Alcoholic Bees into six teams and came behind the Alcoholic Queen. Although the number is much smaller, the attacking momentum is quite sufficient.

The iron-armed monkey roared into the sky. Suddenly, the roots of black hair stood up, and there was a burst of noise on the whole body. The whole body suddenly swelled several times, especially the arms, the domineering exposed, the muscles bulging, and the blood vessels bulging. Everywhere is full of power.

   The iron-armed monkey seems to have been stimulated by the militant factor, and the whole body seems to be frenzied. It looks terrifying and terrifying, and it seems to be able to destroy everything in front of him.

Qing Yang's momentum seems to be much weaker. He has neither the violent appearance of an iron-armed monkey, nor the neat bee generals and bee soldiers behind the alcoholic queen bee. He just stood there quietly, staring at both eyes. The opponent, and the three spirit swords kept circling and dancing above his head, did not take the initiative to attack, and did not make any other extraordinary moves.

   Drunk Fairy Gourd 

   drunk fairy gourd

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