Drunken Immortal Gourd

Chapter 671: : Songhe died

   Songhe Old Road didn't pay attention to that Hong Shenghe anymore, it was just a dogleg, what length can you compete with him? Old Songhe turned his head to look at Hu Xiaobei, and said, "You are Hu Zhenheng's son, Hu Xiaobei, right? You are really a tiger father without a dog. https://think about me and the monk Kongji, and your five This uncle secretly explored treasures together, almost a lifetime of nine deaths. After he came out, the immortal master only rewarded him with an order to knock the immortal, but he did not expect that it would eventually make you cheaper."

Hearing the old story of Songhe, Hu Xiaobei snorted coldly, and said: "Old Songhe, it is on this point of friendship more than 20 years ago that I took the initiative to talk to you so much nonsense, don’t you I thought I would let you go if I mentioned these things."

Old Songhe smiled and shook his head, and said: "I don't dare to expect that you will let me go. I said this is to remind you. I remember the sudden rise of the Tiger Gang more than 20 years ago. Within time, Kaiyuan Mansion was settled, and after that, I wanted to expand towards Xiping Mansion. As a result, there was a sudden change. The Tigers’ brothers died and injured, and the Tigers also suffered a great loss. It can be seen that it is God’s will. You are going against the sky. I’m afraid. Don't die well."

   Hearing what Songhe said, Hu Xiaobei became angry and said, "Dare you curse me?"

Hong Shenghe next to him also took a step forward and shouted: "Old Songhe, do you want to die? Those martial arts people outside call you old gods, do you think you are really gods? In the eyes of our cultivators, warriors like you simply fart. No, it’s easy to solve you."

   Songhe Old Road was not intimidated by Hong Shenghe's momentum, he laughed twice, and said, "Really? If that's the case, why bother with your tongue?"

   "You..." Hong Shenghe's momentum suddenly stagnated.

Seeing Songhe’s old way of being soft and hard, Hu Xiaobei also lost his patience. As a cultivator, he has always regarded ordinary people as ants, and he is very persuasive, but the other party always pushes them back and forth. It is really shameless, since he is soft. No, let's be hard.

   Tiger Xiaobei's expression suddenly changed, and he released the aura of his heyday, and walked towards Songhe Old Road with boundless coercion.

   Don't think that Hu Xiaobei is just a mid-stage Qi refining cultivator, but the aura is completely released, and it can't be resisted by ordinary warriors, especially this Hu Xiaobei is only aimed at one person. At first, Songhe Old Dao could behave as if nothing had happened, but soon he couldn't bear it. His body sitting in the chair became a little more upright, and his expression became dignified.

   The boundless coercion was all exerted, Song He felt like he was carrying a mountain on his body, extremely heavy, this kind of pressure was everywhere, and it was almost breathless.

Twenty years ago, Songhe Lao Dao had seen the momentum released by the immortal master Xiying of Zhuji before entering the secret area. He felt that his strength had improved a lot in recent years, and Hu Xiaobei was obviously better than the immortal master of Naxi. The strength is far behind, and with his own strength, he should be able to give it a try.

Only now did he realize that the warrior still couldn’t compare with the immortal cultivator. The reason why he had the illusion that he could try was either because he had been merciful under Master Xiying, or because he hadn’t met an opponent in the past few years. A little swelled.

After all, Hu Xiaobei was only a cultivator in the middle stage of refining qi, and the aura was only a deterrent method, not a real attack. Although Songhe Old Road was under great pressure, it was still able to barely support it, but it was more difficult. Gradually, Songhe Old Road’s forehead Seeing sweat, my body also trembled.

   Tiger Xiaobei came to Songhe Lao Dao step by step, his eyes released a dazzling light, staring at him forcefully and said: "Songhe Lao Dao, will you drop or not?"

   Songhe Lao Dao raised his head laboriously, looked at the other party with a smile but did not speak, but from his eyes it could be seen that Songhe Lao Dao had no intention of surrendering.

Seeing that Songhe Old Dao was struggling to deal with it, Xuanzhu couldn’t help but persuade him in a low voice, “Dao Songhe, why don’t you surrender them? You said yesterday that you can’t do anything but obey. They are all immortal cultivators, not us. These mortals can resist."

The news that Hu Xiaobei is coming to worship the mountain has spread long ago. Songhe Lao Dao and the others have also inquired about the background of Hu Xiaobei's immortal cultivators, so they discussed it yesterday. If they really can’t fight it, they will temporarily obey each other. Unexpectedly, when things came to an end, Songhe Old Way changed his mind.

Hearing Xuanzhu’s words, Old Songhe smiled laboriously, and said, "Do you know why I changed my mind? Because I have a hunch, Xiao Za Mao will come back to see me. I am his master, so I can’t give it to him at this time. Shame, so I can only carry it to the end."

Hearing that Qingyang is coming back, Xuanzhu was overjoyed at first, and then said, "Dao Master Songhe, you mean Qingyang is coming back? Qingyang is also a fairy master. There must be a way for him to come back, but we don’t know when he will come back. Come back, in case the Tigers go on a slaughter, we are not opponents..."

Xuanzhu has something to say, but Hu Xiaobei can't wait~www.readwn.com~ yelled at the two people: "I have done my best to you. Since you are deliberately seeking death, don't blame me. Yes, Hong Shenghe, kill them for me."

   Hong Shenghe was also impatient to wait a long time ago. Seeing the master gave an order, his figure flashed and he was about to take the life of Songhe Lao Dao. At this moment, Old Songhe suddenly raised his head and muttered while looking at the distance: "He's back, he's back, I'm completely relieved."

   "What? What did you say?" Hong Shenghe said angrily.

   Songhe Old Road smiled, did not speak any more, but slowly closed his eyes, and then he stiffened and sat on the chair without moving. At this time, looking at the old Songhe Road, there was no vitality in the whole body, and it was obvious that he had become immortal, and just sat down.

   Xuanzhu didn't react for a while. He froze for a while, then seemed to think of something, then folded his hands together, bowed deeply to Songhe Old Road, closed his eyes and read the scripture. The other monks seemed to understand what had happened, so they began to read one by one after Xuanzhu, and the Sanskrit sound pierced all around, and suddenly there was a sense of solemnity in the whole hall.

   Actually, this is not a surprise. Songhe is over a hundred years old, he is half buried in the earth, and he can live to this day, relying entirely on the blood lotus root sent back by Qingyang last time.

In recent years, the old Songhe Road has been exhausted, but it is still dying. Even if today’s incident does not happen, there will not be a few days to live, and Hu Xiaobei’s aura and coercion have only brought this result forward. Just a few days. Songhe Lao Dao had anticipated this a long time ago, and he had also explained to Xuan Zhu and others, so everyone was not surprised.

   drunk fairy gourd

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