Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 670: : Wu Lin Tong Dao

The old man was about sixty years old, and his two arms were so long that they could almost reach his knees. His nickname Moyunsou also had some origins. The two warriors seemed to have heard of Moyunsou's name, and he quickly arched his hands: "It turned out to be Senior Mo, really disrespectful. Mobile phone https://"

   The three of them were polite, and then Tan Meng couldn't help asking: "Senior Mo, have you ever seen the old fairy Songhe? Can you tell me what his old man looks like?"

Seeing the other party's initiative to ask, Mo San couldn't help stroking his beard, and then said slowly: "Songhe old god, his old man is naturally a crane with a childlike face and a fairy style, just like a god. It is said that he is an old man. The dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, with the unrestrained freedom of Taoism and the compassion of Buddhism, can be described as a rare generation of martial arts myths in the world."

After listening to Mo San's words, Tan Meng couldn't help showing his admiration and fascination, and said, "Sure enough, only the old **** is worthy of his old man's name. I will be content to have 10% of the old god's achievements in my life. Senior Mo, I heard that the old **** Songhe is over a hundred years old?"

Mo San smiled and said, "Of course, when my grandfather was walking around in Xiping Mansion, the old **** Songhe had a certain reputation. It's over, do you think there is a hundred years old?"

Cao Fei couldn't help sighing, "According to what Senior Mo said, it has been at least 70 or 80 years for the old **** Songhe to become famous, so his true age is indeed over a hundred years old. The truth is enviable this time. You must pay close attention to it."

Mo San nodded and said, "You are coming from afar. You really should take the opportunity to visit, but don't forget the business of our trip. Then when the Tiger Gang of Kaiyuan Mansion came to find the old fairy Songhe, it was just to Spiritually hit me at Xiping Mansion's martial arts, so that we can completely succumb to him. His heart is shameful. Naturally, our Xiping Mansion martial arts colleagues can't make him succeed."

   "That's right, let's go up the mountain to help out, and we must not let the Tigers look down upon them." After speaking, the three raised their strength and hurried towards the Qinglong Temple.

Qing Yang flashed past these people's heads, but he also heard a few comments from them, especially those words about Master. Qing Yang couldn't help laughing. If he didn't know the details of his master, he might have believed this. Three's words were open.

Songhe’s veteran has played a big game in his life. If he says that he is free and unrestrained, his compassionate heart is completely nonsense. Master has been deceived and deceived in this life. Compassion, this is far worse than the master of emptiness.

   Thinking of the master right in front, Qing Yang speeds up a bit.

  The warriors from all over the place are still rushing in, but they don't know that the tiger Xiaobei has already arrived at the Qinglong Temple. In the main hall of the Qinglong Temple, the two groups formed two distinct factions.

   Leaning on the side of the Buddha statue inside, stood a dozen or so monks, large and small, tall, short, fat and thin, young and old. The only thing in common was that they were all warriors.

  The most conspicuous one is a tall monk in the middle. This man is stout and tall, with his head almost touching the beam of the house, standing there like an iron tower. This person is a well-known super master in Xiping Mansion, both internally and externally.

Next to Xuanzhu was a chair on which sat an old Taoist priest. This old Taoist priest had white beard and hair, deep wrinkles, a rickety figure, covered with age spots on top and bottom, and the whole body was extremely thin, shriveled and shriveled. It seems that a gust of wind can blow away.

The old Taoist's eyes were slightly squinted, and he looked like sleeping instead of sleeping. Such a declining old man seems to be able to push down a child, but from the occasional glint in his eyes, it can be judged that this old Taoist is really not on the surface. It's so simple to see.

   This old Taoist priest is no one else. It is Qingyang's master Songhe Old Tao, and he is also the only great master in Xiping Mansion. As for the original host of the Qinglong Temple, that is, Xuanzhu’s master, the Master of Empty Silence, he passed away not long after Qingyang left last time. The reason why Songhe Old Dao has survived to the present is completely dependent on Qingyang sending it back last time. The blood lotus root continues to live.

On the opposite side of the monk, there are three people standing side by side. The middle one is in his early fifties and wears a strong black suit. In fact, he is restrained and does not seem surprisingly. His appearance is somewhat similar to Hu Xiaodong and Hu Xiaobei. , The cultivation base of the fifth level of refining Qi is exactly that of Hu Xiaobei, the fifth brother of the tiger family.

   On the left is a red-faced man in his thirties. He is ordinary in appearance and simple in dress. Only the red face is more noticeable. This person is Hong Mantian’s son, Hong Shenghe. After Hong Mantian’s death, Hong Shenghe and his old servant lived alone on Hexin Island. He was lucky. A few years later, he inadvertently opened his veins, so he followed the exercises left by his father. Cultivation reached the fifth level of the Open Vein Realm.

More than a month ago, Hu Xiaobei returned to the Tiger Gang, facing the middle-term cultivation base of Qi training realm, but also from the famous sect, Hu Xiaobei~www.readwn.com~ Hong Shenghe couldn't afford any resistance, so He obediently became his subordinate, and this time came to Qinglong Temple with Hu Xiaobei.

The forty-year-old woman on the right is also a casual cultivator near Kaiyuan Mansion. She is on the sixth floor of the Open Vein Realm. This woman is just like Hong Shenghe. After knowing the details of Hu Xiaobei, she immediately took refuge in Tigers. Gang became one of Hu Xiaobei's two casual cultivators.

In addition, outside the main hall, there are many warriors onlookers, roughly at least hundreds of people, like Mo San, Cao Fei, Tan Meng, came from all over to help Qinglong Temple, the original trouble Noisy wanted to break into the main hall to cheer, but Hong Shenghe and the woman were taught a lesson. They killed two violent people, and the rest immediately retreated.

   Hong Shenghe took a shot to calm the group of people outside, and then took a few steps forward, staring at Old Songhe and said: "Old Songhe, how are you thinking about us if we help the Lord?"

The biggest difference between a cultivator and a warrior is that one can refining and absorb external spiritual energy, and the other is that it can be sent out to form a deterrent to the enemy. Although the true strength of Songhe Lao Dao is not lower than that of Hong Shenghe, it can also feel that. He opened his eyes slightly and said, "Since the Tiger Clan leader has the ambition to unify the martial arts world in the surrounding counties, he can just let it go, so why bother to ask me, someone outside?"

"Old Songhe, are you pretending to be confused or really confused? No one in the room knows that you are the spiritual leader of Xiping Mansion's martial arts. If you, the spiritual leader, refuses to succumb to the Tiger Gang, other warriors will definitely face us. Convinced." Hong Shenghe sneered.

   drunk fairy gourd

   drunk fairy gourd

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