Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 663: : Forced to retreat to build 5 floors


But that's it, the fifth-tier cultivator who is most afraid of it is Qingyang. The drunken bee queen and the iron-armed monkey can see them through, and Qingyang's methods are too concealed, no one can see them. I don't know what unexpected means he can use in the next moment. htts: Especially Qing Yang's unpredictable appearance now makes the other party's heart tremble especially.

   Seeing that the other party hadn't done anything, Qing Yang was also happy to delay time. While he was on guard, he secretly recovered his true energy. The longer the delay, the better for him.

   is different from Qingyang, the fifth-tier cultivator on the opposite side is getting more and more nervous, gradually sweating on his forehead. He wanted to work hard, but he was afraid that Qing Yang would have other means, so he wanted to escape, but he was afraid that Young Master Lingxu would be held accountable. He seemed to be a person who was not good at making decisions by nature. He was frightened by Qing Yang at the beginning.

The alcoholic queen bee used the pollen maze to trap him before, but now that he thinks about it, he is still scared. The most important thing to break the illusion is mental tenacity. The foundation-building five-layer monk is lacking in this aspect, so he will be The alcoholic queen bee dragged on for so long.

   Qingyang also seemed to see the other party's thoughts, and suddenly had an idea in his heart. When the true essence recovered a little, he suddenly took out an object from the containing talisman, and then threw it into the air.

The thing Qingyang took out was the dementing bell. This thing was obtained from his receiving charm after he killed the Cyclops in the wild monkey **** last time. The dementing bell is a superb magic weapon. It's very high, but it can have unexpected effects at critical moments.

   The fifth-layer cultivator was hesitant about whether he could defeat Qing Yang, but now he saw that Qing Yang had taken out a magic weapon capable of emitting a spiritual attack, and he was shocked. Although he is strong, he doesn't have the means to fight against the attacks of the souls. The power of the dementing bells of the best magical weapon level is not very powerful, but if the masters fight against each other, even the slightest mistake may cause a big mistake.

   This soul-defying bell became the last straw that overwhelmed the opponent. Before Qingyang could ring the bell, the fifth-story cultivator suddenly turned around and rushed towards the Qingfeng Temple.

The enemy was scared away by himself. Such a timid monk, Qing Yang encountered it for the first time, but Qing Yang did not catch up, because the opponent's power was still there, and Qing Yang's divine consciousness had not recovered. The opponent forced the dog to jump over the wall. It is not certain who wins and loses. Even if he can win in the end, it will be a tragic victory. The iron-armed monkey and the alcoholic bee will suffer heavy losses. , I certainly can't escape.

Thinking of this battle, Qing Yang had gained a lot. He had too much scruples when he was in Qingfeng Temple. Because there were acquaintances everywhere, the elders in the door also watched him grow up. Many things are difficult to explain, so he seldom lets iron The arm monkey and the alcoholic queen bee showed up to assist in the fight.

   Now that Qingyang has separated from the Qingfeng Temple, this problem does not exist anymore. After trying it out today, his overall strength is still very good.

   In other words, Qingyang now has a comprehensive strength that has surpassed the mid-foundation cultivator. If you encounter one or two mid-foundation cultivators, even if you can't beat them, they still have a certain ability to protect themselves. With this strength, even if you go to the open sea, you don't have to worry too much.

Seeing that the fifth-story cultivator had run away without whereabouts, Qingyang Shennian swept around on the battlefield, picked up the talisman of the three cultivators who had been killed by him, and put them away again. The group and iron-armed monkeys recuperate from the drunk fairy gourd, while they sacrificed the flying spirit Yufeng gourd to heal their wounds while heading towards Liangzhou.

   The place where Kou Yuchang encircled Qingyang was not very far from the Qingfeng Temple. The fifth-story monk who built the foundation quickly fled back to the Qingfeng Temple and found Young Master Lingxu to report the news. This five-story cultivator not only smashed the things that Young Master Lingxu explained, but also lost several manpower. In order to avoid being punished by Young Master Lingxu, he could only exaggerate Qing Yang's strength.

Young Master Lingxu will be suspicious. He had seen Qingyang's strength when he was in the Central Tower of Chaos Demon Valley. At that time, Qingyang was just a fourth-tier Qi-refining cultivator. Although he escaped, it wasn't his own strength. , But I am worried that I have missed the business and have no intention of fighting.

   It has only been more than ten years since the trial of Chaos Demon Valley. In order to guarantee the victory of Qingyang, Young Master Lingxu sent four foundation-building cultivators. In order to ensure that he was foolproof, he even specially selected a mid-foundation-building period. Young Master Lingxu felt that he had overestimated Qingyang, but he failed. .

But the facts are in front of him, and he can’t help him not believe it. If Qingyang does not have the corresponding strength, how could he kill three foundation-building monks in a row, and force the middle of the foundation-building period. By yourself

It seems that I still underestimated this Qingyang, this kid seems to have greater development potential than my own son of the Nascent Soul monk~www.readwn.com~ More than ten years ago, he was still a fourth-level Qi refining that I did not consider myself. Disciple, now the comprehensive strength can be side by side with this Young Master Ling Xu, if a few years pass, I am afraid that I will not be an opponent anymore.

   Fortunately, the battle location was not far from the Qingfeng Temple, and it was not too late to make up for the dead sheep. Young Master Lingxu made a decisive decision and sent the spirit bones of the sixth level of Jindan to chase and kill him.

   It is a pity that when the spirit bone mortal rushed to the battlefield, Qing Yang had long been gone, and the spirit bone mortal even chased forward for most of the day without finding a figure, so he could only return to his life empty-handed.

In fact, this incident was a fluke. Although the battle location was only a dozen miles away from the gate of the Qingfeng Temple, the interior of the Qingfeng Temple was very large. When the fifth-story cultivator fled back to report the news, Lord Lingxu sent someone to chase him out. Two full hours have passed.

   The speed at which the cultivator of building foundation drives the ordinary magic weapon to fly is about the same as walking on the road, and each hour exceeds a hundred miles, unless it is using a special flying magic weapon. In two hours, ordinary people can escape less than two hundred miles. With the cultivation base of the sixth-layer spiritual bone real Jin Dan, it is very easy to catch up with them. But Qingyang is different. He uses the high-grade flying spirit instrument Yufeng Gourd, which can fly extremely fast, even if the limit speed is not used, he can fly 400 miles per hour, even faster than the flying speed of the Jindan monk to control the magic weapon. Have to be fast.

   So when the spirit bone spirit rushed to the previous battlefield, Qing Yang had already ran out for more than eight hundred miles, and the spirit bone spirit person didn't have a flying spirit weapon in his hand, so he couldn't catch up. ntent

   drunk fairy gourd

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