Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 667: :1 Introduction to loose repair

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The person next to Hu Xiaozhong who looked somewhat similar to him seemed to be the person in charge. He seemed to have heard Hu Xiaozhong’s introduction a long time ago, so he threw a fist at Qingyang and said, “I’m under Hu Xiaodong, I don’t know. How do you call the fairy master on the opposite side?"

Hu Xiaodong? Isn't this Hu Jintai's son? I remember that the Tiger Gang received an order for knocking immortals, and their son Hu Xiaodong and his fifth brother's son Hu Xiaobei took the order for knocking immortals, accompanied by them to participate in the fair. However, this person has no spiritual power in his body. He is obviously not a cultivator. He should have no spiritual roots. I am afraid that the opportunity of cultivating immortality was given to the fifth brother Hu Xiaobei.

Although he didn't cultivate immortality, his internal strength was still amazing, he had reached the level of an extremely master, and his comprehensive strength was comparable to a monk in the Open Vein Realm.

Think about it, this Hu Xiaodong gave the opportunity to cultivate immortality to his fifth brother, Hu Xiaobei, how could Hu Xiaobei not compensate? Although Hu Xiaodong has no spiritual roots, most of the resources he used for cultivation are wasted, but he can always absorb part of the refinement. It is impossible to become a cultivator, but he can completely raise his strength to the realm of the supreme master among the warriors. .

Not to mention his own strength, Hu Xiaodong has followed his fifth brother Hu Xiaobei for so many years, and he can be regarded as a person who has seen the world. As the elder brother of the fairy master, he has always been accustomed to pointing out, especially the Lingxi Valley where they are still One of the seven immortal gates of the Nine Provinces Continent, he simply doesn't look down on ordinary casual cultivators from the outside world, even if he knows that Qing Yang is a cultivator, he is not afraid at all.

"In Xia Qingyang, it's just a casual repair." Qing Yang said.

Qing Yang had already decided to leave Qingfeng Temple, but did not report his previous identity, but set himself up as a casual cultivator. As a result, Hu Xiaodong really thought that Qingyang was a casual cultivator without a foundation, and the little guard in his heart dissipated completely, so his face As soon as his smile closed, he sternly said: "It turned out to be Brother Qingyang. You are just a casual cultivator who just debuted. Don't you know that there are some things in this world that you should not be responsible for? Some people are not something you can provoke. Started?"

Seeing the other party so big, Qing Yang didn't get angry but laughed, "Yes, then please tell Brother Tiger, what are you guys, and see if I can afford it."

That Hu Xiaodong seemed to be indifferent to Qingyang's words, and said, "Speak out and scare you to death. My fifth brother, Hu Xiaobei, is a disciple of the outer courtyard of Lingxi Valley. He has the cultivation base of the fifth layer of Qi refining. I know what Lingxi Valley is. A place? That's one of the seven immortal gates in the Nine Provinces. You, a groundless casual cultivator, dare to take care of our nostalgia. It's really overwhelming!"

"Lingxi Valley? What a big name." Qing Yang sighed.

Hu Xiaodong didn't seem to hear the ridicule in Qingyang's words, and said triumphantly: "It's good to know that you are afraid, because you are also an immortal master, and cultivation is not easy. As long as you stop here, I don't need to pursue this matter. , If you don’t listen to advice and have to intervene, then don’t blame us for being impolite. When my invincible will come, even if it’s going to the sky, you will have to pay the price."

Qing Yang didn't expect that the words he used to persuade the other party before would be used by this person in a blink of an eye. The identity of the disciple in the inner courtyard of Lingxi Valley, coupled with the cultivation base of the fifth layer of Qi refining, is indeed a great strength in the outside world, let alone in the remote areas of Kaiyuan Mansion, even in Yuling City and Tujiao City. Planting a place can also shock one party, and few people dare to mess with it.

It’s a pity that he met Qingyang. Qingyang’s origin, Qingfeng Temple itself, is not weaker than Lingxi Valley. What's more, Qingyang is now in the foundation-building stage. A small mid-stage qi-refining cultivator is not placed at all. In his eyes.

Qing Yang sneered: "What if I have to manage it?"

"Then you are just toasting and not eating fine wine. You don't need the fifth brother to make a shot. Let us try your weight first." Hu Xiaodong gave an order, and more than 20 people under him lined up. , Everyone took out a special Wuhou crossbow and aimed at Qingyang.

Wuhou Crossbows have fast firing speed, strong head and feet, and highly poisonous arrows. They are very useful against strangers and strangers. Especially if the user is a group of sharp-eyed first and second-rate martial arts masters. After dozens of Wuhou crossbows shoot in a row, it is even in the open pulse state. It was difficult to deal with the casual cultivation in the later period, so Hu Xiaodongming would be so conceited when he knew that Qing Yang was a fairy master.

In his mind, the fifth brother Tiger Xiaobei has excellent qualifications, backed by the great cultivating sect of Lingxi Valley, it took more than 20 years to cultivate to the fifth level of Qi refining. This Qingyang is a casual cultivator with no background. It's small, and it's not bad to be able to cultivate the open pulse realm, and feel confident for a while.

Seeing Qingyang being confronted by so many masters with Wuhou crossbows, the little confidence that Wang Ping and Ni Qiurong had built up after hard work collapsed in an instant. This is more than 20 martial arts masters, each of them is a well-known figure in the martial arts, and the hand is a special Wuhou crossbow~www.readwn.com~ Can Qingyang Immortal Master handle it?

Not to say what they were thinking about, since Hu Xiaodong decided to do it, he didn't get muddled at all, and suddenly there was a loud roar. More than 20 Wuhou crossbows were activated at the same time, and more than 20 crossbow arrows shot towards Qingyang and sent out. There was a burst of sound breaking through the air.

Seeing that the crossbow arrow was about to shoot Qing Yang through, but Qing Yang on the opposite side did nothing, as if being frightened by the opponent's attack, Wang Ping and Ni Qiurong immediately covered their eyes in pain, and it was all over. Not only did it fail to rescue the leader of the Silver Beard Dragon King, but also took the life of Immortal Master Qingyang, the Jinsha Gang will probably disappear completely in the world in the future.

Even Hu Xiaodong had a smile on his face. What an immortal master, he was not as courageous as an ordinary warrior, and he was shocked by more than twenty Wuhou crossbows. Hahahaha, I didn't expect that one day, Hu Xiaodong would also be able to kill the so-called fairy master.

At this moment, the twenty-odd crossbow arrows were close to Qingyang. Seeing that Qingyang was shot through by the crossbow arrows, a light and shadow flashed across his body, instantly forming a transparent shield, blocking the shooting. Crossbow arrows coming.

The shield seemed to be extremely soft. As soon as the crossbow arrow touched the shield, the strength on it was completely removed. Then, with a light swing, it fell to the ground. None of the more than twenty crossbow arrows slipped through the net, and Qing Yang was on his body. The true element shield was not affected at all.

Seeing this scene, Hu Xiaodong couldn't help being dumbfounded. The smile on his face disappeared suddenly, replaced by a panic. He felt that he had understood the details of Qingyang, and he was confident enough to take this person, but he didn't. Thinking that this young man is so powerful, the Wuhou Crossbow that he prepared meticulously has no effect at all. Isn't this kid like his own fifth brother, is also a Qi-refining monk? But how could such a young qi refiner be a casual cultivator?

Drunken gourd

Drunken gourd

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