Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 668: : Inverse scale

Hu Xiaodong didn't know that Qing Yang didn't use his real means at all. The shield that blocked the crossbow bolt was only formed by temporarily using the true essence in his body. Instead, his defensive ability was the weakest among his various methods. , But this was not shot through by crossbow arrows.

   But think about it, Qing Yang is a foundation-building monk, using monks' methods to tease a group of ordinary people who are not as good as the open-vein realm monks, it is indeed a bit bullying. If Qing Yang was forced into a mess by a group of ordinary people, then the foundation-building cultivator would be too worthless.

Wang Ping and Ni Qiurong’s moods were just the opposite. They were already desperate, but suddenly they found that they had underestimated the immortal master’s ability and stood still. The Wuhou Nu of the Tigers had nothing to do with him. They hadn’t seen him for more than 20 years, Qing Master Yang Xian seems to be more powerful than before.

Qing Yang didn't have the habit of being beaten and not fighting back. He ignored the shock of these people. With a flick of his sleeves, he immediately rolled up the crossbow arrows that had fallen on the ground before, and then flicked it forward. Flew back toward the path, amazingly fast.

   More than twenty masters who shot crossbow arrows before, saw the crossbow arrows shooting towards them, but they wanted to hide and couldn't avoid them. They could only watch the crossbow arrows hit them. There were more than 20 people without exception.

   There is poison on the crossbow arrow, but it is not the kind of poison that sees blood in the throat, it will not kill for a while, and the group of people have an antidote on their bodies, so each of them was given a detoxification and healing.

   Qingyang watched these people's movements, and didn't stop them. Even if there was an antidote, these people couldn't do it for ten and a half months. The reason why Qing Yang did this was to leave a deep lesson to them, letting them know that the immortal master is not easy to provoke.

As soon as Qing Yang took action, he solved the more than 20 people he had brought. Now Hu Xiaodong finally confirmed that the young man in front of him is not easy to provoke. I am afraid that his true strength will not be lower than that of his fifth brother. , You pretend to be some kind of casual cultivator, it's really harmful.

   Tiger filially lied inwardly, and said, "Fairy Master Qingyang, I blamed me for having no eyes, and for how offensive, but also for the sake of my five brothers who are also monks, forgive me this time."

   Qingyang sneered and said, "Just now I yelled and killed, but now I know to beg for mercy? If I don't give your five disciples face, and insist on killing you, how can he help me?"

Hearing what Qing Yang said, Hu Xiaodong suddenly panicked in his heart. He has been domineering among ordinary people these years, relying on the identity and strength of the fifth brother. If the other party does not care about the face of the fifth brother, he insists on killing himself. , I am afraid that this time I am inevitable to die.

   "The fairy teacher is forgiving, it is all my fault, you should not offend your old man, the people of the Sands Gang, I will send someone back to them immediately." Hu Xiaodong begged for mercy.

   "I gave you the opportunity of the Tiger Gang before, but unfortunately you don't know the rareness, now it's too late to beg for mercy." Qing Yang said coldly.

Seeing that it was useless to beg for mercy, Hu Xiaodong also gave up, and said in grief: "My fifth brother is a disciple of the Lingxi Valley Outer Yard, one of the seven immortal gates on the Nine Provinces. You kill me, he will not give up, can you just Are you afraid that Lingxi Valley will trouble you?"

   "You too look up to yourself, Lingxi Valley is now too busy to take care of yourself, how can you stand up for you as an ordinary person?" Qing Yang said with disdain.

Seeing that Qingyang didn’t eat hard and soft, Hu Xiaodong had no idea, so he could only postpone his time and said, "Master, this time I will accept the tiger gang, whoever you want to save, I’ll let the tiger gang go anytime, even if it is. I'll admit it if I want to kill. I just beg you to wait a few more days in Kaiyuan Mansion. When my fifth brother comes back, I can ask him to use cultivation resources for my life, whatever the price you pay."

Hu Xiaodong deserves to have dealt with cultivators. He knows what cultivators value most. As long as they can obtain cultivation resources, let alone let the other party spare the life of an ordinary person, even if the immortal disciple can do it for him. Yes, let alone a loose-rooted cultivator? As long as the fifth brother comes back, there will be room for discussion between Zhan Shihe and Hehe.

   It's a pity that Qing Yang is not an ordinary casual cultivator, nor does he look down on the cultivation resources of a Qi-refining disciple, so he said coldly: "I don't have this idle time."

Hu Xiaodong thought Qingyang could not wait, and said quickly: "Master, I didn't mean to delay time, but my fifth brother is really not in the Tiger Gang. He went to Xiping Mansion ten days ago and waited for his affairs to be completed. It takes half a month to return to Kaiyuan Mansion."

   That Tiger Xiaobei went to Xiping Mansion? Qing Yang felt a little in his heart, and asked quickly: "Then why did Tiger Xiaobei go to Xiping Mansion?"

Hu Xiaodong thought that his conditions had moved Qingyang and hoped to save his life, he quickly explained: "My Tiger Gang has conquered the martial arts of Kaiyuan Mansion, and the next goal is to unify Xiping Mansion. The situation in Xiping Mansion is special, especially Qinglong Temple. He is an old Songhe Road, with unparalleled strength and respected morals. The martial arts people in the surrounding counties all admire him. In desperation, the five brothers can only go out in person. As long as this old Songhe Road is solved, the surrounding counties will definitely be surrendered."

Hearing the news of Master again, Qing Yang was immediately surprised and delighted. What was delighted was that Master was still alive and he could see Master immediately. What was shocked was that Hu Xiaobei went to deal with Master himself~www.readwn.com ~ No matter how strong Songhe Lao Dao is, it is only in the category of ordinary people. That Hu Xiaobei is a cultivator in the middle stage of Qi refining. How could the master be this person's opponent?

   Qing Yang had always spoken slowly, clinging to the other side's thoughts, but after hearing the news, he finally became calm, because this matter has been related to Master Songhe's old way, and an inadvertence may cause lifelong regret.

  Dragons have counter-scales and people have a bottom line. Master Songhe Lao Dao is the thickest bottom line in Qing Yang's heart. No one can touch it. Now that someone wants to beat Songhe Lao Dao, it is really a shame. Qing Yang suddenly let go, grabbing Hu Xiaodong, and saying coldly: "Say, tell me all about Hu Xiaobei's journey to Xiping Mansion."

   Qingyang was completely unconsciously exuding his aura this time. Naturally, it was also his base-building aura in his heyday. All the people present were ordinary people. How could it be able to bear it? Every one of his legs felt numb and numb, even Wang Ping and Ni Qiurong behind them were no exception.

Hu Xiaodong is also a person who has seen the world. He can't tell how high the real master is, but he can barely distinguish the strength of the cultivator. Judging from the momentum Qing Yang just released, it seems to be more powerful than the fifth brother. How many points, did you really hit the iron this time?

   Tiger Xiaodong suddenly became desperate. He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. The first time he made his shot, he provokes a fairy master who is more powerful than the fifth brother. In fact, he still didn't know that the real anger of Qingyang was not because the Tiger Gang offended the Sands Gang, but because Hu Xiaobei went to Xiping Mansion to find the trouble of Songhe Old Road.

  ~~~~~~Thanks to Thomassoo for the rewards, and one more chapter!

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