Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 666: :deterrence

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Seeing that Ni Qiurong recognized him, Qing Yang couldn't help but smile: "Palace Master Ni remembers me?"

Hearing Qingyang's admission, Ni Qiurong was overjoyed. God blessed him. With the presence of the Qingyang immortal master, no matter how many martial arts masters are there, he will not be afraid of life. Not only he and Wang Ping are free from worry about their lives, but also the leader of the Silver Beard Dragon King and the entire Jinsha Everyone is saved.

Ni Qiurong hurriedly said: "I haven't seen him for more than 20 years. I am over 60 years old, and I am the person who buried my neck, but Immortal Master Qingyang still looks the same. How can I not recognize him."

Wang Ping next to him seemed to have heard his elders talk about Qingyang's past deeds. Now that he saw that Qingyang's appearance has not changed for more than 20 years, like a fairy in the legend, he suddenly ignited hope and quickly knelt down and said:" Master, please save my father for the sake of friendship."

Correspondingly, these are the warriors on the side of Hu Xiaozhong, all of them in amazement, and some people suspect that this is the people of the Sands Gang who are pretending to be gods and ghosts, but they are afraid that Qingyang is really a fairy master. Fighting with a warrior, even if the opponent's strength is high, you are not afraid of it, because this is within the scope that they can understand, but the immortal master is different. The legend is that the immortal master flies in the sky, moves the mountains and the sea, and is almost omnipotent. Doesn’t it mean that people are impatient to live?

When he was in the Tiger Gang, Hu Xiaozhong also met Qingyang, but at that time Qingyang Yirong became an old man, pretending to be the gray-bearded dragon king, the younger brother of the Jinsha Gang leader, the silver beard dragon king, with the naked eye of tiger filial piety Naturally, Fan Ti could not see Qing Yang's original face, even if he had heard Qing Yang's voice, now more than 20 years have passed, and he has long forgotten it.

Qing Yang knew that he hadn't come up with some means, and these people probably wouldn't believe it, so he shook his figure and released his aura. In order to avoid causing too much panic, Qing Yang deliberately suppressed most of his aura. Even so, the group of people also felt the pressure of a mountain. They were sweating and squatting on the ground. Only Hu Xiaozhong was able to reluctantly. support.

Hu Xiaozhong stared at Qing Yang, horrified in his heart, and said incoherently: "You...you are the fairy master?...what do you want?"

Seeing Hu Xiaozhong's face, Qing Yang couldn't help but laugh, and said, "What else? Your Tigers help chase and kill my friend. I'm sure I can't die without saving."

If it were before, Hu Xiaozhong would not be afraid of the immortal masters. After all, they are all legendary characters. No one has seen how powerful immortal masters are. The so-called ignorant are fearless. And more than twenty years ago, he had personally seen his second uncle shoot at the immortal master with Wuhou crossbow. Although the others had escaped, one of them was injured.

But a month ago, after the fifth brother came back, he witnessed the magic of immortal masters with his own eyes, knowing that there is also a difference between immortal masters and immortal masters. The group of people more than 20 years ago was just the lowest-level immortal masters. Only, the real immortal masters are much better than them.

The person in front of him was an immortal master more than 20 years ago. At that time, the fifth brother hadn't worshipped the immortal gate, which meant that Qingyang's qualifications among the immortal masters might be older than the fifth brother. Thinking about the methods that the fifth brother once revealed, Hu Xiaozhong immediately retreated.

However, Hu Xiaozhong has also been the head of the faction for more than 20 years. Although he is timid, he still clasps his fists and said: "Since they are friends of the fairy master, then my Tiger Gang will give the fairy master a face and spare them two. People, we will have a period later."

Seeing that the other party was so acquainted, Qing Yang didn't plan to grow extravagantly. It was easy to kill these people, but it was very difficult to cut grass and roots. Qing Yang was not a bloodthirsty person, and it was impossible to kill them for the sake of others. But he couldn't stay in Kaiyuan Mansion for a long time. If the two sides formed a feud, it would not be good for the Sands Gang in the future. If the Tiger Gang is willing to be soft, it is better for both sides to step back and have their own fairy master status as a deterrent. The Tiger Gang should not dare to mess around in the future.

So Qingyang said: "For your knowledge of the current affairs, I will not pursue the rest. After you go back, I will send all the members of the Sands Gang you caught back to their original places. Convinced, you can come to the Sands Gang to find me."

Seeing Qing Yang not being held accountable, Tiger Xiaozhong was amnesty. He quickly took a group of his men and ran towards the path, not even daring to turn their heads, for fear that Qing Yang would regret it.

Ni Qiurong breathed a sigh of relief when the Hu Xiaozhong group left, "Thank you, Immortal Master Qingyang, for your help, otherwise, the Jinsha Gang will be completely wiped out this time."

Qing Yang waved his hand and said, "It's just a matter of raising your hand. Let's go to your Sands Gang and wait for the news, and see if they will send the king's gang back as agreed."

Neither Ni Qiurong nor Wang Ping were injured. It was just that they had been chased and intercepted by a group of people before. They were a little weak, but at this time they also eased over~www.readwn.com~ thinking that a disaster would be wiped out invisible, the gang leader would be fine immediately, both All the burdens in people's hearts were removed, and Qingyang returned to the Sands Gang with Qingyang.

The location of the Jinsha Gang was not far from the forest where Qingyang rested. After half an hour, the three of them arrived at the place, but it was not long after the Tiger Gang attacked the place. The resident is blinded by black lights and can't even find a living person.

After a lot of work, Ni Qiurong and Wang Ping found a group of subordinates and cleaned up the Jinsha Gang's resident. Looking at the sky, it was already the early morning of the next day, and everyone was not in the mood to rest, so they sat in the lobby together, waiting for the Tigers to come.

After more than an hour, seeing the sky was already bright, a Sands Gang suddenly broke in and reported in a panic: "Little Gang Leader, fierce... the Tiger Gang is here."

Qing Yang had long noticed that a large group of people had come outside. He put his mind outside and saw everything clearly. Only outside the gate of the Jinsha Gang resident, a group of people were coming aggressively and walking in the forefront. It is Hu Xiaozhong, next to him is a look somewhat similar to him, but a little younger. Behind them there were more than 20 people, of which there were seven or eight first-class martial artists, and the rest were all second-rate martial artists.

With so many masters, it is obvious that the masters of the entire Kaiyuan Mansion have been brought together. Looking at this posture, the Tiger Gang was obviously not sent, and it seemed that there would still be a conflict. Hmph, the opportunity has already been given to the Tigers, but you don't know the rareness, so don't blame yourself for being rude.

Thinking of this, Qing Yang stood up suddenly and walked out of the lobby with Ni Qiurong and Wang Ping's Jinsha gang. When they got out of the house, a group of Tigers also happened to enter the yard, so the people from both sides dispersed and confronted each other in the yard.

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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