Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 669: : Baishan



   Qingyang's momentum was in full swing, and Hu Xiaodong's psychological defense was defeated, so he recounted the before and after, and even his experience with Hu Xiaobei in Lingxi Valley was not missed. Htts on mobile phone:


At the beginning, Hu Xiaodong and Hu Xiaobei quickly hurried with the order of knocking immortals, and finally rushed to the Sanxiu city in Nanzhou before the end of the knocking immortal meeting, but Hu Xiaodong had no spiritual roots, and finally worshipped into Lingxi Valley. Hu Xiaobei's fifth brother, Hu Xiaobei, also stayed with him.


   For more than 20 years, Hu Xiaobei has cultivated all the way to the fifth level of Qi Refining. Now that he is over fifty years old, he feels hopeless to build a foundation, so the two returned to their hometown Kaiyuan Mansion together. After all, he was born in a big gang, and his ideas are different from others. Hu Xiaobei feels that he has no chance to break through in his life anyway. It is better to be in the world, to revive the Tiger Gang, and to live the life of the Emperor Xiaoyao. , As long as the power is large enough, a lot of cultivation resources can be obtained in the world.


After making up his mind, Hu Xiaobei took over the position of gang leader from Hu Xiaozhong. The Tiger Gang, which had been keeping a low profile for more than 20 years, suddenly began to expand wildly, first for a month. Time unified Kaiyuan Mansion and then expanded towards Xiping Mansion.


Xiping Mansion is a dominating situation. There are many masters in Qinglong Temple, not to mention that there is a master Songhe who lives in the temple. This kind of strength does not necessarily work even if Hu Xiaodong takes people there, so it is Hu Xiaobei can only go out in person.


Hu Xiaobei set off ten days ago. It certainly won’t take so long at the speed of the Qi-refining monk, but he did it with the purpose of subduing the opponent. The most important thing is to build momentum, so the speed of action is not fast, ten days. Before letting out the wind, tomorrow is the day to worship the mountain.


What Hu Xiaodong said is that tomorrow is today, because they have been here all night, and the sky is about to brighten. At this time, it is less than an hour before dawn. If it were other monks, they would not be able to fly to Xiping in a day. Qinglong Temple in the mansion, Qingyang has no worries about this aspect. Using Yufeng Gourd, it can be reached at most three or four hours. If Tiger Xiaobei worships the mountain later, or if it is delayed by Master for a while, go now You still have time.


   But time is still very tight. A slight delay may be a lifelong regret. Thinking that Master is likely to encounter an accident, Qing Yang can't stand it for a moment. After clarifying the situation, Qingyang's fingers popped out two fireballs, which instantly set Hu Xiaodong and Hu Xiaozhong on fire.


   Tiger Xiaozhong's strength is low, and there is no sound in an instant. The Tiger Xiaodongqiang endured the flames and was unwilling to say, "Why, you promised to wait for the fifth brother to come back."


   "Those who violate Xiping Mansion die" Qingyang Road.


Qing Yang didn't explain so much, but Hu Xiaozhong still judged from the attitude changes before and after Qing Yang. The problem lies with Xiping Mansion, which means that the Songhe Old Road in Xiping Mansion is likely to be related to this person. If he died, it would not be considered wronged.


In just a few breaths, two living people were burned to death, and there was no ashes left. The others were so scared to see this scene, they only hated that they were blind, and even followed the Tiger Gang to provoke them. Fairy teacher. More than 20 famous figures in the martial arts, now all paralyzed on the ground, trembling all over, for fear that Qing Yang would deal with them easily.


   Qingyang ignored these people. Instead, he turned to Wang Ping and Ni Qiurong and said, "Things have changed. I must leave as soon as possible. You can handle the matters of the Sands Gang by yourself."


   After finishing speaking, Qing Yang's mind moved, and a huge gourd appeared in the air. Qing Yang slid gently and sat on the gourd's belly, and then the gourd flew away with him.


   Qingyang walked too quickly, and neither Wang Ping nor Ni Qiurong had time to answer. In fact, even if they wanted to say something at this time, they couldn't say anything. The fireball that was released at random, the giant gourd that took people to fly, all these were too shocking, they had been shocked and speechless, they were born out of nothing, flying with imperial objects, this is the real immortal means.


   After a long time, Wang Ping and Ni Qiurong woke up from the shock. They looked at the smelly courtyard and the warriors all over the ground. They were in trouble for a while.


   Immortal Master Qingyang went a little bit too quickly. Although the Tiger Brothers were dead, in case the group of people repented after recovering, the Jinsha Gang alone would not be able to control so many masters.


But their worries are unnecessary. These people have been scared a long time ago, especially the last scene, which has exceeded their knowledge and made them unforgettable. Unless Hu Xiaobei came back to force them personally, otherwise. They dare not fight against the Sands Gang anymore.


What's more, these people were not originally from the Tiger Gang. They were all temporarily incorporated by Hu Xiaobei using tough methods. They did not have much loyalty to the Tiger Gang. Now that both Hu Xiaodong and Hu Xiaozhong are dead, they will naturally no longer behave. The Tigers are working hard.


   Not only did these masters stop mentioning the Tiger Gang for their lives, they even stayed in the Jinsha Gang temporarily because of Qingyang's shock, helping them to rescue the Gang Leader Wang Yinlong. The Tiger Gang that had lost the Tiger Brothers was a castle in the air, which fell apart in an instant, and easily rescued Wang Yinlong.


After   , this group of warriors stayed in the Sands Gang and left until Wang Yinlong recovered from his injuries and the Sands Gang reopened. They even remembered Qingyang’s last sentence, that those who violated Xiping Mansion died. From then on, not only did they dare not to offend Xiping Mansion again, but they also tried their best to prevent others from provoke Xiping Mansion and kept the peace of Xiping Mansion’s martial arts. .


I won’t mention these later~www.readwn.com~ Qing Yang worried about Master’s safety and urged the flying spirit tool Yufeng Gourd to the extreme. The journey of thousands of miles only took a little more than two hours, and so on. After he saw Qinglong Mountain from a distance, his holding heart gradually let go.


Qinglong Mountain is not a place of cleanliness, but today’s crowds are exceptionally large. There are all kinds of weird ones. At first glance, they are not serious people, but these people have one thing in common, that is, they either wear weapons or know how to do it. Some martial arts are the so-called martial artists. When Qingyang passed by, he could even hear their talk.


   One of the thin warriors pulled a tall warrior in front and said, "Fly Cao Fei on the grass, from Shishan County, Xiping Prefecture, where did this brother come from?"


   The tall martial artist said, "In the Xia Ling Shang Jingang Tan Meng, from Xiping Prefecture Wild Pig Ridge, I heard that the warriors of Kaiyuan Prefecture were coming to Qinglong Temple to worship the mountain, so I came here to help out."


At this time, an old man next to him also came to join in the excitement and said, "The old man Moyun Mosan, a native of the martial arts forest in Qinglong County, has made friends with the Qinglong Temple scholars and monks, and even saw the Songhe old **** in Qinglong Temple, which can be considered here. Half landlord, thank you two for coming to help out." ntent


   drunk fairy gourd

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